Sentimental Saint/C18 Great Grievance
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Sentimental Saint/C18 Great Grievance
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C18 Great Grievance

Even after thinking hard for nearly four hours, he still could not come up with any clues. Wu Yan once again looked at Jeges and said, "Teacher, you don't need to keep us in suspense." You must have come up with a way to overcome a Summoner's weakness hundreds of years ago. Could it be that you have the heart to watch your only student of the past hundred years become an idiot because of overuse of his brain? " Wu Yan's face was full of pleading. It was as if he had suffered some great grievance.

Yeges helplessly shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I didn't say I wouldn't tell you. It's just that you've been thinking about it, and you don't understand what I'm saying at all. That's why I just took my own afternoon tea. I don't want to disturb your train of thought. "

The meaning behind Yeges' words was very obvious. He was just blaming Wu Yan for thinking that he was smart. Wasting time that could have been used to explain.

Fortunately, Jaggs was not a petty person. After snorting twice at Wu Yan, he suddenly laughed and said, "It is not impossible to conclude a contract with a magical beast. However, it had to be in a very special place. That place seemed to exist for summoners. In another space guarded by nine Infernals. "— Nine Heavens Demon World.

"Yes." If you want to gain the recognition of magical beasts, make them obediently sign a summoning contract with you. Then there was only one way, and that was to defeat their king. In other words, the most powerful magical beast guarding that floor. "

When the final impression appeared in his mind, Wu Yan opened his eyes once again. He looked at the protector of the first level of the Nine Sky Demon World who was half-kneeling in front of him. "An earth elemental golden-armored knight." Now I have defeated you. Am I able to summon a magical beast from the Demon World at will? "

The Golden-armoured Knight's glowing red eyes trembled for a moment. Then, he used his rough voice and said, "Yes, great Sir Wu Yan. You have already defeated me with your own strength. At the same time, it was also the magical beast that had conquered the thick layer of earth. I will give you half of my King's Origin. In the future, whether in this world or the world you came from. You will always call out any of my men to your service. "

"Any men?" Wu Yan hesitated for a moment and said, "What if the one I want to summon is you?"

It wasn't the first time that a Golden-Armored Knight had faced a challenger from another world. But this was the first time they heard of such a greedy challenger. He was still not satisfied with having all his subordinates summoned, and even wanted to use him as a contracted magical beast.

The knight's glowing red eyes trembled once again, "Esteemed Wu Yan, without a doubt, your strength is above mine. It would be an honor to serve you. But I have an important responsibility to balance the world. you can't even take a single step out of this hall. "

The hall mentioned by the Golden Knight was the palace that Wu Yan was currently in. Although it couldn't be considered magnificent, as the ruler of the lower level magical beasts of the first level of the Nine Heavens Demon World, it wasn't a very strong situation. To be able to build such a building to serve as a backdrop for his identity was already quite good. After all, in this world, the residences of the lower ranked magical beasts were nothing more than caves or broken houses constructed from bricks. Compared to things that can't even be called buildings. This huge and simple house could indeed be described as a palace.

Standing in this seemingly simple palace, Wu Yan couldn't help but to start reminiscing about that simple and refined stone room of Yeggs. Or, to be more precise. It was this palace that reminded him of the beginning of this month's arduous journey …

So. Ever since the day he heard about the existence of the Nine Air Devil Realm from Jegers … … Under Wu Yan's continuous questioning. Finally, in a fit of rage, Jaeger threw him into the Nine Heavens Demon World. Moreover, it limited his time of three months, so he had to rely entirely on his own ability to survive in the Nine Heavens Demon World.

Unfortunately, the moment Wu Yan stepped into this world that was ruled by the Beastmen, he immediately became a monster. Dozens of beastmen attacked him.

Fortunately, Wu Yan was worthy of being the true successor to the Fantasy Star. He played the strategy of running away if he couldn't win.

In addition, Wu Yan was already an expert with the strength of a Heaven Knight. In terms of speed. Even the fastest Gnome Wolf Cavalry Soldiers in the thick soil would not be able to catch up to him.

Each time, they would just run into the group of beastmen, and after a few exchanges, Wu Yan would disappear completely.

And if he encountered a small group of orcs. Wu Yan would not run. The hatred that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time had naturally found a place to vent it. However, in this way, he could only pity those innocent beastmen who just so happened to appear in front of him.

Of course, not all Beastmen would attack humans as soon as they saw them. At least, Wu Yan had once encountered such an orc village.

Not only were they not surprised by Wu Yan's ability, but they were also surprised. He even enthusiastically invited Wu Yan to a banquet in the village.

As a thank you, Wu Yan had helped those passionate beastmen fight off the beastmen bandits who often came to harass the village.

