Soldier King on Goddess Island/C19 There may be trouble
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Soldier King on Goddess Island/C19 There may be trouble
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C19 There may be trouble

"That's weird, weird. Do you think I have something less in my eyes than the rest of you? Otherwise, why would you recognize me at a glance every time I see you?"

Wang Zhan scratched his head in a slightly depressed manner. Ling Xiao walked over, patted his shoulder and said: "Un, your eyes are indeed missing something, so every time only you will be embarrassed!"

"If I say it's like that, then do you know what I'm missing?"

"It's a pair of eyes. Do you think you have eyes?" Tell me for yourself, who in our team hasn't been wronged by you? After all, we are on the same side, so we can bear with it. It just has to be because of you that our team and the other teams have been doing this kind of mission for quite a while, and all the jokes have gone to other military regions! "" No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

Ling Xiao had an injured look as he counted how many people Wang Zhan had mistaken and fought against all these years.

At the end of his speech, Wang Zhan's weak and pale face had unexpectedly regained some color to it. Ling Xiao was as if he had discovered a new continent: Originally, people could also help patients recover!

"Alright, let's stop messing around. Let's hurry out of these aboriginals' search circle and talk about it later."

As Wei Huo spoke, he picked up the aboriginals who were still unconscious from the ground and looked in a direction as he quickly walked away. The others didn't have the time to hesitate and could only follow.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, when Wei Huo finally felt safe, he threw that country bumpkin on the ground and bent down to pinch him.

"Hiss!" After a series of gasps, the unconscious figure almost jumped up from the ground. However, there was a flash of confusion in his eyes. He was startled when he saw the four figures beside him. However, he started to clamor while muttering some incantations.

Unfortunately, Wei Huo and the rest could not understand at all, and could only turn their gazes towards Wang Zhan. Wang Zhan was initially pretending, but later on he could no longer hold it in, and laughed bitterly: "This guy is like pouring beans, I don't understand!"

"Tsk, I'll just say that you're unreliable!" Ling Xiao said playfully. Che Yue could not help but pursed his lips and smile, Wei Huo looked at the two of them and pressed his hands together, "Enough, looking at this fellow's expression, I know that he did not say anything good, it's fine if you don't hear it!"

Saying that, Wei Huo looked at Wang Zhan seriously: I shall leave the interrogation to you, we will not get involved, but time waits for no one, it's best to quickly ask about it!

With that, Wei Huo got Ling Xiao to find a few vines to tie up this aboriginal firmly and threw it to Wang Zhan. Wang Zhan nodded, fiercely glared at this guy, and dragged him to the side.

While Ling Xiao pulled Che Yue to the side, and watched Wang Zhan's performance without blinking, as if he was watching a show.

Amongst the four of them, Ling Xiao was skinny, Wei Huo was fair and sturdy, with a square head and a large face. Only Wang Zhan didn't have such a weird feeling when he played the bad guy.

Wang Zhan said on the other side as he made threatening gestures. Although he did not know what this fellow said, it looked like the effect was not bad. At the beginning, the aboriginal was very stubborn and refused to cooperate. However, after that, the expression in his eyes changed.

After tens of minutes, Wang Zhan finally returned and wiped his forehead.

"Alright, I got it. However, that place is not easy to find, so I plan to bring this guy to lead the way for us!"

Wang Zhan said as he looked at Wei Huo. After all, Wei Huo was the one who had made the decision, not him. Wei Huo muttered to himself for a while and nodded his head. They were unfamiliar with this place. With a native following them, they might be able to avoid a lot of danger.

Receiving Wei Huo's reply, Wang Zhan turned back once more. This time, he directly used his blade, and finally saw the country bumpkin nod his head.

When Wang Zhan returned, his expression did not look as good as before. Wei Huo was also a quick-witted person, he felt that there was something behind it, so he asked: "What's wrong?"

"According to this aboriginal, that Mount Lascelles is a very dangerous mountain. There are many wild beasts inside!"

"It seems that guy is afraid. But he has no choice, and of course, neither do we. " Wei Huo chuckled, looked at the few of them and said, "Let's rest for another ten minutes, then set off."

After he finished speaking, Wei Huo and Wang Zhan greeted each other and the two of them went over to the aborigine. Seeing the two of them coming over, the aboriginal shrank back, looking a little scared.

"Tell him not to be afraid. As long as he cooperates, we won't harm him. But before that, we need to know a few things. For example, what is this place, how far is it from Bermuda, and how do we get out of here? "

Wang Zhan understood what Wei Huo meant and used the language of the indigenous people to communicate with them. Wei Huo did not understand, there was nothing he could do, he could only wait for the result of Wang Zhan's inquiry.

However, Wang Zhan's expression was getting weirder and weirder, and after four to five minutes, he laughed bitterly and sighed, turning his head to look over.

"Captain, we might be in trouble."

Wei Huo frowned, he did not understand what he just said, and did not understand: "What do you mean?"

"This person said that this is a hunting world and this land is a Broken Iron Island. He also said that if you want to leave the hunting world, you have to become a God of Hunting. Not only that, he doesn't even know about Bermuda. Not to mention Bermuda, he hasn't even heard of Oceania, America, or Asia! "

"How is this possible? Right now, even the most primitive tribe would not be unaware of these basic information! "

Wei Huo was also surprised, he didn't care about God of Hunting s anything. After all, these primitive tribes all had their own beliefs.

"That's right, that's what he said!"

"You should properly ask about what happened. How can it be possible that you don't even know about these matters?"

Hearing that, Wang Zhan tried again, but this time his frown was deeper, he turned to look at Wei Huo, and shook his head: "I don't know what this guy said, he talked a lot, the only things I could understand were a few terms, such as Hunter's Congress, Bronze Broken Hunter, Hunting etc.

"Bronze Broken Hunter?" Hearing this, Wei Huo's eyes lit up, he could not help but recall that strange female voice from before, as if she also told him that he had become some beryllium copper hunter.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

Seemingly seeing that Wei Huo was distracted, Wang Zhan called out softly.

"Nothing much, looks like this matter cannot be rushed, let's first go to that Mount Lascelles to save Xue Yan first, on the way, you should focus your attention and scout!"

"I got it!" With that, Wang Zhan picked up the aborigine and pushed it towards Che Yue and the other two.

Wei Huo and Ling Xiao lead the way. Che Yue watched from the back to prevent him from escaping.

That aboriginal was still considered cooperative, giving Wei Huo a few pointers along the way. Thus, Wang Zhan did not continue to intimidate him.

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