Sentimental Saint/C2 Rebirth of Scutellaria
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Sentimental Saint/C2 Rebirth of Scutellaria
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C2 Rebirth of Scutellaria

Fallen Angel Gibson clearly understood the God of Death's Envoy Jeffrey's tyranny. Back then, when Satan attacked the God Realm, many War Gods were no match for him, but this Envoy of Death, Jeffrey, was able to fight against him and fought against him for nine days and nights without being able to win. From this, one could imagine just how tyrannical the God's messenger Jeffrey was.

Fallen Angel Gibson also knew that even though he had reached the realm of Satan, there was still a huge gap between this realm and the overbearing Death God's Envoy, Jeffrey. Thus, no matter what, he was not his match.

Thus, when he saw the dazzling brownish-red death flash from the sword, Fallen Angel Gibson knew that his time was near, but he was unwilling to be killed in such a manner because he still had too many things to worry about: his beautiful and charming wife, Gloria, and, of course, that lively and lovable angel with crystallized black wings, the Fallen Angel.

Therefore, Fallen Angel Gibson wanted to escape, but he quickly turned around and used all his strength to flap the pair of black Angel Wings behind him in an attempt to escape as fast as he could.

Fallen Angel Gibson's pair of black Angel Wings was indeed powerful. In just 0.01 seconds, he was able to fly for thousands of kilometers.

Death's messenger, Jeffrey, saw Fallen Angel Gibson struggling and gave him one final piece of advice: "Gibson, you'd better give up. No matter how powerful your pair of black Angel Wings is, or how fast you can escape, you can't be faster than the speed of that deadly light. Therefore, if you keep on persisting in this matter, I will proclaim that this day next year will be the day that you, the leader of the Fallen Angels, die. "

But the Fallen Angel Gibson could not hear the angel of death at all — Jeffrey saw the Fallen Angel Gibson's final words of advice, because his determination to break with the Lord God King had been made so that he would never return, so that even "death" would defend his sacred love.

Thus, Fallen Angel Gibson flapped his black Angel Wings a few more times and flew another ten thousand kilometers.

Jeffrey, the Envoy of the God of Death, could not help but laugh bitterly at Fallen Angel Gibson's stubbornness. He shook his head, and then raised the God-Slaying Sword into the air. He then placed both of his hands on his chest to form a lotus-shaped seal.

The Fallen Angel, Gibson, wanted to make one last struggle, but once again, he flapped his black Angel Wings and flew another thirty thousand kilometers.

A deathly light flashed, and all sound disappeared.

Just as Fallen Angel Gibson was trying his best to escape, the envoy of death, Jeffrey, finished his mysterious forbidden spell. But then, a sword light flashed, and like a giant bolt of lightning, the lecherous and amorous Fallen Angel Gibson's huge head was immediately sliced off by the God Slaying Sword.

After cutting down the Fallen Angel Gibson, the Envoy of Death, Jeffrey, reached out his hand and pulled out the three-month-old black-winged angel, Fallen Angel, born of God's wrong love, from the arms of the mortal Qinroya. He then waved his divine hand, sending the angel back into the cycle of reincarnation.

However, when they heard that person, that black-winged angel who was born from God's wrong love — The Fallen Angel let out a blood-curdling screech as a wisp of her soul shot into the distance …

However, there was a Holy Light Empire on the continent of Ilan. Southwest of the Empire, there was a Pson City, a city with very developed commerce. Its population was about 70 million people, and there were tens of thousands of merchants.

There was a beautiful princess in the Holy Light Empire named He Lin. This woman had a very beautiful appearance and an unparalleled charm. She was enough to make every normal adult man on the continent stop when they saw her, and the rate of turning back was one hundred percent.

There was a hoodlum in Pucson who called the hoodlum Lai Shui Pi. There was a master at making steamed buns called the merchant, Steamed Bun Si. They had met each other for some reason and had reached a tacit understanding of each other.

At some point in time, a vagabond man had appeared in Pusheng. He had a head full of black hair and had a strange appearance. He looked just like the black-winged angel from back then — the Fallen Angel.

However, the people did not know the background of this black-haired wandering man. One legend said that he was a barbarian that came out from the collapse of Langming Mountain that day, while the other legend said that he was the incarnation of the ancient lecherous god, Blackwing's angel, Fallen Angel.

That day, however, she had returned from hunting with Princess Fi and was riding on a carriage pulled by two fine horses, heading straight for Pucson City.

