Shouts from Desolate Village/C10 Anorexia
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Shouts from Desolate Village/C10 Anorexia
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C10 Anorexia

What the f * ck was this? He had been kind enough to be a donkey.

Your father is a true person, alright? I'm learning from Lei Feng.

The truth was that sometimes, even the Thunder Faction would be struck by lightning.

Zhao Er finally caught up with me, holding his kitchen knife and cutting my door open with a swishing sound.

Bang bang bang bang, Yang Chujiu! Otherwise, this daddy will set your house on fire! "

Bastard only just got out, he hit him, I was inside panting.

The loud banging outside alarmed both and his parents who were in the room.

Cuihua was in the kitchen washing pots and bowls, rushing out with her apron on, just in time to bump into me.

"Ninth day, what's wrong? "Who's outside?" Cuihua asked.

I raised my hand to wipe off my sweat, and angrily said, "Brother Zhao Er, he wants to kill me."

"Ah?" Why? Why would he want to kill you? "

"Isn't it all because of Sun Guilan?" I angrily said: "Sun Guilan is sick, your uncle is currently massaging her. Coincidentally, Big Brother Zhao Er came back, and thought that I was touching her wife."

"You." Cuihua was speechless, she raised her hand and tapped me on the forehead: "You, you really do evil things with good intentions, I've never seen you so useless."

"Sister, what do you think we should do?" My eyes were full of prayers for my sister-in-law's help.

Cuihua waved her hands, "Quickly, go into the house and don't come out. I'll take care of him."

"Oh, thank you, sister-in-law." With a grunt of assent, I ducked into the house as if I had a rocket on my hip.

It's not that my bro insisted on pushing the woman out, the key thing was to understand Zhao Er's temper.

Brother Zhao Er was usually more honest, he did not get angry, nor would he get angry at women.

I know he won't do anything to Cuihua. Furthermore, with Cuihua's capabilities, he would be able to take care of that brat Zhao Er.

Cuihua tidied her clothes, was stubborn, and opened the door. She discovered that Zhao Er was standing outside aggressively.

"Brother Zhao Er, what's wrong with you?" Cuihua was neither angry nor warm, her face was full of smiles.

Zhao Er was the first to be startled when he saw Cuihua, and said: "I'm not looking for you, get out of the way! I am looking for Yang Chujiu. "

"Why are you looking for ninth grade?" He's not home? "

"Stop pretending!" He ran in and I saw him. " Without saying a word, Brother Zhao Er pushed Cuihua away and stepped into the courtyard.

He held onto his kitchen knife and continued to shout, "Yang Chujiu, if you are a man, then come out! Don't hide your head and hide your tail. Do you have the guts to admit to it? I want to fight you for three hundred rounds. "

Inside, I thought to myself, "Fight your ass!" I'm not going to fight you for the courage of a man.

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing? Are there still any laws? This is my house, if not I'll call the police! " Cuihua was unwilling to let him go, so she stuck her chest out and forked her waist, blocking Zhao Er's path. His eyes were as wide as a barbell as they stared at him.

Zhao Er did not bother with him and continued to howl: "Yang Chujiu! You touched my wife while I wasn't home! Do you want me to touch it again? Are you coming out? You're not coming out, right? I burned your bird's nest. "

While speaking, Zhao Er moved. He picked up a carrying pole from the wall and smashed it onto anything he saw.

Ding! Clang! Ka-cha! * Crash.

In the blink of an eye, the water tank in my house was smashed apart by this kid, and this wasn't all. He rushed into the kitchen, and all the pots and pans were smashed into pieces.

Then, he came out of the kitchen and rushed into my granary. He smashed a hole in the granary and scattered the food all over the ground.

Even the piglet in the pigsty was not spared. After being hit by a carrying pole, the piglet squeaked as it ran back and forth.

I was so angry in the house that I picked up a rolling pin and was about to go out and fight him.

When a tiger doesn't show its might, do you think I'm a sick cat that bullies our family without an adult?

But my parents held on to my hand and didn't let me out.

The old man was timid and had always swallowed his anger.

Mother held my arm and said, "Ancestor, let's bear with it. Who can't you touch? Why did he have to touch Zhao Er's wife? "He's a fool."

When Zhao Er crashed down on the courtyard, Cuihua was furious. The woman was not willing to accept it, so she also picked up another carrying pole and followed up to Zhao Er to beat him up.

