Skilled Driver, Pick Me Up Please/C41 On the bridge of nai ho three trials have been completed(part iii)
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Skilled Driver, Pick Me Up Please/C41 On the bridge of nai ho three trials have been completed(part iii)
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C41 On the bridge of nai ho three trials have been completed(part iii)

Wan Lixing slowly opened his eyes and carefully observed his surroundings.

"This... "This is …" When Wan Lixing clearly saw his surroundings, he was immediately stunned.

They saw ten ten-story tall giants standing around Wan Lixing, forming a circle as they slightly lowered their heads, as if they were sizing up Wan Lixing, the small ant.

Even the Old Driver had never driven such a car before. He stood there in a daze with a face full of shock, unable to believe everything that was happening before his eyes.

"Calm down …" Wan Lixing... "Calm down …" Wan Lixing took a deep breath and looked carefully at the ten giants, only to realize that they were not moving at all. Raising his head to look, these ten people's faces seemed to be covered by a black mist, making it impossible to see their faces clearly, only that he could faintly feel ten pairs of eyes landing on him.

As if he was sitting on pins and needles, Wan Lixing didn't dare to move a single step. He could only stand on the spot and continuously adjust his emotions, and conveniently ridicule the design for the second stage.

"Damn it! I have to get my fine articles back. This checkpoint is too scary. It can't be that they want me to fight with these ten giants, right …" Wan Lixing curled his lips, but he had calmed down. He wanted to say that he had scared me to death, but he was already dead, so saying these words was not appropriate.

After a full minute, just when Wan Lixing was determined to climb onto a giant's shoulder to look at the scenery, a voice finally came from the sky.

"You're the one who wants to participate in the Ten Halls's assessment?"

Wan Lixing frowned, this voice was different from the one in the first stage of the test. The one in the first stage sounded like a Old hooligan, and this one sounded like an old scholar.

Although he did not understand what the Ten Halls assessment was, Wan Lixing still nodded and said, "Yes."

According to Wan Lixing's understanding, this kind of person, who was an old scholar, must not let them think that you are bluffing about this assessment. You must be very serious about it, so you absolutely must not ask the Ten Halls what the assessment is.

"Damn it, quickly tell me what the Ten Halls's assessment is!" I've been stuck here for hundreds of years, but I still haven't figured out what the Ten Halls's assessment is! "

Hearing this question, Wan Lixing felt that his third eye had been severely insulted, and almost cursed at him.

"That... Old senior, didn't anyone tell you before? " Wan Lixing braced himself and said.

"Who else!?" For the past few hundred years, you were the only person who participated in the Ten Halls's assessment. The higher ups asked me to come over and look at this place, but didn't tell me what the Ten Halls's assessment was about.

I came here to study these wax statues when I was free, and I studied them for hundreds of years without any results. Let me tell you, your father here is about to go crazy, there are many times when I have the chance to change my position, but I rejected them all. I have to figure out what the Ten Halls examination is about no matter what!

As Wan Lixing listened to the retort by his ear, he realized one thing. That was, this old geezer didn't know how to pass the second round.

"Isn't this bullsh * tting the driver …" If I had known, I would have chosen a green one … "That should be the simplest …" Wan Lixing walked step by step to the side of the ten giants.

"So it really is a wax statue. Isn't this way of doing it too true …" Wan Lixing sat down on his butt. If it was a real person, he would still feel a lot of pressure, but if it was a wax statue, Wan Lixing did not mind.

"Hey!" You haven't answered my question! What exactly is this Ten Halls assessment! If you don't say anything, I'll punish you! I still have the right to do so. I'm counting to ten. "

"Ten …"

The voice in the air was somewhat anxious. It was obvious that he was holding back his anger because of this question.

Wan Lixing's heart skipped a beat. Just as he was about to speak, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Look at those chrysanthemums exploding one after another …" The tolling of the bell filled the entire space …

"Nine …"

Wan Lixing took out his mobile, glanced at it and said: "Please wait a moment!"

"..." "Hurry up …"

Wan Lixing nodded, pressed the answer button, and said: "Who is it? I wonder how expensive the Underworld's phone numbers are, hurry up and say it if you have something to say! "

"Ha ha!" A loud mocking voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Aiyo, hehe, you're out? "Whose phone are you holding this?" Wan Lixing sat on the ground with his legs crossed, looking like a good talker.

"..." "How much longer do you have left …"

Wan Lixing made a gesture to the air to keep quiet, and then continued to chat happily with Wan Hur.

Five minutes later.

"Motherf * cker …" Are you done yet? "

Wan Lixing shushed her and said: "Alright, haha, wait for me outside."

"That's more like it." The voice in the air was obviously relieved.

However, Wan Lixing did not put down the phone, but continued: "That's right, hehe, give the phone to the butler, I have something to tell him."