The presence of Princess Fang had already alarmed the officials and the people of the city, who were trying everything they could to meet her, while the people, especially the normal adult men, tried every means to catch a glimpse of her charm, and so they all stood at the best position in the street, waiting for her to arrive.

The most lecherous thing in the world is a hooligan.

When the rascal, Rishui, heard that he was going on a tour of the city with Princess Fibre, he wanted to see her face, and imagined that if there was a chance, he could tease her a little, and that he would be willing to die under her charming dress at once.

As a result, the rogue Lishui came to the merchant steamed bun bunks early in the morning, hoping to get 2 steamed buns to eat. Then he would have the strength to tease that elegant, graceful and beautiful Princess Hiliang.

"Businessman Steamed Bun Si, it's said that she's even more beautiful than Princess Fibre. Have you seen her before? Is she real or fake?" The Brawler asked while biting the steamed bun he had bought from the merchant Steamed Bun Four.

Seeing that the hoodlum was so angry, the merchant, Steamed Bun Invasion, couldn't help but look at him with contempt in his heart. Without even raising his head, he coldly said, "I'm a princess and you're a hoodlum. You don't have to act like a hoodlum. "Anyway, even if all the men in the world are dead, she still won't marry you, a damn scoundrel."

The Brawler Rishui was really unconvinced to hear the merchant's words, so he said, "Dead man businessman, Steamed Bun, don't you have such a venomous mouth, okay? You say I can't, but can you? Even if I, Princess, starved to death, I wouldn't eat your smelly steamed bun. "

"Scoundrel, I want to do business, I'm not in the mood to listen to your bullshit. "I still advise you to just eat your steamed buns and not be too delusional."

After he finished speaking, he saw the merchant wave his hand and a big steamed bun that he hadn't sold yesterday shot towards the Brawler.

The Brawler knew that when this dead man's steamed buns were fresh they were both soft and delicious, but if he let them stay the night, they would become hard and unpalatable. Especially this dead man's steamed buns that were made of steamed buns; because of their unique formula, they would become harder than stone after one night.

Thinking of this, that Brawler angrily dodged to the side and easily dodged the bullet like bun attack.

However, there was one person who wasn't as lucky as that Brawler. He was hit by the steamed bun that was as hard as stone. He staggered and almost fell down.

It was the man with the black hair.

It turned out that this black-haired wandering man was starving at this time, but he didn't have any stationery on him, so he wandered over to the side of the steamed bun shop of the merchant Steamed Bun Fourth, wanting to take the opportunity to beg for some steamed buns.

Killing to pay with one's life was a law in this continent, even merchants would understand.

Therefore, when he accidentally saw that hard mantou, which he threw out to hit that black-haired vagabond, he was uncontrollably shocked, as he was afraid that it would take his life. Then, he himself would face a great disaster, so he walked in front of the black-haired vagabond and asked in concern, "You, weren't you beaten to death, were you?"

When the black haired man heard the businessman Steamed Bun Invasion talking to him like this, he cursed in his heart, "F * ck your sister, what a jinx."

However, he was short on ambition, so the black haired man did not dare to curse, but only shook his head a few times.

However, the merchant, Steamed Bun Si, was not worried at all. Killing people to pay for their lives was one of the laws on this continent, so he dragged the black-haired man to look through his entire body, only after seeing that there were no injuries on his body was he able to calm his heart.

At this time, two knights came into the street. They quickly rushed into the city and arrived in front of the city's gate, waiting for Princess Fi. They then stammered out, "Reporting to the lord, Princess Fi …"

"What the fuck kind of bird language are you talking about? Hearing you say that I'm confused. " However, at the most critical moment, he didn't dare to act out, afraid that he would be unable to catch up with Princess Fang Jian and delay matters. Thus, he helplessly smiled and said, "You guys are in a hurry to go into reincarnation, why don't you slowly explain it to your father?"

A knight heard this and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva. He composed himself and then said, "Reporting to the lord, something bad has happened. The horse that was riding on the horse carriage with Princess Si Wen Ming just now was frightened and began to run crazily. Now it is heading towards us, so please give the order to pull the two mad horses and disperse the crowd."

Hearing this knight's report, Pfeiffer City's City Lord was burning with anxiety, because if something happened between him and Princess Fang Jian in his territory, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

Thus, the city lord of Pefir immediately ordered, "Pass on my orders: Tell our best grooms in the city to hurry and hold back that mad horse, and also tell the city's soldiers to evacuate the onlookers."

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