Sinister Well/C6 Little uncle is so awesome
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Sinister Well/C6 Little uncle is so awesome
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C6 Little uncle is so awesome

The village chief had died in a strange manner. Rumors had spread throughout the village since his death.

Some people said that the village chief was killed by a ghost, except that Ghost Water was able to kill a person in silence.

Someone said that it was not a ghost. The dragon that killed the village chief was the dragon at the bottom of the well. The village chief must have offended that dragon by always wandering around the well.

Whether it's a ghost or not seems to be a different story, but it seems that the dragon story is more likely to garner everyone's approval.

The Village Chief had not been buried yet, but his death caused a commotion in the village. The Liu Family members felt their scalps go numb. In order to prevent this matter from becoming more and more sinister, a funeral was hastily held.

The Village Chief's family's actions were understandable. However, to their surprise, on the third day after the Village Chief was buried, an even more bizarre matter occurred.

What was going on? Aunt Hui, Aunt Li, and Aunt Mei in the village had their pants taken off by someone, and the person who took off their pants even claimed to be the village chief.

This is what happened. On the west side of our village, there is a large square. This square is used for meetings between villagers.

That day, Aunt Li, Aunt Hui, and Aunt Mei were chatting in the village when the lazy man Zou Shushu walked over.

They were all women of the village at that time, so they didn't care much about it. It was precisely because they didn't care that the lazy Zou Shu walked over and took off the pants of the three people.

Because of that, the three women were gnashing their teeth in anger. They pounced on that lazy man together, and just as they were pulling him away, the lazy man actually spoke. His voice was actually the voice of the village head, and he could even remember the matters of the various families.

Village Head, the village head who had died for three days actually came back, and even borrowed the body of the lazy man Zou ShuShu!

This frightened a few women. They didn't even have time to tidy up their messy clothes before they ran away.

This incident was too bizarre. Soon, it reached the ears of the Liu family. The Village Head's son, Liu Haitao, arrived at the plaza very quickly. However, he was slapped hard the moment he arrived.

After being beaten up by the lazy guy Zou Shushu, how could Tao be convinced? Thus, he grabbed the lazy guy's collar.

At first, Liu Haitao wanted to teach this lazy guy a lesson, but the lazy man suddenly glared at him and said, "Kid, you dare to hit your father!"

At first, Liu Haitao didn't believe what was happening in the plaza at all. He believed that it was all caused by the lazy guy Zou Shushu.

However, the moment the lazy guy opened his mouth, Liu Haitao was stunned. This voice was his father's, and he couldn't imitate it.

Liu Haitao hurriedly took Zou Shushu back to his home. After all, she was his father.

His own father had returned. His own father had truly returned.

If this had happened in the past, this would have been a good thing. However, seeing Zou Shu Shu acting like a hoodlum made Liu Haitao's scalp tingle.

How did his father manage to borrow Zou ShuShu's body to return home? Did he know that he was already dead? Did he want to stay with Zou Shushu forever, or did he just leave after a few days?!

This was his first time encountering something like this. Liu Haitao was extremely worried. While he was stabilizing Zou Shu, he was also looking for experts to solve the problem.

Asking him to call that lazy guy father would be better than wiping his neck. Also, he wished for his father to be buried in the ground and rest. To come to the Yang World after death was an extremely unlucky thing.

Liu Haitao actually invited two Taoists and a monk, but those few Taoists, instead of settling the matter, actually annoyed Liu Dacheng.

Liu Dacheng not only made a mess in the family, but also smashed the monk's head, pulled out the Daoist Priest's beard, and then grabbed his son's ear to start cursing.

Was this still the kind Village Head Liu Dacheng who loved his people like his children?

When Liu Dacheng was still alive, he was very polite to everyone, but he never thought that he would become such a shrew after dying.

Liu Dacheng's scolding attracted the attention of all the men, women, and children in the village.

The villagers kept asking about the matters of the village and the various families. The more they asked, the more shocked they were because this village chief actually answered them in such a fluent manner.

The matter of the Liu family was a hot topic in the village, and Uncle Liu and I also rushed over.

Grandpa, are you really Grandpa Liu? I said, puzzled.

Of course, when you were young and wet your pants, I dried them for you. How could I forget about that? Liu Dacheng rolled his eyes.

Grandfather, then do you know that you have already passed away? No, can you tell me how you died? I asked eagerly.

Hearing my words, the villagers stopped chattering. The villagers were somewhat ashamed. They asked a bunch of random questions, but they did not ask the most important question.

Of course I know. How could I not know when I'm dead? I can't say how, but I remember being attacked by something like a claw. Liu Dacheng thought for a while and said.

When the villagers heard these two words, they thought of the dragon at the bottom of the well, so they began to whisper among themselves.

