Skin Painter/C12 Wailing woman
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Skin Painter/C12 Wailing woman
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C12 Wailing woman

After my grandfather's loud shout, I instantly fainted. I didn't even have the time to voice out the doubts in my heart.

I don't know how much time had passed before I slowly woke up. At first, I was a bit confused and didn't know where I was. I thought I was still sleeping on the single bed at home.

I rubbed my head and let out a groan as if I was sleep-talking. I wanted to prop myself up, but when I touched the wall, I felt something cold and stiff. I almost jumped up. I remembered that I was sleeping on top of the ice coffin.

Thinking up to here, cold sweat started to roll down his forehead in an instant. He could not stop himself from perspiring. He could only hear his own heart beating crazily.

The surroundings were unusually quiet, and a faint moon fell through the doors of the great hall like snow. This should have been a good time to talk about enjoying the moon, but I didn't have the mood to do so.

I'm scared, I'm scared to death!

Gritting my teeth and swallowing my saliva, I looked towards the side hall. The other side was also completely silent. There weren't even any snoring sounds. I suspected that Grandpa and the rest might have slipped away while I was unconscious.

Although I really want to see it, I'm afraid that once I look at it, I won't have the courage to be here alone anymore. Thus, I took in a deep breath of the air that was filled with the scent of incense and started to feel troubled.

Go back to sleep? That would be the easiest way to pass the hard time, of course, but how could I sleep under such circumstances?

Get up? I don't dare, I don't know if what grandpa said was true or not.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that the 200 was a loss. If I knew earlier, I would have added a little more.

Of course, this was just a thought. Although there was no sound behind my back, but it was precisely because of this that I started to panic, wondering if that person had opened his eyes and was looking at me.

I didn't dare to turn around, afraid that I would accidentally see the one lying inside the ice coffin. Thus, like the one below, I could only silently lie there, trying my best to catch my breath and count the number of sheep I had.

"Little brother, little brother …" However, before I could count to one hundred, I heard a sound, as if someone was calling me.

My scalp went numb and I nearly fell off the top of the ice coffin from fright. I immediately shut my eyes tightly and muttered in my heart, "I'm dreaming. This is an illusion!"

"Little brother, are you asleep?" This time the voice came again, and I heard it very clearly. It was a woman's voice, and it was quite pleasant to hear.

Still, I didn't dare open my eyes. I wondered how anyone had come to me in the dead of night at the funeral home, and the more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I gritted my teeth and kept my eyes shut.

Not long later, I felt a large portion of the sticky sweat on my back, making me feel unspeakably stuffy. But fortunately, the ghost-like voice didn't appear again, and the hall quietened down once more.

I let out a long breath and wiped the sweat from my face, thinking that I could finally open my eyes.

Unfortunately, as soon as I opened my eyes, I caught sight of someone standing beside me.

Ah!" I shivered and closed my eyes once more, at the same time, I shouted for my grandfather, but unfortunately, no matter how I called him, he just didn't reply. In the end, after I scolded 'damned old man, old man', my grandfather's voice slowly drifted out, "What are you yelling about in the middle of the night for? Just stay here and lie down.

When I heard this, my vision immediately went black. I was so angry that my head started spinning. I even suspected that I was his biological grandson. Why didn't he care about my life and death?

After Grandpa said this, there was no more movement. On the other hand, the woman's voice sounded like a nightmare once again. I was angry and afraid, so I replied angrily, "What are you shouting for? You're shouting for the soul!"

"Little brother, don't be afraid, I'm just here to see him." The woman paused and said gently.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" I asked instinctively, but as soon as I opened my mouth, I felt some regret. I thought to myself, what if this woman really is a ghost?

Fortunately, the woman didn't reply to my question. Instead, she started to sob softly, and the sound of her crying echoed in the hall. My scalp went numb, so I could only say, "Can you not cry? "It's quite scary."

However, the woman still didn't answer me. Fortunately, she didn't cry again. I didn't know what she was doing or if she had left.

I secretly squinted and saw that there was no one around! He took another glance at both sides. Still no one!

"I've finally left." I heaved a sigh of relief. My entire body was indescribably tired. It felt like I had run for tens of miles in a single breath. However, I still opened my eyes in a very relaxed manner.

But also at this time, suddenly, a face imprinted into my eyes, focused, really is a woman, delicate beautiful face, face with sadness, two cheeks tears, dismal and sad.

However, how could I stand such a fright? I immediately sat up with a groan, like a pig that was being butchered.

"You … Who exactly are you? " I gasped for air as I asked, but there was no reply. Thus, I gathered up my courage to look back, only to see the woman wearing a red dress lying on top of the ice coffin, foolishly staring at the person inside through the thick transparent plastic sheet.

It was only then that I remembered who this woman was.

Wasn't she the lover of the deceased? Did she come to cry?

Although I was surprised, I still felt much better with the second person here. I let out a long breath and wiped off my sweat as I blankly stared at her.

"Little brother, can you get down?" After a long time, the woman finally raised her head and asked me in a soft voice.

When I heard this, I immediately shook my head like a rattle and said, "No!"

What a joke, even though I'm a bit timid, I'm not stupid. Who knows what will happen to me this time, I can't afford to take such a risk.

After the woman heard what I said, she didn't force it and instead stuck to the top of the ice coffin. It was like a scene of bitterness between Yin and Yang, causing me to feel a little sour, thinking to myself that it really wasn't easy to have such deep feelings for an extramarital affair.

Thinking about it here, I finally understand why this woman chose to come here at this time. It's because no matter what, her identity is a little too awkward.

But, I don't understand, why would she wear such a big red dress? Was this a happy occasion?

Since I was bored and couldn't sleep, I had nothing to do, so I sat on the ice coffin and looked around.

However, before I could blindly observe the coffin for too long, I heard a "peng" sound that sounded like the beating of a drum. I was immediately shocked and immediately held onto the ice coffin tightly. I felt that it was weird.


Yet again, I finally understood what was going on. However, I was also extremely frightened, because I could clearly feel the ice coffin beneath me trembling with great force, as if someone was about to come out from it.

I immediately let out an "Ah!" scream. I couldn't control myself and immediately fell off the ice coffin. I felt my bladder twitch and I almost peed my pants.

At the same time, I turned my head to look at the ice coffin and saw the corpse lying there perfectly unharmed.


With another sound, I turned my head to the side and saw that the woman in the red dress had actually used her hand to smack the corpse heavily on the head. However, due to the thick plastic wall, she didn't actually smack the head, but rather smacked it on the ice coffin.

So it turned out that this disturbance was caused by her!

I heaved a sigh of relief and snappily said, "Big sister, what are you doing now? You nearly scared me to death!"

As I spoke, I shook my head and sighed, trying to get up.

At the same time, I also stood up and thought about my grandfather's orders. Without saying anything further, I climbed up the ice coffin, but at this moment, my eyes glanced over and caught sight of the portrait placed in the center of the spiritual altar.

That was because the portrait of the deceased was now completely blank. Only a piece of white paper remained standing!

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