"Zhao Er, bully my ninth day, I will fight it out with you! Why not your wife? My family's ninth day is still filled with virgins. "

Zhao Er did not dodge, and got hit on the shoulder several times.

"Go away, this is between me and the 9th day, don't get involved!"

"The ninth day is my brother, so his business is my business. "You should compensate my family's vat, accompany me's pot and bowl, and compensate my piglets."

Cuihua suddenly turned into a female leopard, she was furious and seemed like she wanted to die together with Zhao Er.

"He touched my wife!"

"That's your wife! I like being touched! "

"Are you being reasonable?"

"You are the one who is unreasonable! It was your wife who stole the man's arm and raised him.

"Since you're his sister-in-law, of course you'll side with him."

Cuihua said: "Are you going or not? If you don't leave, don't blame me for being impolite. "

"What do you want?"

"I'll let the dog bite you!"

"Stupid girl!" Bite one of them and I'll see. "

My family has a Big Yellow Dog that was raised, especially obedient. It likes to bite people, so it used to tie them up with chains.

Ever since Cuihua had married over, the mission of feeding the Big Yellow Dog had been handed over to her.

The relationship between the Big Yellow Dog and Cuihua was especially close. She didn't know how Cuihua had fed him, but the Big Yellow Dog had always listened to her words.

She would do whatever she wanted the yellow dog to do. If she wanted it to stand, it would stand. If she asked it to sit, it would sit.

Cuihua reached out and pulled the dog chain, then ordered the yellow dog: "Big Yellow! "Go bite him!"

In fact, the Big Yellow Dog had long disliked Zhao Er, when she smashed the ground in the courtyard, the yellow dog was already staring at him while training.

The dog's eyes were wide open, its mane all standing up, its mouth split open, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, and its beard slightly trembled.

"Woof woof!" Woof woof woof! "Well done, well done!"

With the chains undone, the Big Yellow Dog received its master's order and soared into the sky, pouncing straight at Zhao Er.

It was like a rabbit being chased by a wild dog, as it quickly fled.

The Big Yellow Dog scurried out of the courtyard door, spread its hooves and chased after Zhao Er, chasing him across three streets.

Zhao Er's pants were torn from the bite. In the dark night, his butt shone brightly like two lightbulbs.

Cuihua put her hand on her mouth, encouraging the Big Yellow Dog: "Big Yellow, bite down hard, you can do it, hehehe."

The woman was laughing so hard that her arms were trembling, and her voice was as pleasant to hear as a silver bell.

Luckily he had the Big Yellow Dog's help, so Zhao Er did not gain any advantage.

However, a lot of things had been broken in the house. There were rice vats, noodles vats, and water vats. All of them were broken. There were only a few pots and pans left.

The piglet in the pigsty was also lying motionless in its nest. It was probably going to lose its fat.

Mom was so anxious that she almost cried. Dad was so angry that his beard was trembling.

"Ninth day!" "You bastard, tell me honestly, what's going on?"

I smiled awkwardly. "Dad, it's fine."

"Bullshit!" Would Zhao Er even use a blade to chop at you? Did you do something wrong? What did you do to his wife? "

I said, "Nothing much. Her wife let me touch her, so I did."

His father's face immediately flushed red, his lips and beard trembling together. "Y-y-you bastard! Why do you want to touch a woman?"

Mother said from the side, "Why do you need to ask? Our son has grown up and is now thinking of a wife. "

"But you still can't randomly touch it? If it isn't something from your own clan, what are you going to use to compensate for it? " Dad was so angry that he started babbling. Even after he raised his hand for a long time, he still couldn't bear to put it on me.

In the end, he slapped his own leg and said with a sigh, "My son is not my father."

Just then, Cuihua walked in from outside and said: "Father, this matter cannot be blamed on our 9th day."

"Then who are you blaming?"

Cuihua said: "It's Sun Guilan's fault, she wanted to be a man and go crazy. The little chick wouldn't let us go even if we were to be in our ninth day of cultivation."

Saying the words, I was moved to tears like a torrential river.

Cuihua is my guardian god, ever since I entered this house, she has always been with me.

She had put herself into this family, into my life. Not only did she assume the role of sister-in-law, she was also my sister and even treated me as my wife.

With her in his life, his life would not have been lived in vain.

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