Soldier King on Goddess Island/C13 Crown space
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Soldier King on Goddess Island/C13 Crown space
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C13 Crown space

Wei Huo tried his best to lighten his footsteps, and every two steps he climbed, he would press his body against the tree trunk and carefully listen for any sounds.

After he was sure that no one was paying attention to him, he continued moving forward.

However, the closer they got to the treetop, the more an unpleasant odor came from the top of their heads. If one looked carefully, it was like a dead mouse. Not only that, the smell was astonishing.

If it weren't for the fact that he had to climb the tree with both hands, he would have immediately covered his nose with his hands.

However, there was a limit to his patience. When the strong smell almost made him faint, he had no choice but to temporarily stop and cut off a piece of cloth to cover his nose.

After doing all that, he continued to climb. At first, he was unable to determine what was inside because his vision was blocked. However, the pain coming from the top of his head let him know that he had accidentally bumped into something.

He stretched out his hand and felt around. He thought it was some kind of tree trunk, but when he touched it, he felt it shake more than the branches.

Moreover, there were some people who were still in trouble. He thought it was some sort of trap, so he quickly let go and hid himself with the help of the tree trunk. But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement from above.

However, the stench floating in the air was more distinct. He frowned and looked at his palm with uncertainty. Then, he lifted the cloth strip from his face and brought his hand to his nose to smell it.

Man, he shook his head to clear it.

"What the hell is that thing? How could it be so smelly?"

After muttering to himself, he stretched out his hand to wipe himself. However, he changed his mind and used the bark as a cloth.

The adaptability of a human was too strong. In just a short period of time, the pungent smell that he felt had already weakened by a lot.

However, he wasn't proud of this adaptability at all. On the contrary, the taste was deeply imprinted into his memory. Just thinking about it caused him to feel a wave of nausea.

He had to do what he had to do. He changed his position slightly and rushed into the crown of the tree. It was truly worthy of being a towering tree. Even the crown of the tree was extraordinary, a pitch-black expanse of land. However, Wei Huo still felt that there was a different space inside the tree cave.


Just then, a weak male voice suddenly sounded out in Wei Huo's ears, but this time, Wei Huo heard it clearly, but he did not immediately reply, instead he continued to observe the canopy space.

However, the inside was much darker than the outside. Even though he had become some kind of Bronze Broken Hunter after absorbing all the light spots, he was still unable to see the situation inside clearly.

"You bastards, what are you trying to do?"

As if feeling that Wei Huo had not answered for a long time, the voice suddenly scolded him.

Wei Huo's mind stirred upon hearing this, as this sentence was much clearer than the one word that was used before. Although he had yet to see the person, he could tell that the person who had spoken had obviously been hung on the treetop by someone.

After understanding this, Wei Huo's face immediately lit up, although the person's voice was hoarse, he could not make out the original tone of voice. But no matter how you looked at it, the accent was familiar.

He could not care less about hiding his whereabouts, and anxiously asked: "Are you Wang Zhan?"

"Ah, Captain! It's Captain! Wang Zhan, wake up! Captain has come to save us!"

The weak voice was immediately overjoyed, but perhaps because it was too excited, this mouthful of saliva did not turn around, instead it stuck in his throat and coughed a few times.

Wei Huo was overjoyed, after searching for so long, he finally found the right place, without even thinking, he knew that the person who spoke was Ling Xiao. But then he frowned, and anxiously asked: "Ling Xiao, where is Che Yue? I saw her being led in, so why didn't I hear her? "

"What, Che Yue was captured too?"

Ling Xiao said. He sounded a little worried.

"Close your eyes first, I'm going to turn on the flashlight!"

Before, Wei Huo had never been able to use his flashlight. Firstly, he didn't know where he was, and couldn't change the battery. Secondly, he could barely see it, no matter how dark it was previously.

But now it was different. He couldn't even see his own hand in front of him. Without the flashlight, he wouldn't be able to move to Soaring Cloud's side, let alone save someone.

He closed his eyes and shone the flashlight into his palm. Then he slowly opened his palm and waited for his eyes to adjust to the light. He slowly moved the flashlight forward and opened his eyes.

With a flick of his hand, he hurriedly searched the treetop. However, his feet suddenly felt weak after the flashlight was swung for half a circle. He hastily grabbed the branch beside him to prevent himself from falling down.

Countless wooden cages hung densely in this treetop. They were all locked, and some of them were already stained with rust. Even the cages were a little rotten.

Not only that, but the cage seemed new, as if it had just been made.

There was a corpse in each of the cages. No, that wasn't entirely correct, because some of the corpses had long since become eerie white bones.

There were animals and humans. Wei Huo finally understood the reason why the smell was so strong. With so many corpses hidden, it would be strange if there wasn't even the slightest bit of smell.

Just by looking at the cages and corpses, even though Wei Huo thought that he was fearless, he still felt a little terrified.

"Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao, where are you?"

After he retched twice, Wei Huo did not want to stay any longer, and anxiously called out.

Just then, Ling Xiao's weak voice came out, the cages on Wei Huo's left hand suddenly shook.

Wei Huo knew that this was the signal Ling Xiao gave him, so he hurried over there. After taking a closer look at the cages, he finally found the blinking Ling Xiao and the unconscious Wang Zhan in the two adjacent cages.

"This lock is too big, isn't it? There's no gun in my hand, how am I supposed to open it!"

He wanted to save her, but Wei Huo was depressed by the big lock hanging outside the cage. Ye Zichen didn't expect that two locks would stop him at this point.

"Captain, do you have any small wires with you?"

Ling Xiao tried to prop himself up and sit up, but he was extremely weak. Under the light of the flashlight, his pale face became even paler.

Wei Huo was really unable to watch, and extended his hand out from the hole in the wall of the cage to help him stabilize his body.

Finally, Wei Huo said snappily: "What do you want the iron wire for? Besides, where will I find the wire for you? "

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