Snake Venom/C12 Who's Right and Who's Wrong
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Snake Venom/C12 Who's Right and Who's Wrong
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C12 Who's Right and Who's Wrong

Wang Gong told us that we must protect the snake skin, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to protect us.

As he said that, he placed the snake skin in his hands on the ground and dripped a drop of his own blood on it.

Wang Gong's hands were trembling, and his eyes were staring straight at the snake skin, only to see the blood on the snake skin slowly becoming thinner, and spreading. On the snake skin, a name appeared: Jin Congwen!

My eyes looked like they were about to pop out of my eyes. I wanted to speak, but my throat felt like it was blocked by something. It was so dry that I couldn't make a sound.

Qin Yue closed her eyes and snuck into my embrace. Her entire body trembled.

Now, I have finally confirmed the identity of this newcomer, and my heart has become a lot more at ease. Tonight, there will definitely be an end to it, and if it's not me, it'll be Jin Congwen's death.

Wang Gong's body pounced on the ground and crawled up like a snake. The snake skin slowly climbed onto Wang Gong's body and then disappeared.

The sound of it hitting the wall suddenly stopped at this moment. Everything quieted down. It was so quiet that I could even hear my own heartbeat.

Wang Gong slowly walked to the front of the door, unhurriedly opened it and walked out. I pulled Qin Yue along and followed him out.

It was quiet outside, and he didn't see anything. There was only a gust of cold winter wind blowing by.

Without any warning, Wang Gong retreated two steps, as though he had been beaten up by someone, he looked in my direction, and fished out a large amount of underworld money from his pocket, throwing it into the sky, and looked around warily.

"Get me some snake wine from the house and sprinkle it all over the ground here. Go quickly." Wang Gong shouted loudly, startling me.

By the time I took out the wine, there was already blood at the corner of Wang Gong's mouth. I had no idea what had happened in that one minute and directly raised the wine jug high up and threw it towards the ground.

When the wine in the jar landed on the ground, it immediately turned red. There were a few footprints on the ground, making it look very terrifying.

Qin Yue asked me softly: "Isn't Cheng only aiming for the two of us? "Why not just go against us?"

I still know the answer to this question, because once this snake skin is equipped, these evil beings will not be able to see us for the time being.

Wang Gong followed the footprints and seemed to be trying to grab onto Jin Congwen, but I saw that Wang Gong had obviously dodged, and his body was not under my control, and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, a few snowflakes fell from the sky, the wine on the ground quickly froze, and the footprints stopped increasing. I frantically looked at Wang Gong, and his body was about to collapse.

In the next moment, Wang Gong was floating in the air, his entire person lying down in the air like a giant character. He said with difficulty: "Quickly get the salt, and melt the blood on the ground."

Wang Gong's appearance must have definitely fallen into a disadvantageous position, and it's not his fault. Before Jin Congwen came, we didn't have any preparations.

I also finally understood what Wang Ming meant. It turned out that in order to do this profession, one has to have a partner.

He took out the salt and just as I was about to sprinkle it on the ground, Wang Ming came back and shouted at me, "No!"

Fortunately, he said it in time, so I didn't spill it.

Wang Ming looked to be covered in dust, as if he had just gone through a fierce battle. His clothes were torn in many places, and when he walked, he looked to be swaying.

Although Wang Ming's situation isn't very good right now, my heart inexplicably feels a lot better, and I'm not as afraid as before.

Wang Ming walked in front of me and said: "I'll deal with this Jin Congwen, just the two of you just watch."

After saying that, Wang Ming took out a dagger that was inlaid with snake teeth. His hand was also made from snake skin and he chopped it towards Wang Gong's body.

Before the blade could land on Wang Gong's body, it stopped in mid air, and then, I felt a strong gust of cold air spreading out. I couldn't help but shiver, and Wang Gong fell from the air to the ground.

The two of them leaned back and asked me to sprinkle salt. I quickly sprinkled all of the salt on the ground. The wine slowly dissolved and turned dark red. There were no more messy footprints on it.

After a while, Wang Ming laughed and said: "It should be enough, Jiao Jun, take out the snake skin Drum in my room."

I nodded and didn't even dare speak anymore. I immediately ran towards Wang Ming's room and searched for half a day before finally finding the drum.

After Wang Ming took the drum, he sat on the ground and slowly knocked. The atmosphere immediately became very tense, I felt that the air had frozen, it was a real feeling, it was because I had difficulty breathing, my face seemed to be almost purple.

