Sinister Well/C16 Dead
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Sinister Well/C16 Dead
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C16 Dead

Dirty? Don't you want to? I kissed her on the cheek again and ran back to the village.

I didn't want to stay any longer because I was afraid those two ghosts would catch up and something would happen the next day.

The next morning, Zhao just knocked on my door.

Deng Pingli was dead! She died in the middle of her journey to the Brilliant New Village!

How did she die? I was extremely shocked, just how did she die? Just what happened?!

I rushed over to Sun Chengming's house, while this guy was sitting on the floor crying.

When we arrived at the Sun family, I immediately asked about Deng Pingli's death. Sun Chengming told me that she was strangled to death.

Who was it? Who was it that insisted on killing her? The first thing I thought of was those two female ghosts and the next thing I thought of was Xu Wei.

It's possible for these people. I thought it would be better to look for Xu Wei first, so I rushed to Brilliant New Village.

I stayed in the Brilliant New Village until the second day before I saw Xu Wei. When he heard about Deng Pingli's matter, he was extremely upset: Who was it, who had done this evil deed?

I was suspicious of Xu Wei, but when I saw his tear-stained face, I immediately dispelled my suspicions.

I reckon he was killed by a ghost! "No," I said.

"What the hell?! How dare he kill Pingli?!" Xu Wei clenched his fists tightly.

Since Xu Wei would lower his head, he was not afraid of ghosts. He had the attitude of avenging Deng Pingli's death.

Since it's like this, I'll tell Xu Wei about the two ghost girls. After Xu Wei heard this, he rushed to the Sun family in anger.

Since he insisted on going, I will go with him.

As soon as I entered the room, I was stunned by the scene in front of me.

Sun Chengming wet his pants and stuffed a roll of toilet paper into his mouth.

Damn, that ghost girl is back. I took out the sigil in anger. While I was taking out the sigil, Xu Wei took out an iron figurine and viciously smashed it onto Sun Chengming's head.

After this smash, a ghost shadow rushed out from Sun Chengming's body.

This ghost shadow was the same girl from last time. However, she was currently in a very miserable state. She was being attacked by Xu Wei and couldn't stop twitching on the ground, her figure becoming fainter and fainter!

Her soul was on the verge of breaking apart. Xu Wei's attack had completely shattered her soul!

The girl grew weaker and weaker, and I walked over to her. Let bygones be bygones, no matter how much hatred you have.

The girl's eyes were wide. No, someone's going to kill him.

Wasn't she talking about that large-eyed woman? From the looks of it, that woman should be her big sister.

Isn't it just that I have an elder sister? If she dares to come, I will dare to take care of her.

I don't have a good impression of this ghost girl. Last time, she didn't come, so I was determined to lose her hand.

After breaking up a ghost, Sun Chengming gradually woke up. At that moment, we realized something very important.

Deng Pingli's body had disappeared. Her body had been left in the room, but it had suddenly disappeared. It had gone missing!

This made two men, Sun Chengming and Xu Wei, anxious.

After shouting hysterically for a while, they went out to search for Deng Pingli's corpse.

The two of them searched desperately, but they could not even find a single hair for a whole day.

They didn't find it, and the next morning, Deng Pingli's body turned up at the creek where I had been a few days before.

Deng Pingli's corpse had been on the riverbank, and her clothes had been torn into pieces.

Seeing Deng Pingli's appearance, the two men felt very sad. They buried her in the mountain behind the village.

After Deng Pingli was buried, the matter was resolved. However, a day later, her body returned to the riverbank.

How could a buried corpse appear again? Needless to say, this was definitely dug out by someone.

Who dug up Deng Pingli, of course, other than that girl's sister, who else could it be!

Deng Pingli had already died a terrible death, and she still couldn't rest in peace. This made me very angry.

That ghost had a few tricks up his sleeve. In order to deal with her, I went to find my uncle.

When I entered, my uncle was reading a book there. I happily poured a cup of tea for him!

