Spectre's Final Blade/C11 Under the Light
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Spectre's Final Blade/C11 Under the Light
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C11 Under the Light

Ma Tufu, whose real name is Ma Yuanchu, earned the nickname "Butcher" due to his excessive strictness!

At this moment, after a long day of hard work, everyone had returned to school and settled into the classroom, ready to catch their breath before the evening study session.

However, Ma Tufu entered, stood at the podium, and announced, "There will be no evening study session tonight. Everyone is free to head home."

Before he could even finish, the classroom erupted in jubilant cheers!

Ma Tufu remained at the podium, raising his voice to its fullest as he proclaimed, "Not only is tonight's study session canceled, but everyone should also take tomorrow off to rest at home. The day after tomorrow—make sure you remember—it's the morning of the day after tomorrow that we'll resume classes as usual!"

"The school will introduce a new subject to your curriculum, which is vital for your future prospects. It requires serious attention, so I suggest you all do some research at home tomorrow!"

"Hooray for Mr. Ma!"

The students' cheers drowned out any other sound, their excitement reaching new heights.


Su Wei and Lee Silin were walking home, two kids who had grown up in the same neighborhood. They weren't blood brothers, but they were as close as any, having been inseparable since childhood.

"Su Wei, I just can't figure out how you got so strong all of a sudden. You haven't been possessed by a Spectre, have you?"

"Give it a rest! Haven't you grown tired of asking that all day?"

Su Wei gave Lee Silin an annoyed glance.

"If a Spectre had possessed me, would I remember you wetting the bed at three or mistaking poop for food at four? And..."

"Stop, stop, stop! Su Wei! Please, I'm begging you. I believe you, isn't that enough?"

Lee Silin quickly moved to cover Su Wei's mouth, glancing around nervously to ensure no one overheard.

As they moved further away, the owner of the nearby peach pastry shop couldn't help but comment, "Shameless, at your age!"

"Think about it. When we were kids, the best we could do was play in the mud. But these young folks today really know how to have fun!"

He failed to notice Lee Silin's footsteps abruptly stiffen. In a flash, Lee Silin grabbed Su Wei and they bolted as if their lives depended on it.

"I'm never buying peach pastries from your place again!"

Lee Silin's words echoed from a distance. The peach pastry shop owner chuckled dismissively, "You think I care?"


Elsewhere, after exiting the school gates, Liu Shiya headed in the complete opposite direction from Su Wei and ventured deep into a side street, where a five-meter-long sedan was parked.

The vehicle was sleek and jet-black, its design striking. Oddly enough, it bore no identifying marks!

Liu Shiya approached the car. The rear door swung open, and a figure clad in black swiftly emerged, shielding Liu Shiya's head with his hand as she entered. The mysterious figure scanned the surroundings before getting into the car. With a deep roar, the vehicle came to life and drove away.


Meanwhile, Soong Sanjin was seething with frustration, pacing near the station with his entourage in tow.

With a commanding gesture, Soong Sanjin declared, "Brothers, let's go big today. Are you in? Don't head home just yet. Let's hit up True Color."

His eyes gleamed with a mix of danger and longing.

True Color was a swanky nightclub in Moontown. As dusk fell, the hedonistic nightlife was just getting started.

Among these youths, the nightclub was still a forbidden topic, something not to be discussed openly.

"No problem. If Soong has a plan, we're with him all the way."

"Come on, let's move! Brother Soong, we can't wait any longer."

Soong Sanjin's cohorts egged him on, eager to get a taste of the high life.

Just then, a striking Rolls-Royce Phantom pulled up beside Soong Sanjin. The door opened, and a black-clad bodyguard stepped out, imposingly positioning himself in front of Soong.

"Young Master, the lady requests your return."

Without waiting for Soong Sanjin's response, the bodyguard gestured dismissively, brushing aside the cronies. He then unceremoniously ushered Soong Sanjin into the sports car.

The car gradually pulled away, leaving behind the group of underlings who also dispersed, their excitement lingering as they left the scene.

Meanwhile, Su Wei and Lee Silin had arrived at the base of their apartment complex. They lived on different floors of Building 36 on Happiness Lane. After bidding each other farewell, they each headed to their respective homes.