Even when Wu Yan was heading towards the thick earth king's palace. The friendly Beastmen had even specially prepared a map for him. The map was very detailed, and even the palace guards' arrangement was indicated. This way, he would be able to avoid a lot of mistakes and mistakes. It could also save as much stamina as possible before encountering the final Boss with a thick layer of earth.

With Wu Yan's current strength, even without the help of friendly Beastmen, he could easily defeat the Earth Knight, who was the controller of the thick soil. However, he still felt very grateful in his heart.

In front of the teleportation gate that leads to the next realm of the Nine Sky Demon World. Wu Yan tightly embraced one of the Elders from the Blue Night Mouse Tribe and said, "Elder Meng, thank you for taking care of me these past few days. If I have the chance in the future, I will definitely come back and visit you. "

The Blue Night Mouse also possessed intelligence. However, because magical beasts could only be considered as inferior magical beasts, they didn't understand the human language. They chattered for a long time. Elder Amon patted Wu Yan's shoulder with his tiny mouse claw. He seemed to be saying, "Take care."

"Take care!" Wu Yan said goodbye to Elder Amon forcefully. He turned around and walked towards the portal.

At the side of the portal. The Earth Knight's golden armor caught Wu Yan's eye. Stopping, Wu Yan said seriously, "The thick soil is under my control. Can I ask you for a favor?"

The knight slightly nodded and said, "Dear Braveheart, please speak your mind. You have conquered me with your strength. As long as it is within my capabilities, I will definitely do my best. "

Wu Yan turned around and looked at Elder Amon, as well as the few Blue Night Mouse youths beside Elder Amon. He sincerely said to the knight, "I hope that you will be able to take care of them a little in the future. Although I also understand the law of the jungle. However, the power of a Blue Night Mouse was too weak. I only hope that you can give them as much protection as possible before they become strong. "With the power of the Blue Night Rats, one day, they will grow into a magical beast horde that can rule over a region in a thick layer of earth."

It wasn't just the wind and the sand that caused the trouble. Most of all, in the vast, sandy sea of the hurricane, dangers could appear at any time.

For example, it was a type of demonic beast that specialized in drilling in the desert — Sand Worms.

Is it happening again? What a bunch of guys who didn't know how to learn from their mistakes.

Wu Yan let out a cold snort and forcefully stomped his feet on the ground. In the blink of an eye, he had leapt tens of meters into the air.

The second after Wu Yan leapt up, a huge sand dune suddenly appeared on the sand. With a "puchi", the sand at the top of the sand dune was like a sharp arrow, shooting towards Wu Yan.

Along the way, Wu Yan didn't only encounter one or two bugs. This sort of magical beast was nearly eight meters long, completely covered in a hard shell, and had over a hundred sharp 'legs'. Wu Yan had already thought of a way to deal with this.

All of a sudden, his non-elemental battle qi became solid. It transformed into a colourless, translucent shield in front of him. The flying sand arrow collided with the shield formed from non-elemental battle qi. It was as if the snow had melted.

Even though Xiang Tian's sword was not sharp enough. However, its absolutely sturdy blade had always been Wu Yan's trump card.

Swivelling towards the sky sword at high speed, the Revolving Slash combined with the Phantom Sword and formed a layer of sword Qi a web around the three-meter-tall monster. The worm's head was firmly fixed in the sand. Make it unable to escape back into the ground.

Before the first move was completed, a new move was launched. When Wu Yan landed on the ground, he immediately took a light step back. He put some distance between himself and the bug. Next, he pointed the sword toward the worm's only weakness — its two huge eyes on the side of its head. He launched a charge.

The Illusory Swords combined with Wu Yan's high speed force and instantly pierced through a pair of the sand bug's eyes. But it wasn't over yet. The location of the eye was pierced, although it had severely injured the worm. But not enough to kill. Struggling with all his might, he memorized that the sword net that Wu Yan had placed down earlier immediately began to loosen up. The bugs were about to break free and escape into the ground.

The worm is a very vengeful magical beast. Just like the Whirlwind Wolves, as long as one of them received damage from the enemy, they would immediately group up and attack the enemy. The only difference was that the Whirlwind Wolves were social creatures. The worm, on the other hand, is in individual units. Only when they felt that their lives were in danger did they send out a distress signal to their companions. Thus, he would lure his companions.

As long as there was sand, there were worms. This was what Wu Yan heard from an old man when he was wandering through a desert country.

From a distance, almost the entire hurricane zone was made up of wind and sand. So how many bugs would there be?

Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Or millions?

Regardless of which number it was, Wu Yan definitely could not afford it. Therefore, he absolutely could not allow this worm in front of him to escape. Otherwise, it would be hard for him to even take a single step in the hurricane.

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