Snake Venom/C1 Snake Wine
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Snake Venom/C1 Snake Wine
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C1 Snake Wine

The winter in Beijing was exceptionally cold. Today was a reunion. For someone like me, who has no girlfriend or career, I can only eat the lamb chow in silence.

While everyone was talking, Wang Ming, who was the best, suddenly took out a bottle of wine and gave it to everyone to drink, and even said mysteriously that he would try it out tonight.

I didn't care at the time, but after I drank it I felt warm and comfortable all over.

After returning to the small house in the east forty, I didn't fall asleep at all. He felt like he was on fire the whole night.

The next day I got a call.

It was also from my only classmate who had a good relationship with me. He asked me how it was last night.

I immediately realized what he was asking, but I was too embarrassed to say that I didn't have a girlfriend, so I asked him how he was doing.

He hehehehe, and told me that it was extremely good. He was going to look for Wang Ming to get a few more bottles today. He asked me to go with him.

I wanted to refuse him, but he insisted and I couldn't refuse him.

Wang Ming was from Old Beijing and still lived in a courtyard house.

When it was Wang Ming's home. I'm a little unnatural. When we entered the main entrance, I noticed that there were some Realgar Powder remnants above the doorstep. This thing was used to avoid snakes.

Not only was there a yellowish hue on the gate of the courtyard, but even on the windows inside the house.

Moreover, there were many objects that were made from snake skin hanging on the walls of Wang Ming's house.

These arrangements were exactly the same as my house at the time.

Everyone from the reunion came yesterday.

Wang Ming gave everyone two bottles of wine. He said that they were all old classmates and would come again to buy from him when they needed to in the future.

I couldn't wait to pull Jin Congwen away.

But who would have thought that Wang Ming would actually stop me, and offer me an extra bottle. I certainly don't have enough for two bottles.

My face turned red. Everyone was laughing. Wang Ming then gave me another bottle of wine.

On the way back, Jin Congwen had always been very envious, but he even said that this wine was definitely not cheap, and told me to save a bit of it.

I gave the alcohol to Jin Congwen and told him that I didn't need it.

He ignored Jin Congwen's shocked expression and went straight back to the east 40.

For the next week, nothing happened.

At night, Jin Congwen called me and told me to go to his place.

I was stunned for a moment, for it was now well after ten o'clock.

Jin Congwen seemed to be very anxious on the phone, making me immediately rush over.

I didn't think too much about it. I put on my clothes and left …

Jin Congwen's family is located in the third ring of the east side. When I reached the entrance of the residential complex, I saw Jin Congwen walking back and forth at the entrance.

The street light shone on his body, causing his face to appear exceptionally pale. My heart skipped a beat.

When he walked closer, he saw that Jin Congwen's face was even uglier than before. She greeted him and asked him what was going on.

Unexpectedly, Jin Congwen actually gave me a small box that was tightly wrapped, and told me to take it.

I was stunned and wanted to open the box to take a look, but Jin Congwen had a ferocious expression on his face and told me to quickly leave.

Under the moonlight, Jin Congwen was somewhat terrifying.

Faintly, I could smell the alcohol on his body, and I knew that he must be drunk …

Without much debate, I took the box home.

On the second day, I prepared to call Jin Congwen.

No one answered the call after that.

I frowned at the small box on my desk. Then I opened the box...

Inside the box was a bottle of wine.

There was only half of the wine left. But it didn't prevent me from recognizing that this was the wine Wang Ming had given us.

I frowned as I looked at the wine bottle. Why would Jin Congwen give this to me in the middle of the night?

As I looked, I realized something was wrong.

There was some shadow in the wine, so I shook it a little. A black and green thing floated up.

My back felt a little numb. My entire body was covered in cold sweat as I put the wine bottle back in its place …

There was a snake gall inside … Wang Ming actually gave us snake gall wine …

My father used to catch snakes. Although there are a lot of snake skin in my house, I have eaten a lot of snake meat since I was young. But we don't eat snake gall...

Not only did we not eat, but my father never brought the snake gall home.

What he told me was that snake gall is a good thing. Any disease can be cured a little. But this thing is evil. He couldn't touch it, and he didn't dare to take the medicine that was given to him by the snake gall.

I immediately grabbed my phone and called Jin Congwen …

This time, the call connected. Before the other party spoke, I quickly told them a whole bunch of things, and finally got Jin Congwen to take away the half bottle of wine.

Unexpectedly, it was a woman's voice on the other end of the phone. It was Jin Congwen's girlfriend who answered the call …

I was embarrassed.

Tell me you can't come from Wen.

I was stunned, thinking, could it be that this kid has been working so hard these past few days to get rid of all the bones in his body?

I originally wanted to throw away the alcohol, but thinking about how Jin Congwen gave me the stuff when he was drunk last night. When he wakes up, he might ask me for it.

Thus, I found a small package and wrapped the wine bottle tightly around it. After that, I stuck it in the creak of the bag and prepared to look for Jin Congwen.

When I reached Jin Congwen's house, the one who opened the door was a woman with messy hair.

Before I could say anything, she said in an earth-shattering manner, Jin Congwen is dead …

When the door was halfway open, I saw that a lot of things had been tidied up. It was obvious that I was about to move out.

My mind was still in a daze. I couldn't react at all.

I forced a smile and told her to stop joking... I'm here to deliver something to Ole King.

She said with a pained face that she didn't lie to me. She died suddenly three days ago, and it was cremated last night.

Today, she was also going to move away from here …

A person's eyes couldn't lie. Her eyes were filled with sorrow.

I inexplicably thought about Jin Congwen's performance last night, my entire body was covered in goosebumps.

Jin Congwen's girlfriend whispered that since Wen Wen died so suddenly, she did not want to notify too many people.

I don't know how to comfort her. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a slight cough …

It was as if a person's neck had been strangled …

I gave a start and looked into the house.

He happened to see the bedroom door that was ajar...

Behind the crack, I saw an eye staring straight at me …

Jin Congwen's girlfriend was about to close the door, so I suddenly reached out my hand and blocked the door.

She scolded Jin Congwen angrily, saying that there was something wrong with his head, this kind of joke in the morning.

He also grinned and told Jin Congwen's girlfriend that his performance was not bad.

I pushed open the door and walked towards the bedroom's door in big strides.

He forcefully pushed open the door.

The strong smell of incense wafted into his nose.

What I saw was a black-and-white photo.

Jin Congwen, who didn't have any expression in the photo, was staring straight at me …

Apart from the goosebumps, I even had my scalp blown up.

Jin Congwen's girlfriend was crying as he chased me out.

Jin Congwen is really dead?

Today is a sunny day, and the rare sunlight was blazing hot, but I felt very cold. Jin Congwen died for three days, then last night... I didn't dare think about it.

At that moment, my phone rang.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

I hesitated and answered.

Wang Ming's voice transmitted over, and said: "It's an embroidered text right? There's one thing, do you want to do? "

I paused and asked him if he had made the wrong call.

Wang Ming laughed by the phone, then said how could he make a mistake. He then said that he knew that I was in a bad mood and asked if I was willing to work together with him …

I immediately remembered the arrangement inside Wang Ming's house.

I immediately rejected Wang Ming.

Wang Ming said he wanted me to think about it carefully first. I'll find him.

The call ended...

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