Snake Venom/C3 Chaos
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Snake Venom/C3 Chaos
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C3 Chaos

Before I could say anything else, the call ended …

However, I felt that the room had become a lot more eerie. He had followed his father ever since he was young, thinking about how his house was filled with snake skin and snake bone, as well as his father's warnings. I'm not an atheist, but I understand that there are indeed things that are scary and sinister.

This was especially true for some of the items on the snake's body. The snake was a treasure, but it was also full of poison.

Staring at the box at the head of the bed, I dared not go near it. I sat down at the table and stared at it.

After staring at it for a while, I felt terrified. My stomach started to growl again, so I picked up a skewer of meat and stuffed it into my mouth. I drank another mouthful of beer, and immediately, I felt a lot more energetic.

After eating and drinking two bottles of wine, he felt dizzy, but he wasn't that scary anymore …

But at that moment, my phone rang again.

It's Jin Congwen again. I already knew that the person on the other side of the phone must be Jin Congwen's girlfriend, so I didn't stop and just picked up the phone.

He did not expect a trembling female voice to come from the other side, and said: "Jiao Jun, can you do me a favor? My key dropped in your room, I don't have my identity card with me, so I can't open a room outside, can you send it over for me?"

In a daze, I saw a key lying on the floor.

After drinking quite a bit, I spoke a few words with a slurred voice. The other side kept saying thank you.

After hanging up, I shakily picked up the key, put on my clothes, and left the small house.

There is a saying that goes, "drunk accident", and most of the time, people drink broken pieces of it.

I was originally a person who drank less, but because I was afraid of Jin Congwen's matter, I asked for two more bottles.

Now, I have actually thrown all of Wang Ming's warnings from before to the back of my mind …

After exiting the house, he went straight down to the entrance of Hu Tong's house, got a taxi and gave him an address.

There was no traffic jam at night. The journey which usually took 40 minutes during the day had actually been completed in over 20 minutes …

When she wobbled to Jin Congwen's doorstep, Jin Congwen's girlfriend was shrugging her shoulders and trembling.

I handed her the key. She kept saying thank you and then opened the door.

At the same time, the sky suddenly rumbled with the sound of thunder.

Jin Congwen's girlfriend screamed and threw himself into my arms.

I woke up quite a bit and immediately felt the rain on my face.

In an instant, it started to rain heavily outside. Furthermore, the taxi that I got off from earlier had already left …

For some reason, I feel that this road is especially dark, dark to the point that it is scary and penetrating.

Jin Congwen's girlfriend pushed me away in panic. Only then did I react, and with a slightly uneasy voice, I said, "It's raining, there aren't many cars here at night, and there aren't any more. How about you come in, sleep for the night, then leave tomorrow."

It was freezing cold outside, so I shrugged and followed her inside.

She turned on the light in the living room and closed the door.

The room was filled with boxes and things like that. She said hoarsely, "I'll be moving out tomorrow. You can sleep on the sofa tonight."

As we spoke, Jin Congwen's girlfriend brought out a blanket for me and placed it on the sofa. I drank a little and felt that I was too sleepy, so I nodded.

She said she went to bed after taking a shower...

Lying on the sofa, they soon heard the sound of water splashing and also the sound of thunder and rain hitting on the window.

Sleepy, getting stronger and stronger. In a daze, I thought I heard a cell phone ringing.

After opening my eyes, I picked up the phone. Seeing the two words "Wang Ming," my heart tightened. After sleeping for a while, I sobered up a lot from the alcohol, and immediately remembered what happened back then …

My hands shivered, and I picked up the phone. Wang Ming's voice sounded urgent on the other end of the line: "Where did you go? Didn't I tell you not to wander around the house? "

I hesitated for a moment before saying, "Previously, when I sent the box over from Wen Jiabao's girlfriend, the key ended up with me. As a result, I sent the key over to them and was met with a thunderstorm. "Plus, after drinking two cups, I forgot about your words …"

Wang Ming started cursing from the other side of the phone, saying that he was not afraid of death! Where is it? Are you in Jin Congwen's house?

My heart skipped a beat and I said it.

Wang Ming's voice trembled, and he said: "Address, quick! I'll come and find you right away! Also, how could there be a thunderstorm in this weather? The moon outside is as big as a plate, so don't move. "

I was shocked by Wang Ming's words and was about to tell him the address, but unexpectedly, the phone suddenly quieted down.

At the same time, there was another sudden clap of thunder. The rain seemed to have grown heavier, and there was even wind, causing the windows to creak loudly.

There was also the scream of a woman!

I jumped off the sofa and rushed into the bedroom.

The light in the bedroom was on, Jin Congwen's girlfriend was leaning on the bed, shivering. His eyes were filled with panic. Then she shivered and said, "I'm afraid of thunder …"

I let out a sigh of relief for some reason. Then, I lowered my head to look at my phone, only to find that it was dead.

I was about to say that I could use her charger, but the lamp suddenly tore and then went out...

Jin Congwen's girlfriend said while trembling, "There's no electricity, it's always a power outage when it rains..."

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt that the interior of the house had become a lot more eerie. I could only hear the sound of the rain hitting against the windows, and occasionally there would be flashes of lightning, causing the room to light up from time to time.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva. I knew that I wouldn't be able to contact Wang Ming now, but nothing had happened.

I also didn't drink snake gall wine, nor did I indulge in excesses like Jin Congwen, which caused the yang energy in my body to decrease. Wang Ming was exaggerating too much … When I see him tomorrow, I'll just let him take the item away …

I exhaled and said, "Go to sleep. It'll be fine once the sun shines …"

Feeling the darkness, I prepared to return to the sofa. At this time, Jin Congwen's girlfriend suddenly said worriedly, "Can you? Don't leave, I'm afraid lightning and thunder …"

Her voice was weak, but it carried a hint of a gasp. It was obvious that she was extremely afraid …

I hesitated, then said it was inconvenient. She said, with a hint of tears in her voice, that she didn't find it inconvenient for any girl, and that I wouldn't do anything to her, and she was relieved.

When I heard this, I unexpectedly nodded my head. She softly said, "Come over here, lie beside me …"

I groped my way to the bed.

When I walked to the bedside, there was suddenly another bolt of lightning, which caused the entire room to turn deathly white. Jin Congwen's girlfriend screamed out and directly pounced on my body, her body trembling non-stop as he tightly hugged onto me, and his fingernails were about to dig into my flesh.

I shivered with pain, but I didn't push her away.

Just a moment ago, seeing that she was only wearing her undergarments made my mouth go dry …

The light once again returned to darkness, but thunder continued to ring out.

I told her softly to lie down. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere else.

She lay back down, but she would take one of my arms.

So I lay down beside her...

My hand pressed against her body, soft on my arm, and I felt my breath quicken …

At that moment, I noticed that she was closing in on me. I turned my head and met her eyes in the darkness. She said thank you hoarsely.

Looking at her face, her exposed collarbone, and the snow-white chest, I felt a demonic flame springing up in my lower abdomen. Then, my other hand instinctively stretched into her blanket, and I moved closer to her, kissing her lips.

She whimpered and struggled. Just at that moment, there was another clap of thunder.

She was so scared that her beautiful face paled and she hugged me tightly. This time, I couldn't control the evil fire in my heart.

After the thunder, I pressed her under me.

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