Sovereign of the Heaven/C61 Two little chimes of emotions
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Sovereign of the Heaven/C61 Two little chimes of emotions
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C61 Two little chimes of emotions

Shang Yu did not like the two of them discussing endlessly about things that she did not dare to get excited about. She held Di Chen's hand and whispered into his ear, "Big Brother Di Chen, didn't you want to teach me a lesson?

Although her voice was soft, Qin Suer and Lin Tao could hear her. The two of them were speechless, thinking that Shang Yu was being too frank, how come they never realised that she was this kind of person.

Di Chen chuckled, he could already imagine the scene when he was in a room with Shang Yu, he couldn't wait to pull Shang Yu to her room and lock the door, then disorderly his hands, wanting to take care of Shang Yu's raincoat.

Shang Yu slapped Di Chen's hand away, and said with a smile that was yet not a smile: "You're really anxious, we aren't even married yet, you're not allowed to touch me."

Di Chen exclaimed: "I say, little girl, you were the one who hinted me just now, how can you not agree?"

Shang Yu smiled evilly and said, "I don't know how I can trick you here, you always want to take advantage of me, today I will teach you a lesson."

After saying that, she pressed Di Chen down onto the ground. Although Di Chen was at the fifth stage of Life Seizing Supreme Realm and had a lot of strength, he was unable to move at all when Shang Yu pressed him down onto the ground.

Di Chen's hand was twisted so much that it had almost become twisted. He cried out: "Hey little girl, what are you doing? How am I making you angry again?"

Shang Yu snorted, "After you came back, I could smell several kinds of faint fragrance from your body. Other than Sister Su'er, there are also a few other women. What do you think is going on?"

Di Chen explained: "Earlier, when I was moving with a few people, one of them was a girl, what's so strange about that."

"Nonsense," Shang Yu said angrily, "You're still not telling the truth. If it was just an ordinary colleague, you wouldn't have so much fragrance on your body. If I'm not mistaken, you must have spent your days with them, so that's why you have such a strong fragrance on you."

Di Chen suddenly remembered that he had interacted with Cao Yuer a lot, and thought that it must be her, so he anxiously said: "She's just a friend, if you don't believe me, ask Qin Suer, she can testify for me."

The pain made Di Chen scream miserably, but Shang Yu did not loosen his grip at all. He spoke angrily, "I asked Miss Su Er what's the use of it, she likes to protect you and would never speak the truth, I want you to say it, tell me everything that you experienced in the Thousand Monster Mountain. If I find out that you lied to me in any way, I will break your hand."

Di Chen was afraid of Shang Yu, this girl usually looked very cute and gentle, but sometimes she was like an unruly and headstrong lady.

Why didn't he notice that this girl was violent before?

"I'll say, I'll say …" Di Chen hurriedly told his everything that he had experienced with the Thousand Monster Mountain, including his grudges with Huang Ting and every single sentence he had said with Cao Yuer. In fact, he had actually wanted to hide the matter of Cao Yuer from his at the beginning, because they seemed to be quite close in the Thousand Monster Mountain, even Qin Suer had said that Cao Yuer had fallen for Di Chen. However, Shang Yu's senses were simply too sensitive.

Shang Yu listened attentively to Di Chen's words and said angrily: "I knew that you, this playboy, would be involved with others behind my back. As expected, that Cao Yuer must have fallen for you."

Di Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I say, little girl, when did your nerves become so sensitive? You're not even here, how do you know she likes me?"

Shang Yu said, "How about we find Miss Su'er and tell her about it? If she feels the same way, then I'll break you. How about it?"

"This …" Di Chen was afraid. Previously, Qin Suer did say that Cao Yuer liked him.

Shang Yu saw that Di Chen was not speaking, so she twisted his hand again and said, "If you don't say anything, then it's silent. You actually dare to use me to mess with other people, you really infuriated me."

Di Chen said snappily: "I say, little girl, I was almost killed by Yu Xiuyuan and Huang Ting earlier. You don't even care about my life and death, yet you keep grabbing onto Cao Yuer and talking endlessly about this matter, do you really care about me or not?"

Shang Yu replied: "Of course I care about you. This Yu Xiuyuan and Huang Ting deserve to die and I actually wanted to kill you. I won't let them off, but since you have such a close relationship with Cao Yuer behind your back, I won't let you off either."

If it was before, when she heard that someone wanted to kill Di Chen and Shang Yu, she would have sought him out for revenge a long time ago. But she didn't.

Di Chen laughed bitterly: "I say, little girl, is that really necessary? We are all going to get married sooner or later, why don't we get married tonight? You can rest assured now."

