Smart Magic Doctor/C20 Swimming in the Sea
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Smart Magic Doctor/C20 Swimming in the Sea
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C20 Swimming in the Sea

He never thought that Chu Xinyan would be so open-minded as to take off her skirt so easily. After taking it off in a few steps, her beautiful figure was completely exposed in front of Lee Fei.

Especially at that sexy part, she was still wearing the black lace pants that Lee Fei liked the most, the most.

Lee Fei only felt a burning sensation in his nose and nose, causing blood to gush out.

"Pu ci!"

Seeing this, Chu Xinyan couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry Elder Sister Chu, wait for me for a moment."

Lee Fei hurriedly took two pieces of toilet paper from the desk and rolled them into a ball before stuffing it into his nose to stop the bleeding.

He thought to himself, I've lost a lot of face today. Ah, beauty is a disaster!

The process of using the needles was extremely quick. Lee Fei stabilized his mind, and without any distracting thoughts, he pierced the silver needles into the acupuncture points on Chu Xinyan's lower abdomen, lightly twirling them, he circulated his mental cultivation technique, and injected some of the Spiritual Energy.

In a short 3 minutes, Lee Fei finished the acupuncture and stood up, then said with a clear gaze.

"Alright, Elder Sister Chu. It's already been treated. You won't feel any more pain from now on."

"So fast."

Chu Xinyan was surprised, she did not expect it to end so quickly. She felt a warm current flowing in her lower abdomen, she felt very comfortable.

Thank you, Fei. This big sister owes you a favor, if you need anything in the future, feel free to say it.

Chu Xinyan's words were ambiguous, and she wanted to see how Lee Fei would understand it.

"This is nothing to worry about."

After pausing for a moment, he continued to stammer.

"Elder Sister Chu, you should wear your skirt first, cough cough."

"What, shy? "Elder sister isn't even afraid of being looked at by you, what's there to be shy about? You're truly a coward."

After saying that, Chu Xinyan smiled to herself. This Lee Fei was too cute, he stood up and slowly put on his skirt.

Lee Fei was speechless, wouldn't you want to take someone's life if you were naked?

If news of him treating others while having a nosebleed were to spread, he would definitely be ridiculed by others. After all, Lee Fei was the seventeenth generation Clan Master of the Profound Medicine Sect.

After leaving the Jinling Hotel, Lee Fei's mood was elated. It was not because he should not have seen it, but because he had taken another thirty thousand gold. Adding the previous thirty thousand gold, he had earned a total of sixty thousand gold.

Lee Fei was not in a hurry to return. Instead, he went to the used car market and prepared to buy a car first.

After going around the second-hand car market, Lee Fei saw a seventy percent new pickup truck that could carry goods as well as people at the back.

The most important thing was that the car's chassis was very high, and there was no problem with the road to Green Mountain Village. If it was a car, he definitely wouldn't be able to drive it.

The price wasn't too bad. He had a little more than 40,000, and he still had 20,000 left.

After buying a car, Lee Fei immediately drove away. Luckily he had gotten his driver's license in university, which made it much more convenient.

As he drove back to the village in the small pickup truck, Lee Fei kept humming along the way. He was in a great mood, it would be much easier to enter the city in the future.

It was just that the road to Green Mountain Village was too crappy, it was a good thing that Lee Fei was familiar with the road, otherwise even small pickup trucks would not be able to enter the village.

Lee Fei drove the car into the village, which attracted a lot of envy from the villagers.

"Fei, that's great, you already bought a car so quickly."

"Fei will take me for a ride, your wife has never ridden on a four-wheel drive before."

"Fei, don't forget Uncle when you are rich."

Along the way, there were many villagers greeting them warmly. Lee Fei answered them one by one, as a university student who had flown out from a poor mountain ravine, he finally had a long face.

After parking the truck in Xiuqin's courtyard, Lee Fei jumped off the truck and shouted towards the house.

"Elder Sister Xiuqin, quickly come out and see what I have bought."

Xiuqin was shocked when she just stepped out of the door.

"Ya, Fei, why did you buy the iron lump back? It must be expensive."

"It's not that expensive. The main thing is that I can take you for a ride around the city if it's convenient to deliver goods to the city."

Xiuqin could not help but smile. Lee Fei always thought of her, and this moved her a lot.

After dinner, Lee Fei brought Xiuqin to the beach to catch scallops.

The sea breeze blew through Xiuqin's long hair. Xiuqin stood under the hazy moonlight with a graceful figure and fluttering belt. She was simply unbearably beautiful.

For a moment, Lee Fei really wanted time to become eternal. He just stayed with Xiuqin under the ocean's moonlight, counting stars to see the moon.

"Elder Sister Xiuqin, since the weather is so hot, let's go swimming first. It's still early." Lee Fei suggested.

"But I didn't bring my bathing suit." Xiuqin was troubled.

"It's fine, it's dark anyway. There's no one else here who can't see." Lee Fei laughed.

"Hmph, what if you peek."

Xiuqin pretended to be angry, her hands on her waist as she scolded Lee Fei.

"Am I, Lee Fei, that kind of person? Elder Sister Xiuqin, you can rest assured. Lee Fei patted his chest.

"That's more like it."

Xiuqin lowered her hand, and in her heart, she really wanted to swim in the sea. Normally, she wouldn't dare to swim by the ocean alone, as she was afraid of meeting hooligans like Wang Daya and Kong Ergou.

Tonight, with Lee Fei around, Xiuqin was not afraid.

"Elder Sister Xiuqin, I'll go into the water first."

After Lee Fei finished speaking, he rushed into the ocean, and in next to no time, he disappeared.

"Fei, don't swim too far.

Xiuqin reminded Lee Fei. Then, after looking left and right to see that there was no one around, he quickly took off his skirt and ran into the sea while holding onto a pair of lively jade rabbits on his chest.

The moment they landed on the ocean, they immediately felt that it was very cool. Since they did not see Lee Fei around, they thought that this chick could not be up to no good. He held his chest tightly, not daring to reveal his face.

Very quickly, Lee Fei came out from under the water and watered Xiuqin.

"Elder Sister Xiuqin, why are you clutching your chest? Why are you swimming?"

Xiuqin said angrily: "chick, don't let me catch you."

Xiuqin did not care about the scene in front of him, and swam towards Lee Fei, the two of them had fun chasing each other.

After playing for an hour, the two of them were tired. They rested on the beach for a while.

"Elder Sister Xiuqin, do you think that if we were to travel here, it would be possible?"

"Are you saying that we should develop this ocean to travel abroad?" Xiuqin looked at Lee Fei with her bright eyes.

"Yeah, look at this beautiful, dark blue sea, warm and soft beach, East Sea City doesn't even have a decent beach area. I feel that there's a lot of potential here."

"When I first married into the sect, I also felt that our Green Mountain Village should be used for tourism. Only in this way can the villagers get rich, otherwise, they would be paupers for generations."

After saying that, Xiuqin paused for a moment, and her bright eyes started to darken.

"But our Green Mountain Village's biggest obstacle is that there are no roads. If the mountain people go out to make trouble, the people outside will not be willing to come in, so it's not realistic to travel."

"If there's no road, then we'll build it. Once the road's opened, we'll properly advertise and the tourists will be willing to come in."

"It's easy to say."

Xiuqin rolled her eyes at Lee Fei.

"Do you know how much it costs to build a road? Can we afford it in our village? We're all poor. If we had the money, we would have fixed our roads long ago. "

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