Su Wei's younger brother, who had just started his third year of junior high, was the same age as Su Wei. For both brothers, this year was a pivotal opportunity to change their destinies.

Having awakened his Horcrux earlier that day, Su Wei noticed some changes in his physique. He ascended the stairs quicker than usual, and most notably, he wasn't tired.

Their building was a very affordable rental with no elevator—a characteristic of the times. To cut living expenses, the tenants had collectively decided against installing one.

Moreover, with Horcruxes now commonplace, everyone's physical condition had improved, to the point where even septuagenarians could climb stairs without complaint of aching backs or legs.

Upon arriving home and entering, Su Wei glanced at the wall clock; it was already 8:30 PM. The living room was ablaze with light, and the aroma of dinner filled the air.

"Brother! You're back!" called out a youthful voice from near the dining table. Su Wei looked over and replied, "Yeah! Xiao Tong, you got home early today."

"Yep, the school let us out early," came the reply.

As they made small talk, Su Wei stowed his backpack in his room and slipped into some cotton slippers before heading to the dining room to eat. His mother's voice chided him, "Go wash your hands first!"

"On it, Mother dearest!" Su Wei responded with an exaggerated bow to his mother, who was seated on the sofa, and then bounded into the kitchen to wash up.

"This kid, he just refuses to grow up!" she said, chuckling, her voice betraying her contentment.

"The boy's happy today; let him be," his father chimed in, trying to soothe her.

Su Wei's parents sold fresh vegetables nearby, toiling from dawn till dusk. Despite their relative youth, the long hours under the sun and braving the elements, coupled with chronic sleep deprivation, had taken their toll.

The toll on their bodies was significant. Despite their relatively young age, their faces bore the signs of wear, yet they all radiated knowing smiles.

"Dad! Mom! You should cut back on work now! I'm going to start working soon, so you won't have to toil so much."

"Come home earlier to spend time with your brother; he really needs you," Su Wei said, his voice tinged with concern.

"Nonsense, you've only just awakened your martial soul today. You've got plenty of time before you start working. Focus on getting to university first; your dad and I can handle a few more years of hard work."

A flicker of distress crossed Jiao Qiaoyun's eyes as she heard Su Wei's grown-up words, but she quickly responded with feigned resilience.

At the dinner table, his brother sat silently, head bowed.

"Come on! Come on! Today is a day for celebration. Why so serious?" Su Hongda, his father, interjected, lightening the mood.

"What kind of martial soul did you awaken today? Tell us about it!"

Su Wei glanced at the table, laden with his favorite dishes, still steaming. It was a familiar warmth from his parents' care.

Moved, Su Wei reminisced about the time since he had started working, which had kept him away from home for so long.


He recounted his experiences, carefully omitting the perils of the Sea of Whispers and instead highlighting the humorous reactions of his classmates, eliciting laughter from his parents and brother.

Finally, Su Wei added casually, "I even came out as today's training champion. Plus, I've been awarded a second-level Shadow Orb by the government. It'll be delivered to the school soon, along with a medal, and it'll even give me some extra points on my college entrance exams!"

His words were meant to reassure his parents.

"That's wonderful, that's really wonderful," his father, a lifelong straight-shooter, beamed, his laughter etching deeper lines into his forehead.

Just then, the television beside the dining table broadcasted the news: "Recently, Moontown police received reports of Vicious Power activity in the Northern District. The government has dispatched a team of experts to investigate, and the oversight committee for the involved enterprises has officially begun its supervision."

"Sigh, life is definitely improving. Nowadays, people even have the courage to report wrongdoing. Transparency and fairness are on the rise. Back in the day, I couldn't have even imagined such a thing..."

His father's face was etched with nostalgia. His generation had been the primary builders of the city, having endured some truly dark times. Now, they were deeply content with the current state of society.

"Enough already. What's there to complain about? Just eat your meal! Not even food can shut you up," his mother quipped, her sharp tongue belying her soft heart.

"Hey, you..." His father began, a hint of anger in his voice.

"What about me?" his mother retorted, her indignation rising as she snapped back even more fiercely.

At that, his father quickly backed down.

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