Spectre's Final Blade/C1 The Demons All over the World Awakening
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Spectre's Final Blade/C1 The Demons All over the World Awakening
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C1 The Demons All over the World Awakening

I want to stress this one more time! Newborn Spectres lack spiritual wisdom and skills. They're essentially harmless and can only intimidate people with their innate Yin Qi! Therefore, once you've awakened your Horcrux, there's no need to worry about them..."

In the senior year, Class 2, the homeroom teacher Ma Tufu was passionately lecturing when he abruptly stopped, furrowing his brow.

He had spotted someone fast asleep on their desk in the classroom!

Sleeping during class was simply unacceptable.


With a disdainful snort, Ma Tufu hurled the eraser from his hand toward the student like a precision-guided missile.


The missile struck the student's head, kicking up a cloud of chalk dust.

The sleeping student was jolted awake by the impact and, with bleary eyes, he blurted out a string of curses.

"Who? Who the heck thinks they can hit me?"

The student, named Su Wei, was normally well-behaved in class, but somehow, he had dozed off during Ma Tufu's lecture.

"Hmm?" Ma Tufu's expression darkened with a hint of menace as he heard Su Wei's outburst, "Su Wei! Repeat what you just said!"

"I'll repeat your..." Su Wei, upon seeing the homeroom teacher at the podium, his face registered shock, and he mumbled to himself, "Crap! Ma Tufu? Not you again? What kind of bad luck have I run into lately, always dreaming about you?"

The classroom erupted in laughter.

The students, initially shocked by Su Wei's rude awakening, now found his soliloquy hilarious.

The kid actually thought he was still dreaming?

Ma Tufu, now livid, with veins popping on his forehead, sneered through gritted teeth, "Su Wei, do you think that just because you've awakened your Soul Power today, I'm no longer in charge of you?"

"Awakened Soul Power? What's that?" Su Wei, still confused, rubbed his eyes.

"Playing dumb, are you?" Ma Tufu, infuriated, pointed towards the door and barked, "Get out!"

Just then, the classroom's loudspeaker crackled to life.

"Attention, all homeroom teachers! Please bring your students to the sports field immediately for assembly. The Order Department's transport will be arriving shortly!"

Ma Tufu's expression shifted unpredictably upon hearing the school's announcement. He glared at Su Wei and barked, "Su Wei, listen up! If you don't manage to awaken a top-tier Soul Power today, just wait and see how I'll deal with you later!" He then swept his gaze over the students and declared, "Enough talk! Your future is in your own hands. Show what you're made of at the Order Department's awakening point! Now, line up and move out!"


Su Wei shuffled out with the crowd, his mind a fog.

Soul Power?

Order Department?

What in the world were those?

As a diligent employee accustomed to the 9-9-6 grind, he was certain he had been pulling an all-nighter at work. How had he suddenly found himself back in his high school days? And it wasn't just a simple return to the past; he was bombarded with incomprehensible terms!

Had he... somehow traveled through time?

"Su Wei, you're on fire today! Heh, you even had the guts to mock the butcher," chimed in a bespectacled boy with a punchable face, snapping Su Wei out of his confusion.

"Four eyes?" Su Wei blurted out upon seeing the boy, quickly asking, "What are we supposed to be doing?"

The boy with the glasses was Lee Silin, one of his close friends. Known for his thick glasses, Lee Silin had been dubbed "four eyes" by his peers during his younger years.

"You can't be serious! You've forgotten what we're doing today? It's Awakening Day! Soul Power Awakening Day! It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Our future success hinges on today!" Lee Silin's face registered shock at Su Wei's question.

"Cough, I know what today is," Su Wei replied, trying to cover his confusion. "I mean, what exactly are we supposed to awaken once we get to the Order Department?"

"Come on, even a toddler knows that! And you're saying you don't?" Lee Silin gave him a disbelieving look, then let out a sigh, muttering to himself, "Wow, you're still in the mood for jokes. I'm so anxious. If I end up with a worthless Horcrux, what am I going to do with my life?"

Another Horcrux!

"Believe in yourself!" Su Wei, still confused about the situation, reassured him decisively, "Even if you really are useless, it's okay. I've got your back from now on!"

"Thanks a lot!" Lee Silin rolled his eyes once more.


The Order Department's Awakening Point was located in the Moontown stadium.

As the teachers and students of Moontown High arrived, the students from the previous school had just completed their awakening.

The two groups crossed paths, one entering as the other exited.

"Wow! Is that guy carrying a heavy sniper rifle?"

"Such an extravagant design! I wish I could get my hands on a sniper rifle like that later!"

"What's the point of just looking at the design? It's all about the number of soul marks on it."

"Absolutely! A Horcrux with plenty of soul marks is a quality one."

"I'm not asking for much; I just want a weapon with eight soul marks."

"Eight? Why not go for ten soul marks? Becoming a deity in one step would be amazing!"

"I'd be happy with just a pretty magic wand, the kind with gems, even if it has fewer soul marks."

The students of Moontown High, seeing the variety of weapons in the hands of students from the other school, displayed looks of envy and admiration.

Su Wei, observing the assortment of weapons held by students from the other school, was baffled once again.

He tugged at Lee Silin's sleeve and inquired, "Ah Si, where did they get those weapons? Guns and knives, don't the police care?"


Hearing Su Wei's question, Lee Silin slapped him on the head and exclaimed, "Stop playing dumb! You keep on acting! You can't even recognize a Horcrux!"


Though the slap was light, something seemed to melt in Su Wei's head after the impact!

A flood of memories, eerily familiar, surged into his mind!

In an instant, he 'recalled' the nature of the world he was in and understood the answers to his earlier questions.

It turns out, while many aspects of this world resembled Earth, there were a few striking differences!

First and foremost, this world is teeming with ferocious Spectres!

These Spectres bear a striking resemblance to the demons and goblins of Earth's folklore, each with a unique form and often possessing extraordinary abilities beyond comprehension. Most of these beings thrive on absorbing the negative emotions of humans, while others have a more sinister appetite for human flesh and blood!

Furthermore, in their relentless battle against the Spectres, humans have conducted extensive research and discovered that by awakening their innate 'Soul Power,' they can wield a powerful 'Horcrux'!

Thanks to the soul marks inscribed on these Horcruxes, which can harness the special abilities of the Spectres, these artifacts have become humanity's primary weapon in the struggle against these malevolent entities!

Today marks a significant milestone for Su Wei and his peers from Class 2, as they collectively undergo the crucial awakening of their Horcruxes.

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