Soldier King on Goddess Island/C12 Tribal tree
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Soldier King on Goddess Island/C12 Tribal tree
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C12 Tribal tree

Halfway through, however, he suddenly stopped.

After carefully looking at Che Yue's expression, she did not seem to be worried at all, nor was she afraid in the least.

Suddenly, something flashed past Wei Huo's mind. He seemed to understand something as he slapped his thigh and gave himself a tight slap.

"Wei Huo, oh Wei Huo, it was in vain that you were still the captain of the special team, why are you so agitated at such a critical moment!"

He mocked himself as he stuck close to the top of the tree and focused his attention on that empty space. Those fellows were pushing Che Yue into the arena. An old man with some unknown hair stuck in his head walked out from the crowd of people.

The two people who were pushing Che Yue suddenly used a lot of strength, causing Che Yue's body to immediately rush forward a few steps, but she was not able to stabilize himself, and fell to the ground.

Wei Huo immediately clenched his fists, and looked at the two fellows, his eyes spitting fire.

Che Yue sat up from the ground, and looked around in silence. In the end, his gaze landed on the old man's head, and stared at the strange feather for a while before turning his gaze away.

At this time, he heard the aborigine say something, and with a wave of his hand, two people immediately dragged Che Yue to the side.

"These bastards, when I save him, I will definitely teach you a lesson!"

After silently cursing, Wei Huo did not move his body. His eyes were always focused on the direction that the two aboriginals took Che Yue to leave in, and in the end, they disappeared into the forest deep within the cove.

Wei Huo did not stay any longer. While the indigenous people were not paying attention to him, he increased his speed and chased after them in the direction that they disappeared in.

Arriving at the entrance of the forest, Wei Huo realized that the forest was much more sparse, and it seemed like someone was deliberately growing it, oh no, maybe choosing it was more appropriate.

There were still some wooden stakes left behind on the ground, but they seemed to have been artificially picked out to cut down some of the trees in the forest. It made the whole forest seem a lot more sparse.

The trees that were left behind were either extremely thick and sturdy, or were completely straight, giving the impression that they were very ornamental. Wei Huo immediately knew that this place should also be a part of this tribe.

"Before, Che Yue disappeared from here. It looks like, there's still something fishy about this!"

After muttering to himself, Wei Huo calmed himself down and walked in.

But before he walked too far, his foot suddenly felt empty. In his panic, he hastily jumped back and looked down. The place he had stepped into before was actually a pit. Sharp iron spikes emerged from the hole.

He immediately broke out in a cold sweat. If he didn't withdraw fast enough, his feet would have been crippled by now.

"There must be a hole in the brain of these natives. They must dig a hole in their path to bury these traps!"

Wei Huo felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, and his opinion of this group of aboriginals became deeper and deeper. However, he was not going to walk in this forest as if he was strolling in a park.

Every step he took, he first had to test whether the ground was secure or not. However, he still underestimated the mechanisms of these aboriginals. The pit did not appear, but this time, with just a single step, his entire body was lifted off the ground.

Hanging upside down in the air, he was in a very sorry state. Worse, the moment he jumped up, there was a burst of noise from the two surrounding trees. The leaves on the trees also started shaking as if they had gone crazy.

An ominous premonition completely engulfed Wei Huo, he anxiously raised his head, bent his body, his hand swept across the blade, holding it in his hand, he fiercely slashed on the rope at his feet.

At this moment, two wooden nails came flying out from the trees on both sides, pressing down on him from both sides.

Half a second after the rope broke, the two nails collided with a bang. Unexpectedly, they were tightly sewn together and did not separate.

Wei Huo fell until he felt dizzy and his head swelled. He crawled up while rubbing his waist, but when he thought back to the moment when those sharp thorns streaked across the top of his head, he couldn't help but reach out to touch his head.

However, before he could check his injuries, he heard footsteps coming from nearby.

Two figures quickly rushed out from the forest. Wei Huo saw that the two people were actually the two who had escorted Che Yue previously. He wanted to teach these two bastards a lesson, but when he thought of the crowd behind the bonfire, he had to temporarily suppress this thought.

The first thing he did was roll on the ground and slip into a nearby tree trunk. Using the tree trunk as a shield, he hid himself.

The two fellows hastily looked around. When they did not see anyone, they immediately made a hand gesture. The two of them separated and searched the forest from left and right. They even called out something from time to time.

Only, Wei Huo did not understand a single word.

Before the two of them had surrounded him, he had already reached the top of the tree and hid among a pile of tree branches. He listened attentively to their footsteps and only let out a sigh of relief when their footsteps gradually drifted further and further away.

However, he did not immediately descend. Although the sound of their footsteps could no longer be heard, he did not know whether or not they had left.

So to prevent the two men from squatting down, he waited for a while before he slid down from the top of the tree.

Hiding behind the tree trunk, he stuck his head out and examined the two people to confirm that they were no longer there. Then, he changed his direction and looked at the place where they had appeared.

Over there, hundreds of meters away, there was only a towering tree. Wei Huo did not know what kind of tree it was, but it was a rare tree that was the size of a house. That huge tree was like a crane among a flock of chickens. Just the crown of the towering tree covered half of the sky above the forest.

Previously, those two people had suddenly appeared next to that tree.

Frowning, Wei Huo tried his best to recall the location where the two of them went before. He moved closer to the big tree according to his memory, but this time, he did not encounter any traps, and safely passed through this journey.

Stopping at the foot of the huge tree, he stared at it with a face full of suspicion. Although this tree was extraordinarily large, it was only a big tree. There wasn't anything strange about it, but he was sure that the two people from before had mysteriously appeared next to it.

"I don't believe it!"

Wei Huo pulled up his sleeves, and turned to the back of the tree to prevent anyone else from seeing it. Then, he grabbed onto the protruding bark surface, and started climbing up the tree.

The tree was intertwined, and it wasn't difficult to climb. When he landed on the nearest branch, he finally discovered something strange.

On the surface of the tree, there were some indistinct slivers, which looked a bit smoother than the bark on the other parts of the tree. Clearly, this was caused by someone moving around from time to time.

"Don't tell me these natives brought him to the top of the tree?"

Wei Huo looked up, but the leaves blocked out the moonlight. There was only a large patch of darkness above his head, and no one knew what was on it.

Without hesitating, Wei Huo climbed up the tree crown hastily. His heart was a little complicated, he did not know if he should pray for her presence or not.

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