Soldier King on Goddess Island/C5 Did you get fat
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Soldier King on Goddess Island/C5 Did you get fat
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C5 Did you get fat

Che Yue walked in front by herself and her figure swayed. Her speed was not slow either.

Wei Huo looked at her figure from behind and frowned.

As a member of his party, knew better than anyone else what kind of strength he had, but today, Che Yue's speed was obviously much faster than before.

Suddenly, he remembered the time when he had absorbed the light from the dead animals and immediately came up with an explanation.

"That's right, she should have also absorbed those specks of light before!"

Just as he was thinking, the rumbling behind him slowly died down, and he was chased by several figures. Seeing that they were about to catch up to them again, they couldn't help but increase their speed.

Che Yue did not turn back, but her feet were not idle. After going over the mountain, she immediately dove down towards the foot of the mountain. Although Wei Huo and Xue Yan did not know where Che Yue was going to take them.

But after observing them for a while, they were certain that Che Yue was far more familiar with this place than they were.

Right after the dense forest, the horizon suddenly widened.

Outside the forest, outside an empty patch of grass, the ground suddenly cracked, revealing a dark gully.

Che Yue's speed did not decrease, but Wei Huo and Xue Yan unconsciously slowed down their pace. Looking at the cliff, they all knew that the road ahead was blocked.

With a bitter smile, Wei Huo called out to Che Yue: "Looks like we won't be able to escape, let's prepare, maybe, we'll have to fight with these aboriginals!"

Xue Yan immediately took a stance, holding the blade in her hand. She focused her attention on the movement in the forest behind him, her expression becoming more serious.

But Che Yue didn't listen to him at all. With a few steps, she rushed to the edge of the cliff and jumped down without hesitation.

Xue Yan and Wei Huo were both shocked, they did not have time to think, immediately rushing to the side of the cliff and looking down.

It was pitch black in color, like a wild beast waiting for food with its mouth wide open. Wei Huo anxiously pulled Xue Yan, and pulled her two steps back.

Xue Yan smiled lightly. She had wanted to thank him, but found that Wei Huo was looking down worriedly, so the words that came out of his mouth were swallowed back down by her.

Cautiously, she approached the edge of the cliff and looked down.

Just below their feet, Che Yue's slightly sorry figure was moving down a vertical vine.

"Phew", Wei Huo finally heaved a sigh of relief. After knowing that Che Yue was fine, he finally calmed down a little.

"Why is she still running down there when it's like this?"

Xue Yan frowned, the doubt in her tone not concealing at all.

"Don't worry about all that for now. Now that those natives are chasing us, we have no other choice but to grow wings!"

Wei Huo pondered for a moment, then said seriously.

When he finished, he immediately looked around the cliff and saw a vine that was perfectly straight. He immediately grabbed it and tested it out forcefully, only then did he throw it to Xue Yan after confirming its durability: "Let's go, we're also going down, we have to avoid this group of aboriginals!"

As he spoke, he found another vine and tried it out. Then, he climbed up the vine and slid down the cliff.

Xue Yan did not have much time to hesitate, as the figures in the forest were drawing closer and closer.

Moreover, even if Che Yue and Wei Huo went down, she wouldn't be able to stay here alone. Although she didn't say it before, when Che Yue decisively chose to go down, she guessed that there must be more methods down there.

Thinking till this point, Xue Yan also lightened up and jumped off the cliff. The vine in his hand slid down from the center of her palm, and then, she closed his hand and leaned towards the cliff.

When they were about fifteen meters away from the ground, Che Yue and her figure had already disappeared.

She couldn't help but frown and immediately looked around.

At this moment, the head, which was covered by the light from the cliff wall, suddenly darkened. A few figures swiftly appeared at the edge of the cliff and looked down.

"This is bad!" Xue Yan sensed that something was wrong and anxiously looked for a place to land.

However, it was too late. At this moment, the vine in her hand suddenly became light, and her entire body suddenly lost its balance. Without the slightest pause, she fell straight down the cliff.

At that moment, her heart shrank. The memories of her past life flashed through her mind like a lantern, but even so, she was still disturbed by the wind that blew into her ears.

"I never thought that I, Xue Yan, would actually die in such a miserable manner."

He closed his eyes and self-deprecatingly curled the corner of his mouth. She had even made up her mind. When she landed, she would hit the ground with her leg first. She definitely couldn't break this face.

However, the memories flashed in his mind faster and faster. Suddenly, she felt her arm tighten, and her entire body felt a tugging pain. But before she could regain her senses, her body was thrown straight towards the cliff.

She could not help but let out a stuffy groan as her chest was in a mess. She calmed herself down with much difficulty and raised her head to look, only to see that half of Wei Huo's body was suspended above her as his arm grabbed her arm.

Just as she was startled, before she could think about it further, Wei Huo suddenly used a lot of strength in his hand and pulled her up.

Borrowing the support from Wei Huo's arm, she spun in midair for half a circle, and then fell down heavily onto the ground.

Rubbing her arm, she blinked. She realized that this place was actually an empty space. A long and narrow hole stood in the cliff's wall, like a pocket that had a gap opened.

At this time, Wei Huo also climbed over the edge of the crack and entered, leaning on the stone wall as he swung his arms with all his might.

"Have you gained weight?"

With a grin, Wei Huo stared at Xue Yan and teased him softly.

Xue Yan immediately rolled her eyes and raised her fist. However, she was just putting on an act and did not really punch it.

Che Yue watched the two of them silently and did not participate. After waiting for the two of them to finish, he looked at Xue Yan and said softly: "Just now you gave me a big shock, are you alright?"

"Being able to retrieve my life is already not bad. As for those finger marks left by the captain, I was just dug out by a dog!" Forget it! "

Xue Yan said magnanimously. Wei Huo's eyelids twitched, but he did not lower himself to the same level as her.

Turning his head to look at the cave, then looking at Che Yue, Wei Huo felt that it was a bit strange. Such a tricky place, how did she find it?

Seemingly having seen through Wei Huo's doubt, Che Yue said, "When I woke up, it was right here."

However, Xue Yan and Wei Huo couldn't help but look at each other, and could see the strangeness in each other's eyes.

"If we were to land ten meters away from it, I'm afraid we would have to meet again in our next lives!"

Xue Yan didn't know whether to rejoice or be surprised, but she clicked her tongue.

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