Soldier King on Goddess Island/C16 Missing snowflake
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Soldier King on Goddess Island/C16 Missing snowflake
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C16 Missing snowflake

Ling Xiao became serious as he glanced at the crown of the tree and said with sunken brows, "Captain, when you were leaving earlier, I had a good look." We found the corpses in those cages, not only the animals, but most of them were human bones! "

"What do you mean? Spit it out!"

Wei Huo straightened his face and said sternly.

Ling Xiao didn't keep them in suspense and revealed his findings.

When he and Wang Zhan were imprisoned without a word from the other party, he had his suspicions at that time, but after seeing the corpses piled up in the cages, he was even more certain.

The tribes here did not only reject outsiders, they also resented them.

It was true that the natives looked at outsiders with loathing. Not only that, the corpses in those cages, as long as there were still clothes left in them, all of them, without exception, were not the material of this clan's clothes, but were commonly used in the outside world.

And the military is in the majority. There were at least 80 cages hanging on this wall, and there were less than 10 animals. The rest were human corpses. With Ling Xiao's unprofessional medical opinion, the time of their death could be traced back to 50 years ago.

In other words, on average, two people die here every year.

This discovery wasn't terrifying, but it was enough to make the three of them tremble with fear. Everyone fell silent for a moment.

"Bermuda has always been regarded as a mysterious place and we came here through Bermuda. Even though we have yet to figure out what this place is, as long as it is related to Bermuda, we should be fully prepared."

After a long while, Wei Huo then said in a low voice. Now that his own people had been saved, the most important thing was to leave this place. After all, there was still a mission waiting for them. Of course, the country might have already sent someone else to carry it out.

However, if the news of the plane crash didn't get back to the country, then all five of them would have become deserters. The five of them probably wouldn't be able to stand the injustice.

Everyone was thinking the same thing. They didn't feel anything even though they didn't want to, but now that they had regained their senses, all of them became anxious.

Seeing that Ling Xiao had more or less recovered, Wei Huo let him bring Ling Xiao down from the tree first. He held Wang Zhan and slowly slid down the tree trunk.

At that time, she had made an agreement with Xue Yan, but after such a long time, Xue Yan still hadn't come over. She started to worry that something had happened to Xue Yan.

"It's a good thing that we have a rendezvous point. We'll talk about it after we get out!"

Glancing at the aboriginals outside who were still bustling with noise and excitement, Wei Huo signaled the other two to follow. Previously, she had already smoothly passed through, so this time he brought the unconscious Wang Zhan to lead the way in front.

Walking and stopping, walking out of the clan gate, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that no one had noticed him, he turned around and walked towards the meeting point.

This rendezvous point was not unfamiliar at all. It was precisely at the place where the entire mountain passage collapsed when Che Yue brought Wei Huo and his group rushed out of the mountain passage earlier.

However, when they arrived, the surroundings were completely empty, with no signs of Xue Yan. The worry that she had suppressed earlier was now even more intense.

Especially Che Yue, her brows wrinkled into a square.

"Don't be in such a hurry, Xue Yan is our wise man. When we came out earlier, we also noticed that there was no disturbance among the natives, which means to say, Xue Yan should still be exposed."

Wei Huo originally wanted to say all these to comfort Che Yue, but he didn't know if her eloquence was too great, so she didn't seem to be comforted at all. Instead, he said worriedly, "This place is not only dangerous for the aboriginals. Those weird beasts and birds could easily get here if you don't pay attention!"

"Enough, don't scare yourself. Do you not know Xue Yan's ability?"

Wei Huo said that, but he also had the same thought as Che Yue. After pondering for a moment, he looked at the unconscious Wang Zhan and asked: "Ling Xiao, are you sure Wang Zhan will be alright?"

"Of course, you don't have to believe in my ability to fight, but you can rest assured about my ability to practice medicine. If I say he can't die, then he definitely can't die!" Ling Xiao said confidently.

Wei Huo nodded, and looked at Che Yue: "I'll go out and look, you stay here to take care of the two of them!"

Che Yue opened his mouth, but glanced at Wang Zhan and Ling Xiao, and swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

"Don't worry about us. Although I'm not as good at fighting as you guys, I'm an expert at taking care of people. You can all go!"

Ling Xiao was not stupid either, seeing through Che Yue and Wei Huo's worries, he laughed and patted their chests to promise them.

But Wei Huo said with a stern expression: "No, we are a team, Xue Yan is more important, but your safety is also not child's play. With your current appearance, if there really was a wolf or something like that, I'm afraid neither you nor Wang Zhan would be able to survive! "

Wei Huo took out his captain's authority and made a decision.

Che Yue nodded, instructed her to be careful, then she leaned on the side and acted as a guard.

Once he separated from Ling Xiao and the others, Wei Huo immediately returned to the clan's location. In order to find traces of Xue Yan, he had no choice but to take another risk. He did not give the previous experience for nothing, so he immediately felt for the direction that Xue Yan was heading in according to what he remembered.

Needless to say, he did find some traces left behind by Xue Yan, needless to say, these were all left behind by Xue Yan.

However, after searching for a while in the cove, he gradually started to frown.

Because, around the mark Xue Yan left behind, a new mark suddenly appeared. Not only was it lighter than the mark Xue Yan left, it seemed to be moving along with Xue Yan.

When it reached a certain place on the ground, the mark left behind by Xue Yan suddenly disappeared, but the mark that was following him like a shadow turned in another direction, and continued to rush towards the outside of the cove.

"No, something must have happened to Xue Yan!"

Wei Huo was shocked, his heart suddenly felt a strong uneasiness, the worry was like a shadow following his, and could not be let go.

Without further ado, he rushed back to where Che Yue and the rest were, but when he returned, he saw that Ling Xiao and Che Yue were both frowning.

"What happened? could it be Wang Zhan? "

"Wang Zhan is fine! Look, doesn't this look a little familiar? "

Che Yue walked over and extended her hand out, handing over a silk handkerchief.

This wasn't the main point. When he saw the slightly twisted swallow embroidery on Xue Yan's silk handkerchief, Wei Huo knew that this was something that Xue Yan had carried around like a precious protective charm and it had never left her side.

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