Wang Gong walked in front of me, took out a few earplugs, and gave them to Qin Yue and I. Saying that this drum sound is harmful to all living beings, please do not listen to it seriously.

After knocking for around five minutes, Wang Ming stopped what he was doing, looked at me and said: "Alright, we have settled Jin Congwen's matter, he is already right here in the drum, the remaining matters are easy to handle, but the other ghost, I did not settle it tonight, so he ran off."

I also didn't want to ask about the other ghost's situation, so I let Wang Ming deal with Jin Congwen as soon as possible.

The method he used was very simple, he just put some snake venom in the drum and then did nothing. He smiled and said to me, "Alright, by tomorrow, his soul will have dispersed from his body."

I heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Wang Ming, pulled him to the side and said: "Is the other ghost related to us?"

"I don't really understand what you're saying. Did you say I did it?" Wang Ming frowned and looked at me, sizing me up.

I hurriedly denied this claim, and didn't mention anything about me suspecting Wang Gong. Wang Ming waved his hand and said: "I'm tired, if there's anything, we can talk about it tomorrow. At night, bring out all of the Evil Warding items here."

With that, Wang Ming left. The snake skin on Wang Gong's body fell down and landed on my hands, "This is for you, put everything away. I will go and rest first, my injuries are a bit heavy."

Qin Yue seemed to still be in shock, as she stood in place without moving. I walked over and pulled her hand and said: "Alright, everything is over now. You go back and rest, I'll take care of the things here."

As if she had lost her soul, Qin Yue mechanically nodded her head, and then walked towards her own room.

After finishing everything, it was already morning. Wang Ming woke up early, and after seeing me, he patted me on the shoulder and said: "Last night's matter was very strange. There were too many people, so I didn't tell you about it."

When I heard that, I immediately perked up and asked him about his visit to Jin Congwen's home.

However, Wang Ming actually lied to me, saying that he would tell me after everything is over. There are still some things that I haven't figured out, don't go out for the next few days, and wait for him to think of a way to deal with that ghost.

At this time, Wang Gong had also woken up, his face a little pale, he walked to Wang Ming and said: "There's still one more ghost, when can we deal with him, it's best if we quickly do it.

Wang Ming shook his head, telling us not to worry. That ghost's ability was beyond our imagination.

Wang Gong was very unhappy. He slapped the table and said: "I am not here to play with you guys, it is best to quickly settle this here. I still have other things to do, I do not want to waste my time."

Wang Ming didn't say a word and directly walked out of the room. I turned my head and went to sleep, not bothering to pay attention to Wang Gong.

Ever since this incident, Wang Ming had always left early and returned late. He also didn't let us follow him either, saying that he was settling that damned thing.

Just like this, after a week had passed, Wang Ming told me that the ghost had been killed, so I didn't need to worry. I was very curious what happened in the middle of it, and chased after Wang Ming to ask, but he didn't say a single word, and even gave me some money.

I held the money in my hand and said, "We have to be clear about this matter. What exactly is going on with that ghost?"

Take it and take Qin Yue out to buy some clothes and give me your salary. I still have things to take care of here, and as for that damned thing, now is not the time for you to know about it. Wang Ming was very aggressive when she spoke, as if she would never give me the chance to talk back.

I, as a person, really like money. I took this money and went out with Qin Yue to play, and only returned to the courtyard late at night.

Upon entering the door, I heard two loud voices, it was as if Wang Ming and Wang Gong were arguing, Wang Ming must have found out that something was amiss, maybe that ghost was caused by Wang Gong and Wang Ming did not want to give me the money anymore.

I quickly walked over and pulled both of them apart. I whispered to Wang Ming: "This person is still useful to me, give him the money. Even if I borrowed it from you, I'll return it to you in the future."

Without waiting for Wang Ming to speak, I once again walked in front of him and said: "Don't worry about what he says, I'll definitely give you the money. You must definitely help me."

However, Wang Gong said to me in a loud voice: "You don't f * cking know what happened yet, don't think that this daddy here did it for that little bit of money, I'm just going to tell you everything now."

Wang Ming immediately rushed over, and punched Wang Gong in the face: What did you say? "How dare you speak such nonsense. Your father will cripple you today. Don't forget whose territory this is!"

Why do I feel like there's something else I don't know about? Isn't that the ghost they're talking about?

"Are you guys fighting for that ghost?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You still don't know what he is, right? " Wang Ming pointed to Wang Gong's nose and said.

Wang Gong clenched his fist, and threw all the money Wang Ming gave him onto the ground, and said loudly: "I don't want my life today, and I don't want the money either, I'm definitely going to fight with your life on the line."

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