Skin Painter/C6 Lacrimal hemorrhage
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Skin Painter/C6 Lacrimal hemorrhage
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C6 Lacrimal hemorrhage

After the woman was pushed away, only my grandfather and I were left standing around the ice coffin. Other than the occasional low wails, the entire hall was unusually quiet. I could even clearly hear my own breathing.

I was so close to my grandfather that if it weren't for the other people around, I would have grabbed his sleeve.

Grandfather's brows were tightly locked together and his expression was so grave that it seemed as if water was about to drip down. He lowered his head and silently looked at the dead body inside the ice coffin. He let out a heavy sigh that immediately made my heart sink again.

At this moment, curiosity and fear intertwined in my heart. I really couldn't hold it in any longer. In the end, I couldn't help but take another look.

That's right, this was not an illusion!

Due to the severe destruction of the dead man's face, there was a thick layer of plastic material on his face, which was a little higher than the dead man's eyeball, ultimately forming a pit. Because of the severe damage of the dead man's face, there was a thick layer of plastic material on his face, which was a little higher than the dead man's eyeball, and finally forming a pit.

Previously at school, I heard my classmates talk about the matter of people dying and tears of blood. However, at that time, I only thought that it was nonsense and didn't pay much attention to it.

However, what I didn't expect was that I actually saw it with my own eyes.

"Quick, get all the family members out. Immediately!" Grandfather called for one of the family members and instructed them in a low voice.

When I heard that, my heart palpitated. Looking at my grandfather's attitude, it seemed that something big was about to happen.

After the family member heard this, he immediately turned around and said a few words in a low voice to the others. In less than half a minute, all of the relatives in the hall left, and even the woman who had been screaming all this time was helped out. Only grandfather and I were left alive in the hall.

I stretched my numb back a little. Only then did I feel a large amount of cold sweat soaking my back. A wave of fatigue hit me, as though I had been working hard for three days and three nights.

It had to be said that this mental pressure was even more exhausting than the physical pressure!

Tears and blood filled his eyes, what a great grievance this is! "Grandfather let out a long sigh and said in a low voice, shaking his head repeatedly. He gently put down the wooden chest hanging on his shoulder and looked at me, heavily stomping on the ground:" What are you still doing, work! "

I swallowed my saliva. I really didn't have the courage to look at the person in the ice coffin again. I gingerly moved two steps and felt my legs go weak. I asked my grandfather, "What are you doing?"

"Crap." My grandfather rolled his eyes at me. He took out a handful of incense and handed it to me. "Quickly, light it up along the coffin."

"What?" I was shocked and almost peed my pants in fright. At this moment, the ice coffin looked pretty much the same as a demon to me, and it's already not bad that I can stand here safely. Grandfather actually wants me to surround the coffin to light up the green fragrance, isn't this pushing me into a pit of fire?

"Stop talking, or it'll be too late." Grandfather looked at me, and without any room for negotiation, he stuffed the green incense into my arms. Then he quickly took out a piece of paper, spread it out, lit a candle, and placed a copper bowl on top of the ice coffin.

He could only take a deep breath and ignite all the scents. Then, he narrowed his eyes and slowly approached the ice coffin, as far away from the ice coffin as possible. He fumbled with the scents one by one to insert them into the cracks around the hotel.

After all of the green incense was inserted, my disappointing curiosity came back to haunt me. I couldn't help but take a glance at it.

However, it was fine if he didn't look at it. When he saw it, he immediately let out an "ah" scream and sat down on the ground. He was stunned for a long time and couldn't utter a word.

Because, I clearly saw the corner of the corpse's mouth slightly tremble, as if it was laughing. This appearance, is actually exactly the same as what I saw on the portrait previously.

"What's the matter?" Grandfather was obviously also shocked by me as he scolded furiously.

"He … "He was laughing," I said shakily, pointing to the hotel. Then, as if I had found my lifeline, I scrambled behind my grandfather.

"Look at your cowardly appearance, how did such a useless thing like you appear in my Ma Family." Grandfather berated me, and then helped me up as if he was dragging a dead dog, and kicked me twice before saying: "Stand still, there isn't a decent person."

Although I was not angry in my heart, under my grandfather's scolding, I managed to stand up straight. However, my entire body was still shaking uncontrollably.

It's not that I'm a coward, it's just that these two laughs are too much of a coincidence. Even if I'm an atheist, there's no need to play such a game. I craned my neck to look around me, only feeling the cold air rushing up from the top of my head and unable to stop, as if I was fighting a snowstorm bare-headed in the middle of a snowy winter. "Hehehe, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe …"

At this time, his grandfather was quietly standing in front of the ice coffin. After taking in a light breath, he respectfully bowed three times and softly muttered, "Flesh into dust, mind dissipating naturally. The spirits would return to the heavens, and the coffin would be filled with karma. Official, since you insist on staying, just tell this old man, and wait for this old man to fulfill his wish for you. "

At this point, his grandfather bowed three times and then slowly stood up.

However, at this moment, his grandfather's eyes were closed. There was no movement for a long time, as though he was asleep.

I saw that he was a little strange and forgot about the strange laughter coming from the corpse. He stared at me in a daze.

But at this moment, I heard a few weird cries from my grandfather and his entire body started to tremble violently, as though he had gone insane. I was immediately shocked and worried that he would fall down, so I went over to help him up.

After that, he suddenly flung his hand away as if he had been electrocuted. He then took two straight steps forward and shakily reached out with his hands to retrieve the wolf hair that was placed on top of the ice coffin, the whole process was indescribably strange. Grandfather's movements were extremely stiff, and when he walked, he didn't even bend his knees, as if there was an invisible hand pushing him forward. Moreover, what made me feel inconceivable was that grandfather's eyes were actually closed from the beginning to the end.

I was both worried and scared. I didn't have any idea of what to do, so I couldn't help but get closer to him so that I could support him at any time.

He saw his grandfather pick up the strand of hair numbly, then subconsciously place it on the xuan paper. Throughout the entire process, he had been trembling and trembling, his body extremely stiff, as if he had suffered a stroke.

"Grandpa!" I called out softly, but Grandpa didn't reply. The brush with the wolf hair slowly started to move, one stroke, one stroke, but it was completely different from his previous elegance and elegance. His right hand formed a fist, and he held the entire pen shaft tightly in the center of his fist.

After a long while, the surface of the xuan paper was still blank without a single trace.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that his eyes were still closed, as if he were sleepwalking.

"Grandpa," I called again. I was really worried if he was sick or something.

However, just as I shouted out, my grandfather suddenly threw the Wolf Bristles that he had always treated as a precious treasure onto the ground, turned around, and walked out of the hall in a daze.

"Grandfather, where are you going?" I panicked and immediately followed.

"Ji-er, you're here. You're here to help me?" Just as I was about to hold onto Grandpa's arm, he suddenly turned around and grinned.

However, his grandfather's expression now looked extremely strange. He no longer had his usual arrogant and glaring aura, but instead, had an evil look. More importantly, his mouth was still twitching unconsciously, as if he couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Come, let me help you back to your seat." Seeing my grandfather like this, I thought that he was too tired and could not help but feel my heart ache as I softly said.

I don't know how my words angered him, but he swung his hand with extraordinary strength, almost knocking me over. He angrily said, "Bullsh * t, I have to take revenge. This slut actually dared to harm me."

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