Sovereign of the Heaven/C67 Shocking
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Sovereign of the Heaven/C67 Shocking
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C67 Shocking

Li Caishi punched towards Di Chen, this punch did not hold back at all.

Di Chen anxiously used his fist to clash with Li Caishi, with the collision of the two fists, Di Chen's arm made a creaking sound, and was immediately broken. His entire body was flipped over by a powerful force, and rolled over a dozen times on the ground.

"Thousand Thread Transformation," Li Caishi took advantage of her victory to give chase as her ten fingers shot out threads after threads. The threads that filled the air shot towards Di Chen like silver needles.

The power of the scholar surged out from Di Chen's body. He immediately wrote a few words called "Break" in the air, and the words immediately flew towards the threads.


Those threads melted into nothing within the ripples, but there were still a few threads that were not destroyed. The threads penetrated through the explosion and shot into Di Chen's body. Li Caishi controlled the threads and swung them forcefully, once again knocking Di Chen over and smashing him heavily into the ground.

Di Chen's body was not as strong as a normal warrior's, instead he was very weak. His bones looked like they had been broken, as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

This "Broken" formula was already Di Chen's strongest formula, and just now, Di Chen had used up most of his power as a scholar, but he was still unable to withstand a single move from Li Caishi. Although she had suppressed his cultivation, Di Chen was still too strong.

"He's not dead yet?" Seeing that Di Chen was actually able to block it, Li Caishi's gaze turned cold, and he leaped up again, the ten finger thread once more shot towards Di Chen.

Threads of light filled the entire sky as they shot towards him. If he was hit, Di Chen would probably be pierced into a sieve.

"This …" Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised. How was this Li Caishi taking the examination? She clearly wanted to kill the other party.

Both Cao Rouer and Shang Yu looked at Li Caishi with killing intent, their hands clenched into fists. However, they had no way to interfere with the assessment, they could only pray that Di Chen could survive.

"Di Chen, let's see if you'll die this time," Huang Zhan, Ai Yeshi and Jin Rui, on the other hand, had smiles on their faces. They hated Di Chen to the core, and were excited to see him beaten into such a sorry state.

Liang Xinghe and Mu Zhongli shook their heads, they never thought that Li Caishi would actually intentionally kill Di Chen, looks like it would be difficult for the literati to escape this crisis.

"Di Chen..." Cao Yuer knew that she wanted to kill Di Chen, but she never expected her attack to be so heavy. Seeing Li Caishi charge towards Di Chen, she was so anxious that tears flowed out of her eyes.

Di Chen clenched his teeth, staring straight at Li Caishi, he suddenly took out a large amount of paper with the word "established" written on it and threw it at Li Caishi.

"Stop," Di Chen shouted loudly. The pieces of paper emitted a strange power, and the threads, including Li Caishi, stopped right in front of him, just like a stationary shot.

"My body …" Li Caishi's expression changed slightly. She could not move at all.

"You won't be able to kill me that easily," Di Chen roared harshly, taking the chance to take a step forward and ruthlessly smash a fist on Li Caishi's chest. Li Caishi only felt as if he had been smashed by a small mountain, and his entire body flew ten metres away, rolling on the ground and spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

After this punch, Di Chen also fell to the ground weakly, his hands supporting himself on the ground. He had already used all of his strength just now, if he did not defeat Li Caishi with this punch, he would not be able to resist.

"It can't be, he actually injured Li Caishi. This guy doesn't have any spirit energy fluctuations, why is he so powerful?"

"It looks like ten seconds have passed, this guy can actually last ten seconds by himself!"

Previously, Jiang You and his team had to work together to barely fight against Li Caishi, but at that time, Li Caishi had not used her full strength, but now, Li Caishi was actually heavily injured without holding back?

Looks like the reason why he was able to pass the first round of examination was not due to luck or cheating. This fellow was even stronger than Jiang You and Fang Xin, where did he come from?

At this moment, everyone was curious about Di Chen.

Li Caishi used the ground to support herself up, she looked at Di Chen with hatred, then at the space between her eyebrows, a sharp sword shot out, straight at Di Chen.

It had already been ten seconds and Li Caishi still wanted to attack?

"Li Caishi, what are you doing?" Cao Rouer was angered to the point that she had no time to save him. She did not expect Li Caishi to be so shameless.

Shang Yu looked at Li Caishi with hatred. She hated it when people tried to harm Di Chen the most, but this Li Caishi actually wanted to kill Di Chen. How could she endure this kind of thing?

Right at that moment, Qiu Tang suddenly appeared in front of Di Chen, holding a fan in his hand, he casually waved it, causing a wind blade to intercept the sharp sword.


The wind blades and wind blades clashed, but the two clashed and dissipated at the same time, a ripple sweeping out in all directions, causing Qiu Tang to not move an inch, but Li Caishi still retreated a few steps.

