Soldier King on Goddess Island/C18 Captive manoeuvre
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Soldier King on Goddess Island/C18 Captive manoeuvre
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C18 Captive manoeuvre

After walking a few times, Wei Huo more or less understood how the enemies had set up these traps. Hence, he familiarly moved closer to the edge of the tribe and stuck his head out of the tribe along with Che Yue.

It was unknown whether it was because of yesterday's activities, but the security inside the clan was still very tight. However, these patrols and the people on the sentries seemed listless.

"Looks like we're pretty lucky. Maybe we'll be more careful and not disturb anyone!" Thinking of this, Wei Huo and Che Yue made a gesture to separate into two.

Just as they entered a wooden house, three or five fellows holding long spears came over. The two of them immediately stopped in their tracks. Then, they heard some fellows in the crowd saying something, and they started to walk towards the side with scattered footsteps.

The others didn't stop and continued to patrol along the path. Only after this group of people had left his side did Wei Huo raise his gaze and look in the direction of the footsteps that had left earlier.

Just in time to see a guy go off the trail, turn into a bush, and disappear.

"It wouldn't be convenient to go there, would it?" Wei Huo rolled his eyes. He knew that he had the chance, so he called out to Che Yue and immediately went over.

Before even walking over, he smelt a stench. Wei Huo grabbed hold of Che Yue and said: Wait a moment, after this is over, it's not good for us to end this here!

Che Yue was startled, but immediately understood what she meant: This country bumpkin was obviously trying to get something big, if they kidnapped him, then he would not know how to stop it, and the two of them could not just lower themselves to clean up the mess right?

It was a long time before the two of them heard the sound of pants being lifted.

Not long after, that figure walked out from that place with a face full of energy. As he was walking, he suddenly heard a sound coming from a bush nearby. He stopped and frowned.

However, he retracted his gaze as soon as the sound stopped. At that moment, the sound from the grass echoed again. The person was no longer able to hold it in. With light footsteps, he bent his head and walked towards the source of the sound.

"But I didn't notice the shadow that was pressing down on me from behind." With a muffled grunt, Wei Huo retracted his palm and bent down to support this country bumpkin. Very naturally, he did not let him fall to the ground.

"Che Yue, that's enough, let's go!" Once she succeeded, Wei Huo took half of this country bumpkin under her arm. Bowing, she walked out. Che Yue also jumped out from her hiding place, which was where the sound came from.

Without delay, they immediately walked in front of Wei Huo to scout ahead, and at the same time, paid close attention to their surroundings. But with one more person, their goal would become bigger, and in order to be safe, they would squat down and observe.

Therefore, their speed was not very fast. When they were close to the edge of the cove, they had spent quite a bit of time. Just as the two of them were about to heave a sigh of relief, the group of people who had been on the same team as this fellow under their arms turned back, as if searching for traces of this person.

"Wu, wu, wu!" Suddenly, a sound similar to a wolf's howl came from within the tribe. The two of them immediately turned around and looked. At this time, he saw a few figures rushing into the clan from the direction that he had taken the man under his arm.

At the same time, a large group of figures within the tribe began to gather.

"Crap, I forgot to deal with the spear previously. I'm afraid they might have found out something!" Wei Huo berated himself for being careless, but he did not think too much about it at the time. But time did not give him the opportunity to continue regretting.

The large group of people had already dispersed within the clan and were searching in every which way. And on Wei Huo's side, a lot of people had also come.

"I lead these people away. Meet up at the same place! "

Wei Huo immediately brought the captive in front of Che Yue. Compared to luring away the enemy, she was much more at ease with this job.

Afraid that the others wouldn't know, he jumped out and shouted at the back. When the group saw Wei Huo's figure, they immediately ran over. As soon as Wei Huo saw that the method was effective, without any hesitation, he immediately scattered the maid and ran in a straight line.

At a time like this, it was best to draw the enemy as far away as possible.

Che Yue watched as the group of people left. Only then did she rush to Soaring Cloud's side with the aboriginals. However, an accident suddenly happened. After chasing for a while, someone among the pursuers suddenly squatted down and checked the traces left behind by Wei Huo.

In the next moment, he called for the people behind him to turn around and chase after the direction Wei Huo was running in. That was the direction Che Yue was headed towards.

Che Yue was rushing along the road when she suddenly heard the noise approaching, she was shocked and immediately started to run, but with an extra burden, her speed was greatly reduced. Seeing that the enemies were getting closer, Ling Xiao and Wang Zhan finally appeared, one took the captive, and the other pulled Che Yue along as they left.

After entering the forest, the three of them suddenly turned around and walked towards the right side.

This time, they did not leave immediately. They hid behind a huge boulder. Ling Xiao came back alone, erasing any traces of his return. As soon as he returned, his pursuers also came. They followed the trail without hesitation.

After the group of people had chased for quite a distance, the three of them finally dragged the aboriginal away.

They had made their preparations early in the morning, but the marks on the forest were left behind when Wei Huo and Che Yue went to kidnap people. The goal was to lure the enemy into following the wrong path, and before the operation, the hiding place would be decided. At the moment, the fighting seemed to be going well.

Che Yue turned to look at Wei Huo's direction, she was secretly worried, but she did not say anything, holding onto the captive, she hurried towards the place where Xue Yan's handkerchief was found.

After walking for a short while, he heard a rustling sound, and Ling Xiao became cautious. Che Yue then put down the captive and went into formation. But Wang Zhan dragged his weak body and stood in front of Che Yue to protect him.

Che Yue wanted to say something, but the voice was getting closer and closer, so she could only swallow everything she said.

Not long after, a miserable looking figure jumped out from the forest and jumped in front of them.

Just at that moment, Wang Zhan had already pounced forward and used his hand to grab ahold of him. The figure that pounced out immediately dodged to the side.

Wang Zhan still wanted to force his way in, but he only heard the voice of the man saying: "Don't do it, I, Wei Huo!"

As he spoke, he grabbed a pile of grass off his head and grinned. Wang Zhan had no choice but to retract his stance, and awkwardly laughed: If you're the captain, then say it earlier, I thought you were a savage!

"No, when will your expression improve a little?" Look, other than you, who else did it? "

Wei Huo glared at him snappily and pointed at Che Yue and Ling Xiao. Wang Zhan turned to look, only to see that the two people were watching the show with interest.

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