Hearing the villagers' words, Liu Haitao quickly stopped them. He said that it was a beast, and it was very likely that my father was attacked by a beast.

That's right. Weren't wild beasts born in the village a few years ago? This seemed to be the most appropriate choice.

The village chief's death had some meaning to it, but he was a dead man, so I advised him: Grandfather, you should let Zou Shushu go. He is also very pitiful.

That's right, I pity him too. Didn't he just come back to my house to eat? Could it be that my home will be hungry for him? Liu Da Cheng said like a ruffian.

I rolled my eyes and said, "You have to know that the dead and the ghosts should return to where they are. Staying in this world for so long will affect the lives of the living."

Hearing my words, Liu Dacheng was very angry. He put his hands on his waist and said, "Brat, you don't need to care about my matters. Get the hell out of my house, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

Em, the village chief was very amiable when he was alive, but who would have thought that he would become like this after he died?

Grandfather, you know it's wrong to do this. It will hurt the villagers who respect you and love you, and it will hurt your own family. I consoled her.

What I said made Liu Dacheng hesitate, but he only hesitated for thirty to fifty seconds. After thirty to fifty seconds, he actually picked up a stick and smashed towards me, "I don't need you to care about me, you don't have the qualifications to care about me. Get lost, get lost, if you don't, I'll kill you today."

Seeing this, I hastily dodged, but this dodge made the villagers suffer. Liu Dacheng's stick had cut into several people, and he didn't give up, using the stick to randomly beat around the bush.

The villagers were frightened into hiding, and very quickly, only my uncle and I were left in the house.

Liu Da Cheng rolled his eyes evilly and chased after me. He kept on laughing as he ran.

He ran as fast as a thief, and in the blink of an eye, he was already at my side.

After catching up to me, he raised the wooden stick, with the posture of smashing me to death.

The scene scared me so much that my face turned white. Liu Dacheng was very excited, and his eyes were as fierce as a wolf's.

I was very scared and thought that I was done for. Just as the wooden stick was about to land, my uncle chanted something and shot out a spell.

The rune hit Zou Shushu squarely on the head. The brat fell unconscious on the ground, while Liu Dacheng's ghost was sent flying.

The road ahead is long, the road ahead is dark, let's go, let's go. His uncle cast another spell, and Liu's ghost gradually dissipated.

The matter had been resolved so easily by his uncle!

While his uncle was using his trump card, the villagers and Fat Aunt were also watching by the side. They had never seen such a magical scene. A small spell had subdued the village chief and a ghost! After this incident, the way they looked at their uncle was filled with worship.

Afterwards, I asked my uncle why did the village head turn into such a state. My uncle said that because of his tragic death, the village head's soul was filled with resentment and that due to excessive resentment, he turned into such a state.

His uncle said that he had already sent the village chief into the cycle of reincarnation, and that he would never come out again to scare people.

Hearing this, I was very happy. The matter of the Village Head's family was resolved just like that. However, in order to give everyone an explanation, Liu Haitao brought some people to the Twin Tiger Mountain on the west side of the village.

In the earlier days, there were cases of wild beasts injuring people at Twin Tiger Mountain. Some of the villagers had even seen bears. Liu Haitao had heard that his father was attacked by claws, so he brought people to search the mountain.

He had originally planned to give it a try, but after this trip, he received a serious injury. The ones injured were not only him, but also his three companions.

Beast, did beasts really appear in our village? This news shocked me. I heard that Liu Haitao was hospitalized, so I bought some things to go and see him.

Liu Haitao told me that he met a monster in the Twin Tiger Mountain. He was very powerful, and it was a miracle that he managed to pick up a life this time.

What is that beast, a bear or a tiger? I asked doubtfully.

Not a bear, not a tiger. Liu Haitao said with fear still lingering in his heart.

What is that, a leopard, a snake? I frowned.

Not these, not monsters, not beasts! Liu Haitao's lips were trembling nonstop.

Monster, what kind of monster is this? We've been having good weather here, how did a monster appear? I was very surprised.

I don't know what it was, but he had scales on his body, and it was very powerful. Liu Haitao was very upset.

Just as we were talking, Huang An and Zhao Gang also walked in. After they heard about Liu Haitao's incident, they brought their men and broke into Twin Tiger Mountain.

Huang An and Zhao Gang were full of confidence. However, just as they entered the mountain range, they were sent flying back.

Zhao Gang was injured and had three broken ribs.

This monster was too savage, attacking the villagers in succession.

No matter what he was, he couldn't possibly bring disaster upon the villagers like this!

After Zhao was admitted to the hospital, I put two layers of iron on my body and wore a large helmet. Then, I entered Shuanghu Mountain by myself.

In the beginning, I walked very smoothly. However, two hours later, someone suddenly kicked me hard in the back. This kick hurt me. However, when I stood up again, I was attacked.

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