"What?" Shang Yu was angered to the point that she twisted his hand to the point that he almost changed his shape, and said angrily: "You are flirting around outside, and now you still want to take advantage of me, see how I will take care of you today."

As he said that, he took out a rope to tie up Di Chen's hands and feet. Like a sailboat, normal people's bodies were actually more rigid, it was difficult to get tied up in such a state, but they could imagine how much suffering Di Chen had endured, when this girl flirtatiously asked them to enter the house to teach her a lesson, and instead got taught a lesson instead. Why is this girl getting more and more violent?

"See if you dare to lie to me in the future," Shang Yu laughed complacently. After tying up the ship, he ignored Di Chen, and allowed Di Chen to sway on the ground like a boat. No matter how Di Chen begged, he would not listen to her.

Time slowly passed, Di Chen did not know when he fell asleep, but he woke up on the second day. His hands and feet were still in their previous shape, and Shang Yu was just sitting by the side, smiling at her.

Di Chen said with a sullen face: "Girl, you can let go of me now right?"

Shang Yu giggled, "It has already been untied."

Di Chen looked back, and realized that the rope had been untied long ago. He tried to move his body, but the pain that came from being bound like this for too long caused his limbs to change shape, and he was unable to return to normal for a while.

On the other hand, Shang Yu was smiling happily as he grabbed the other foot and twisted it. When Di Chen's hands and feet had recovered their original form, he was already crying profusely and the ground was covered with water, but his body was still very stiff, he was completely unable to move, and was still sprawled on the ground.

"Big Brother Di Chen," Shang Yu squatted in front of Di Chen and said while grinning, "Do you still dare to lie to me in the future?"

Di Chen said with tears streaming down his face, "I say, little girl, why didn't I notice that you were quite ruthless before?

This time, Di Chen was truly afraid. This girl actually had a violent side to his!

Only then did Shang Yu help Di Chen up, and smiled: "This is my big brother Di Chen. Quickly get up, I've prepared some food for you."

Di Chen thought to himself that although Shang Yu was extremely gentle, there was no reason for her savagery.

Then, it was Shang Yu's meticulous care and concern for Di Chen that made Di Chen uncomfortable. This Shang Yu had a double personality.

After resting for a few hours, Di Chen finally recovered his body, and walked out of Shang Yu's room. However, his body was still sore, and it was more painful than being stabbed by a knife.

"Di Chen," Lin Tao coincidentally saw Di Chen walking out, and laughed sinisterly: "You screamed quite miserably last night, did you clean up Shang Yu?"

Qin Suer who was at the side also had an evil smile on her face, it seemed that she knew about what happened last night.

Di Chen said snappily: "Don't take joy in this. If there's anything you regret in the future, aiyo …"

Lin Tao was too anxious and his movements were too sudden. He twisted his arm and screamed out in pain. When he saw this, he laughed out loud.

Di Chen rolled his eyes, and was too lazy to bother with them, he looked at Qin Suer and said: "Su'er, help me grind the ink, I'm going to copy the books."

Qin Suer was a little hesitant at first, after all the two of them were back, so this kind of thing should be done by Shang Yu. However, after thinking it over, she nodded her head, since Shang Yu did not know how to grind ink, she did not have the mood to stay by Di Chen's side to watch him copy books.

The two of them went into Di Chen's room, and the fashionable rain came out of the room.

Lin Tao glanced at Di Chen and saw through her thoughts. He smiled and said, "The two of you have no way of guessing, childhood sweetheart. You know how much Di Chen likes you, so don't think too much."

"But Sister Su'er is better at taking care of Di Chen than I am, it's just like how Di Chen likes to read and write, but I don't have the patience to stay by her side to accompany her. Sister Su'er, however, is fine, I know that Sister Su'er likes Di Chen as well, and sometimes I wonder if they would have been together if I met Di Chen first."

Of course, Lin Tao knew what Qin Suer was thinking, she had always been silently guarding beside Di Chen and taking care of him, to be able to pay such a price for him.

"But there aren't that many 'ifs' in this world, time can't flow back. In the end, you two got to know each other first, and you two are already engaged. Di Chen won't betray you."

Lin Tao laughed: "I can promise you this, if one day Di Chen falls for someone else, I will help you teach him a lesson."

She was very angry today, but it was not because of Cao Yuer. She was just angry that Qin Suer could get along better with her, but why couldn't she?

Shang Yu knew that Lin Tao was only trying to comfort her. If such a day really came, what could he do?

She only wanted to tell Di Chen that she was the fiancee of Di Chen, that she could maintain her true self in front of Di Chen. She did not need to accompany him, and did not know if Di Chen understood, but she was a little worried.

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