"Hmm?" Li Caishi was slightly startled, her eyes squinted as she stared at Qiu Tang: "Didn't you steal …"

"Senior Sister," Qiu Tang laughed and said, "It has already been ten seconds, how can you still attack?

Li Caishi stared at Qiu Tang for a while before withdrawing his spirit force. She glanced at Di Chen and quickly recovered his calmness, not having the killing intent from before: "You have passed."

Qiu Tang laughed, then helped Di Chen up: "Brother Di Chen, are you alright?"

Di Chen laughed bitterly: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, thank you for saving me."

Qiu Tang laughed: "Don't thank me, the battle between you and Li Caishi was too intense, I did not have any chance to interfere, I relied on you to pass this assessment."

Although he did not attack in time, how could Di Chen not see that he was extremely strong. He was extremely curious about Qiu Tang's identity, it seemed like this fellow was purposely teaming up with him.

Qiu Tang was still smiling merrily. His smile was very amiable, not one bit cunning. However, one could tell that he vaguely knew that Di Chen had guessed that he had some sort of ulterior motive.

Cao Yuer staggered over, and said angrily: "This Li Caishi actually went against the rules to kill us, and had the same moral character as her sister. She's too much, I'll remember this grudge."

Di Chen laughed bitterly: "After all, we were the ones who killed her sister. It's normal for her to want to kill us first, so let's go back first."

The three of them returned to the crowd, and Li Caishi continued to test the other disciples, but at this time, no one was in the mood to look, they stared at Di Chen curiously. Previously, everyone thought that Jiang You and Fang Xin were the seeded participants of the competition, but now it seemed that Di Chen was not weaker than the two of them.

"It's fortunate that nothing happened to him," Mu Zhong Li said with a sigh of relief. "If he had died, our Sky Realm Academy would have been one less literati."

Liang Xinghe said: "But Li Caishi will not give up on killing him, I think she will find another opportunity to do so in the future."

Mu Zhongli raised his eyebrows, "I will get Caishi's teacher to remind her not to act recklessly. If not for Qiu Tang, our Sky Realm Academy would have lost a talent."

As he spoke, Qiu Tang revealed a look of curiosity, "Although this person's previous attack seemed ordinary, it's obvious that he is not at the level of Lifestealer Realm."

Although Li Caishi had suppressed her cultivation to the ninth stage of Life Seizing Supreme Realm, ordinary ninth stage Life Seizing cultivators would not be able to easily block this strike from Li Caishi.

"Qiu Tang?" Mu Zhongli whispered the name. He frowned and thought for a moment. "I seem to have heard of this name somewhere before."

Liang Xinghe was silent for a moment, then said: "If I remember correctly, the Fourteenth Prince of our Thousand Autumn Dynasty is called Qiu Tang, I heard that he is one of the Flame Emperor's most favored princes, with both talent and strategy, and there is a rumor that he will inherit the Flame Emperor's position in the future.

It was only then that Mu Zhongli remembered Qiu Tang's identity. No wonder he was so powerful, the prince of the imperial court had always been nurtured by the imperial government, why would he come to the Sky Realm Academy?

Mu Zhongli frowned as he looked at Qiu Tang. He did not like to interact with the imperial government, but since this prince came to the Sky Realm Academy as a student, he would naturally not stop him.

In truth, Qiu Tang coming to the Sky Realm Academy this time had nothing to do with them, so the Flame Emperor had sent him to investigate what kind of person Di Chen was.

A few minutes later, the second round of the examination finally ended. There were a total of five groups that passed the examination, and the other five groups were eliminated. In other words, there were fifteen people who finally joined the Sky Realm Academy.

Li Caishi read the names of the people who passed the examination, and when she read Di Chen's name again, she gave him a profound look, and then proceeded to simple explain what they were going to do next. Then she calmly left as if nothing had happened.

Di Chen stared at Li Caishi's back, thinking that she would not give up on killing him, this time was troublesome, Huang Zhan, Ai Yeshi and other troubles had not been solved yet, now another Martial King had come!

"Senior Sister Li." When Li Caishi passed by Chen Zhiyun, she called out to her, "Do you have enmity with this Di Chen?"

Li Caishi did not hide anything. "Huang Zhan told me that Li Xin died in Di Chen's hands, and I must kill him to avenge Xin'er."

Chen Chenyun laughed bitterly: "In fact, you know what kind of person Huang Zhan is, even if he killed Li Xin, it would be because they were at fault, and Xin'er must be implicated by him."

"I only know that it was Di Chen who killed Li Xin," Li Caishi naturally knew of this situation. Previously, she had often advised Li Xin to stay away from Huang Zhan, but Li Xin just wouldn't listen.

Chen Zhi Yun sighed, thinking to himself, even if Di Chen were to join the Sky Realm Academy, he would not be able to live a good life, who told him to offend a Martial King?

The end of the second round of examinations meant that Sky Realm Academy's entrance examination for the day was already completely over. Fifteen people entered Sky Realm Academy, and those who failed were sent out of the academy.

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