Ten minutes later, Wan Lixing put down the phone and sighed. Sima Xiangru and Wan hee had already passed, but for some reason, their tests were extremely simple, to the point that they were drawing circles, it was obvious that they were trying to fool the person who set the question!

Just as Wan Lixing was about to put away the phone, he suddenly froze for a moment, then revealed a wretched smile and shouted towards the sky: "Hey, are you still there?"

There wasn't a reply after he shouted out. Wan Lixing pricked up his ears, but he could faintly hear a whisper.

"Draw a circle and curse you …" Draw a triangle and curse you... Draw a conical curse on you … "

The corner of Wan Lixing's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself, Is there still a reliable deity in the Three Realms? Almost every one of them had an endless amount of teasing power.

"Hey!" Upstairs! If you don't want to know about the Ten Halls's assessment, I won't tell you! " Wan Lixing shouted once again.

"Hurry up and tell me!"

With this, a voice suddenly sounded out in the air. Wan Lixing could even hear a tremble in the voice, showing how excited the person was.

"If I were to say it, would there be any benefits?" Wan Lixing asked as he lowered his head and played with his phone.

"You want some benefits from me?!" The one in the air asked in disbelief.

"It's fine if you don't give it to me, but I've passed the test. You can continue to hold it in here for hundreds of years." When he first came to the Three Realms, he was still respectful towards these immortals and ghosts, but now …

Why should laozi be so flustered when I know how to tease you?

After a moment of silence, the Hundred Year Old cacao king said slowly, "If you tell me … I can teach you a spell, but whether you can learn it or not is your own business. "

Hearing that, Wan Lixing's heart almost stopped beating, this was a technique, in the entire Three Realms, there were not many techniques that could be learned by others.

"Alright!" "Deal!" Wan Lixing said without hesitation, afraid that the cacao king would regret his words.

The hundred year cacao king did not reply. He had a feeling in his heart that he had been tricked by this little bastard.

"Come, come, come. Do you have a phone with you?" Wan Lixing took out his phone and asked.

"..." There is... And it's even the newest version of the Underworld … "

"En, very good. Follow me next and do it step by step. First, open the web page." Wan Lixing laughed.

"Wait a moment …" "Hmm …" "Alright, it's opened."

"After that, I would search through the address bar. What is the Ten Halls assessment?" Wan Lixing said as he searched the room.


Ignoring the hundred year old cacao king's silence, Wan Lixing opened his cell phone's screen. There was indeed quite a bit of information about the Ten Halls's assessment.

"I actually managed to overcome my cellphone dependence after coming to the Underworld. This is simply a miracle, if I had checked on the bridge to Hell earlier, I wouldn't have been so passive." Wan Lixing thought to himself. Ever since he came to the Underworld, although he had a phone, he rarely used it to check his information. This was something inconceivable in the mortal world, to the point where Wan Lixing had mostly forgotten that he still had this phone in his pocket.

"After I go out, I'll ask the steward why many of my habits have undergone earth-shattering changes …" Wan Lixing thought as he looked at the information on his phone.

These were the wax statues of the primary generation s, and those who participated in the examination had to select a wax statue of the King of Hell, then touch the wax statue with both hands, and they would enter the wax statue, to participate in the test of the King of Hell. If they passed the test, they could obtain the rewards of the primary generation King, and if they failed the test, their soul would be harmed, and they would sleep for a hundred years.

After reading this introduction, Wan Lixing's heart was filled with joy and sorrow, happy that the rewards for this examination were too enticing, Yamas of Ten Halls had to undergo a change every hundred years, and the Yamas of Ten Halls had to go back to the ancient times. It was very difficult to find these ten people in the history books, it seemed that no one knew the whereabouts of these ten people, and the current Yamas of Ten Halls was very secretive about it, not willing to talk about it too much. If she could obtain the rewards from these ten people …

The price of sleeping for a hundred years was just too big. His first thought was, if he were to sleep, what would Sima Xiangru and Wan Hur do?

After thinking for a long time, Wan Lixing sighed, and decided not to participate in the assessment. He knew what he was worth, if he was alone now, he might take the risk and give it a try, but now …

"Damn it! I'm clearly not married, but I'm actually starting to think about this …" Wan Lixing sighed, he was about to leave the assessment grounds, but he was shocked by the sound of wailing in the air.

"Motherf * cker!" This daddy has spent hundreds of years! "

"Why didn't I think of using my phone to check!"

"A hundred years! Who am I to seek justice with! "

Wan Lixing curled his lips and said: "In any case, your lifespan is limitless, so just treat it as using a hundred years to train your brain. Also, your phone has only been developed for a decade or so, so you actually wasted more than a decade of time."

"You don't understand shit! If I were to use it to play mahjong in the past few hundred years, I would have already bought several suites! However, what you said is right. Your father has only recently learned how to use this thing. "

When Wan Lixing heard this, he was immediately amused, and laughed: "Anyways, the doubt in my mind has been solved, why don't you give me the spell you promised me?"

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