Speak, what is it this time? I don't expect you to come specially to see me. Uncle tilted his head and looked at my face.

I bowed my head and said coquettishly, Uncle, please do me a favor.

Just tell me what it is and I will know that you won't look for me for no reason. His uncle explained in a considerate manner.

The charm I gave you last time ran out. I want some more.

Those things, ah, as much as you want, you can get them from the trunk under my bed. His uncle laughed heartily.

I quickly ran to my uncle's room and pulled out the suitcase from under his bed. Then I filled it with a dozen thick runes.

Deng Pingli's corpse always appears by the river, so I must go to the river. That ghost lady should be there as well. Last time, I let her get away with it, but this time, I won't let her off.

There were a few stars in the night sky. I walked to the river alone.

The wind by the river was very strong. I stood alone by the river.

Just as I was looking into the river, a face surfaced from the river. The face gave me a weird smile, and it turned out to be my own face.

His devilish smile made my scalp tingle.

Needless to say, this was the ghost girl's fault again. I angrily snorted and threw a talisman into the water to dispel the evil spirits.

As the spell was cast, the face changed, it became a woman's face, a woman's face with only white eyes.

Come out and die! You evil devil! I said angrily.

As soon as I said it, the face floated up.

When it floated up, it formed a woman. An extremely beautiful woman.

This was the woman who had turned into a woman the last time.

When I saw her, my anger flared up and I raised my hand in a talisman for suppressing ghosts.

After the spell was cast, the female ghost flew into the sky. She gnashed her teeth and pounced towards me.

I have a lot of spells on my body right now, so how could I be afraid of her?

This time it hit the ghost, and she fell from the air.

Speak, why did you do that, why did you kill Deng Pingli! I shouted angrily.

The ghost lady looked at me grudgingly. "I am avenging myself, so what? Sun Chengming deserves to die!"

I know Sun Chengming did a lot of bad things, but Deng Pingli is innocent. I asked her why she killed Deng Pingli.

The ghost lady raised her head and looked at me hatefully. "I didn't kill her. I have my revenge. How could I kill innocent people?!"

Revenge, what revenge!

I was about to ask about the grudge between her and Sun Chengming, but she disappeared right in front of my eyes.

He was too careless! Although the previous sigil had hit her, her injuries weren't too deep. She actually managed to escape in an instant.

After the ghost girl left, I carefully savored her words.

If the ghost girl said that she didn't kill Deng Pingli, then who could it be?

Could it really be Xu Wei?

Now that I had no other leads, I had to meet with Xu Wei again.

So the next day I went to Brilliant New Village.

This Xu Wei was different from normal people. He was either in the tomb or the coffin, so I went to the tomb first. After not finding Xu Wei in the tomb, I went to the thatched cottage.

When I got to the hut, I saw the coffin. I dusted off the dust on it and opened it.

Lying in a coffin is someone's hobby. It's understandable that Xu Wei is a decapitator, but I have no right to interfere with this.

However, when I opened the coffin, my whole body was drenched in cold sweat. Xu Wei was indeed sleeping inside the coffin, but his head was full of white hair, his skin was yellow, and he didn't have a breath left.

He's dead, he's long dead, he's a dead man!

God, I've dealt with him a few times, but I never found out he was a dead man.

No wonder he had to sleep in a coffin. So it turned out to be like this.

It suddenly occurred to me that if the ghost girl said that she didn't kill Deng Pingli, then it was more likely that Xu Wei killed someone!

That's right, he was already a dead person, a dead person that could automatically come to life. Wasn't it easy for him to kill someone?

Perhaps he wanted Deng Pingli to stay with him. He had always wanted to be with her.

Looking at Xu Wei in the coffin, I kept making guesses. I thought about it and still couldn't make sense of it. Even if he wanted to be with Deng Pingli, why did he dig up her grave?

It didn't make sense, it didn't make sense!

While I was thinking, Xu Wei sat up in the coffin and opened his eyes: You're so awesome. In the end, you found out who I really am.

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