Snake Venom/C8 Goodbye to Wang Ming
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Snake Venom/C8 Goodbye to Wang Ming
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C8 Goodbye to Wang Ming

As I looked at him, he looked back at me and said with a frown, "This thing isn't yours?"

I frowned, shook my head and said no, then finally remembered who it was. That night, when Qin Yue and I moved here on our first day, we went outside to eat. She even drank wine.

When I was drunk, this person placed a name card in front of me, saying that the item was for sale. Furthermore, he said that there was someone watching over me. If there was any trouble, I could look for him …

This man was looking for Wang Ming!

Jin Congwen has set his eyes on me, I don't know why the pendant Wang Ming gave me became useless. This man in a suit saved me this time, but what should I do next?

I'm afraid that I still have to find Wang Ming …

The middle-aged man in a suit nodded, and continued: "That ghost just now, he was following you before, but you have this pendant, he can't get close to it, but you should have been to some place with extremely dense Yin energy and strong grievances, so the pendant is no longer working, so he can only move against you."

My heart skipped a beat as I remembered the haunted house where I took the photos and the blurry figure of Xiaoye lying on top of the photos.

I forced out a smile and thanked him. Then I took out my phone, preparing to call Wang Ming and go back upstairs.

However, he frowned and stopped me, saying that he had saved me.

My heart froze for a moment, then I reacted and said: "You should be looking for Wang Ming right? The pendant was given to me by him, I can bring you along to meet him."

Only then did he nod his head in satisfaction. At the same time, he said that the sky wasn't dark yet, so he followed me but the ghost didn't dare to continue coming over.

My heart has always been unnatural. In the end, I really let Jin Congwen down when I was with him.

Thinking about this, my expression changed. I muttered "Qin Yue" under my breath before grabbing my phone and rushing upstairs without making a call.

Soon I was back in the room, and the man in the suit followed me into the living room. I quickly walked to the bedroom door, opened it, and saw that Qin Yue was still lying on the bed, sleeping. However, her face was green, and her forehead was covered in sweat.

My expression changed slightly as I pushed open the bedroom door and ran to the bedside. I shook Qin Yue's shoulders and shouted her name.

But Qin Yue did not wake up. On the other hand, the space between her eyebrows was tightly furrowed, and more and more sweat appeared on her forehead …

In the next moment, the man wearing a suit earlier also quickly walked into the bedroom. After that he frowned and looked at Qin Yue, and tapped on the center of his brows with his finger. I saw that there was blood on his finger, causing Qin Yue's complexion to slowly return to normal, and the sweat on her forehead had also disappeared.

I looked up at the man in bewilderment. His expression didn't change and he seemed to have woken up.

Sure enough, Qin Yue opened her eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, she immediately threw herself into my embrace, and said while crying that she had dreamt of Jin Congwen. Then she spotted the man in the suit and said uneasily, Who is he?

My heart skipped a beat. In that instant, I didn't know how to explain it.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "You guys go ahead, I'll wait in the living room."

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the bedroom.

I didn't answer Qin Yue's question. Instead, I patted her back and asked Qin Yue what had happened inside my dreams.

Qin Yue trembled slightly, and at the same time said with a sob: "He Wen said that you are not a good person, and also said that I am a slut, and that he wanted to kill us."

I turned pale. I never thought that Jin Congwen would actually make a move against Qin Yue.

Qin Yue left my embrace and then said while looking at me with fear, "Jiao Jun, I don't think this is a dream. Wen Zhen has come to find us. Today is the seventh day of his death, and it's his soul-searching night! "

After Qin Yue finished speaking, a rumbling sound of thunder came from outside the window, followed by the sound of pouring rain falling. The lightning left the room pale.

Qin Yue was frightened, and muttered that she would need to find a Taoist at her home to have a look tomorrow.

Looking at Qin Yue's expression, I felt very uncomfortable in my heart, I also knew that I couldn't hide this from Qin Yue. Otherwise, if she continued to be worried and fearful, she definitely wouldn't be able to hold on …

After organizing my thoughts, I told Qin Yue about Jin Congwen's death. He stole one of Wang Ming's things, and that thing had too much yin energy.

Then, I told Qin Yue that Wang Ming would have a way. I'll go look for Wang Ming tomorrow morning at daybreak, and I nearly got killed by Jin Congwen just now. It was that man in a suit who saved me earlier that saved me so I could come back …

After I finished speaking, I tightly hugged Qin Yue, and said word by word, definitely not to let anything happen to her, and to make her stop being afraid …

Just like this, Qin Yue and I stayed in the bedroom until the sky was about to brighten.

After dawn, Qin Yue wasn't so afraid anymore. She went to get up and wash up, while I called Wang Ming. At the same time, I entered the living room and discovered that the middle-aged man was flipping through the photos on my computer while looking at them.

At the same time, he looked back at me and said that you went to this place, which is why the pendant failed?

I nodded. He frowned and said, "You're lucky to have this pendant to save your life."

My heart skipped a beat, and at the same time, the call to Wang Ming also connected.

Without waiting for Wang Ming to speak, I immediately told him where you were. I wanted to see you …

Wang Ming's voice on the other side of the phone was much more carefree now. He said that he would be home, and that I would be able to come over anytime.

After hanging up, the middle-aged man did not flip through my computer, but instead got up and told me that his name was Wang Gong, and told me about the place on the photo. Then, without saying anything, he sat on the sofa and smoked.

My heart was not at ease. When the middle-aged man said that, I became even more uneasy, luckily Xiaoye also left, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Not long after, Qin Yue finished washing up, and I introduced Wang Gong to him. The three of them left the house and rushed over to Wang Ming's house.

In the process, I received a call from the editor asking me what was going on and not going to work yet. How was the script coming along? Do you not want to do it?

My heart gave a lurch and I said that the photo had been taken, but that I really had urgent matters to attend to today.

The chief editor gave me an ultimatum and said, "If you don't come, even if Xiaoye's phone number doesn't connect, then if the two of you don't come by five o'clock today, then don't do it …"

The call ended. I held onto my phone tightly. Xiaoye didn't work? I have a bad feeling.

Qin Yue asked me what was wrong.

My body trembled as I came back to reality. I could not let Qin Yue know about this, or else I would definitely scare her.

And Wang Ming's home, had finally arrived …

This time, after entering Wang Ming's house, the feeling was completely different. I can't describe it, but I was actually very resistant to it, but I had no choice but to accept it.

Because I need Wang Ming's help...

Unexpectedly, this was only the beginning.

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