Soul And Martial Emperor/C15 Frost Devil Tiger
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Soul And Martial Emperor/C15 Frost Devil Tiger
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C15 Frost Devil Tiger

"I want to go to the Cold Pond. There's FrozenBlood Grass there. I came to look for FrozenBlood Grass," Meng Hao said with a smile. Liu Zhong smiled and said, "I know the Cold Pond. It's not too far from here. Oh right, I still don't know what little brother's name is."

Meng Hao smiled and said, "My name is Hao Alliance. Oh right, big brother Liu Zhong, which Mercenary Group are you from? I also want to join a Mercenary Group." When Liu Zhong heard this, he said happily, "I'm from the Mercenary Group. Brother Hao Alliance, you want to join our Mercenary Group? I can introduce you to our commander, Meng Lingtian, who is very good to our brothers. With your strength, joining the Mercenary Group will make our leader very happy.

Meng Hao smiled and said, "Alright, I will go to your Mercenary Group in a few days. When the time comes, I hope Big Brother Liu Zhong can help me put in some good words." "That's for sure. I will take you to the Cold Pond now," Liu Zhong said with a smile.

Meng Hao nodded. After that, Liu Zhong led Meng Hao towards the Cold Pond. Sure enough, the two of them arrived at the Cold Pond not long after. Meng Hao said happily, "Thank you, brother Liu Zhong. I will go and find the FrozenBlood Grass now. Big brother Liu Zhong, please wait for me. When the time comes, we'll go out together...

Liu Zhong smiled and nodded. He reminded: "Be careful. FrozenBlood Grass is protected by the Ice Devil Tiger. Don't be careless." Meng Hao smiled at him, "Don't worry, I know." After saying that, he rushed to the side of the cold pond and started to search for FrozenBlood Grass.

Sure enough, not long after, he saw a stalk of FrozenBlood Grass. However, Meng Hao was not in a hurry to pick it. Instead, he continued to search. After about an hour, Meng Hao found another three stalks of FrozenBlood Grass.

Meng Hao smiled and walked to one of the stalks of FrozenBlood Grass. He took it over, but no Soul Beast came out. Meng Hao continued to collect the FrozenBlood Grass. It was only when Meng Hao took the fourth stalk of FrozenBlood Grass that the Ice Devil Tiger came out from the cold pond. It lunged at Meng Hao.

Meng Hao swiftly retreated and left the cold pond. At this time, the Ice Devil Tiger had also caught up with him. It opened its bloody mouth and pounced towards Meng Hao, wanting to swallow him whole.

"Second phase high-grade Soul Skill, Rushing Thunder Hand!"

Meng Hao faintly smiled. He began to form seals with both hands, and then suddenly pressed downwards. Instantly, it turned into a giant lightning hand and pressed down on the "Ice Devil Tiger."

Boom! Boom!!

The "Ice Devil Tiger" was directly pressed down to the ground by Meng Hao and sank into the soil. The tiger skin on its body was covered with blood due to Meng Hao's giant lightning hand. Obviously, it was severely injured by Meng Hao's attack.

"Die." Meng Hao smiled evilly. His right hand suddenly clenched into a fist and smashed towards the "Ice Devil Tiger." The "Ice Devil Tiger" was suppressed to the point where it could not dodge at all. It was smashed to death by Meng Hao.

Meng Hao took two steps forward and put the "Ice Devil Tiger's" corpse into the Heaven and Earth Bag. At this time, Liu Zhong, who was looking at him with a dumbfounded expression, walked over and said with a smile, "Brother Hao Alliance, you have great skills. I really admire you."

"Brother Liu Zhong, you flatter me. Let's go." Meng Hao was modest for a while. Liu Zhong nodded. The two of them turned into a ray of light and rushed out of the Illusion Prison Jungle.

With their speed, they walked out of the "Illusion Prison Jungle" not long after. Liu Zhong took the lead and said, "Brother Hao Alliance, I have to rush back to the team as soon as possible. I have to report this matter to the commander. Our Ling Tian Mercenary Group is in Hao Yue City, so we can find them easily. If you have time, you can come to Hao Yue City and find me. I'll treat you then. Why are you two drinking together?

" Alright. I'll definitely go when I have time. Take care, Big Brother Liu Zhong. "" Take care. "Liu Zhong cupped his fists and smiled. Then, without delay, he flew away.

Meng Hao saw this and rushed in another direction. This direction was towards the Purple Sun Hall, but Meng Hao did not travel at full speed. Instead, he injected his divine sense into Lone Wolf's Heaven and Earth Bag, wanting to find out if there was anything good.

After a period of investigation, he found that most of the Crystal Core in the Soul Beast were Early and Middle First Grade. There were very few Late First Grade ones. There were only two of them that Meng Hao was not interested in.

There were also two Low-grade Second Stage Soul Skill, which were the two Soul Skill that Lone Wolf had used before. Meng Hao was not interested in them either. He also had two Spirit Tools. One of them was a lower grade treasure sword, and the other was also a lower grade one. However, it was a ring. This sword was not bad. Meng Hao could use it.

The remaining items were the Soul Beast's corpse. However, there were still 2,000 Crystal Coin left. It was likely that Lone Wolf had been saving them for a long time, but in the end, it was Meng Hao's turn.

With a low-grade first-grade sword, Meng Hao could learn the 'Seven Style Illusion Kill'. Therefore, while rushing, Meng Hao learned the first style of the 'Seven Style Illusion Kill', which meant that it was like a dream. The enemy would not be able to tell whether the sword was coming out or not. Killing someone in an invisible way was the essence of the 'Seven Style Illusion Kill'.

It didn't take long for Meng Hao to return to the Purple Sun Hall. He showed the token of an inner circle disciple, then entered it. After that, he walked towards the Assignment Hall. Now that he had completed his mission, it was time for him to hand in his mission.

After arriving at the Assignment Hall, Meng Hao walked to the place where he handed in his mission and said lightly: "I want to hand in my mission." After saying that, he took out the mission list and FrozenBlood Grass and placed them in front of one of the deacons. The deacon looked up at Meng Hao and smiled: "It took ten days to complete the task. Take out your identity card. I will give you the reward for completing the task

Meng Hao nodded and took out his identity card. The deacon pointed his finger and a number appeared on the back of Meng Hao's identity card. 120. This must be the contribution points earned from this mission.

The deacon then passed two thousand Crystal Coin and six Soul Stone to Meng Hao. These were the rewards Meng Hao deserved. Meng Hao took the Crystal Coin and Soul Stone and smiled at the deacon. "Sorry to trouble you, deacon." Seeing Meng Hao being so polite, the deacon smiled and said, "You're welcome. This is my job. Our deacon hall also accepts the materials for the Soul Beast. Crystal Core and so on, you can exchange them for labor points. You can also exchange them for Crystal Coin and Soul Stone. The price is fair.

Meng Hao smiled and said," I do have some Soul Beast materials and Crystal Core, but I placed them in my residence. When I have time, I will come over again. "After saying that, he smiled at the deacon and left the place.

Just as Meng Hao walked out of the deacon's hall, he was in a quiet residence. When a man heard the report from another person, his face instantly turned cold. "Two useless fools, they actually let Meng Hao come back alive. Since you're back, I'll deal with you myself. I will definitely make you regret bullying my brother.

Meng Hao didn't know that he had been targeted the moment he returned. Even if he knew, he wouldn't be afraid. With his current strength and means, he wasn't afraid of even a ninth level Profound realm martial artist. However, this would expose the trump card of a soul master. It would not be long before he lost everything. Meng Hao wouldn't expose this trump card... ...

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