Spectre's Final Blade/C13 The Old Man
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Spectre's Final Blade/C13 The Old Man
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C13 The Old Man

When Su Wei awoke once more, he was greeted by nothing but a pristine white ceiling and the faint scent of porridge lingering in the air.

The room was eerily quiet, leading Su Wei to deduce that his brother must have gone back to school and his parents off to work.

"Ouch! What on earth?" Su Wei attempted to rise, only to collapse back onto the bed.

His attempt to get up was a failure, leaving him feeling utterly drained and almost nonexistent.

His memories slowly pieced together the events of the previous night – the red thread from Mr. Blade entering his body was likely the cause of his current state.

Su Wei was puzzled. Mr. Blade had promised to strengthen his body, yet now he felt weaker than ever, as if he had endured dozens of battles in a single night.

Mr. Blade was now unresponsive, silent as a stone.

Su Wei faintly recalled that last night's ordeal had not only overwhelmed him with pain but had also drained Mr. Blade of his Soul Power, sending them both into a deep slumber.

It took a strenuous half-hour on the bed before Su Wei could gather the energy to sit up.

Upon entering the living room, he found a simple breakfast laid out on the table: two fried dough sticks, a cup of thin porridge, a bun, and a note that read, "Brother! Breakfast is here! Heat it up before you eat. I've gone to school." A crudely drawn smiley face accompanied the message.

A surge of warmth filled Su Wei's heart as he quickly tidied up and ate his breakfast.

Feeling the need to catch up with the world, Su Wei decided to step out and collect some information about society. With the evolution he had undergone, he anticipated changes from the society he once knew.

His past life's experiences were now a blur, providing only vague insights. Su Wei believed that firsthand observation and intuition would offer a clearer understanding.

The aggressive enhancement techniques used by Mr. Blade had been too harsh, with severe consequences.

Descending the stairs proved to be a challenge for Su Wei, who had to pause for a rest after just half a flight.

It felt like watching an elderly person in their seventies or eighties gingerly descending the stairs, but nowadays, even those in their seventies wouldn't exhibit the same weakness as Su Wei currently does.

Thankfully, it was late when he descended the stairs, the hallway was silent, and scarcely a soul was in sight.

Otherwise, it would have surely sparked a flurry of rumors.

In the morning, Su Wei resolved to take a stroll in the park. Given his physical state, it wasn't a day for venturing far, so he opted to observe the health and lifestyles of those enjoying the park nearby.

Stepping out of the building, Su Wei snuggled into his down jacket. December's chill was in the air, with occasional snowflakes drifting down.

In the past, Su Wei would have turned back and nestled into his warm bed, but the current circumstances compelled him to venture out.

Directly across Happiness Lane, where Su Wei resided, lay the expansive Golden Gate Garden.

Entering the garden, Su Wei noticed it was bustling with more people than his residential area. It was now 9:00 AM, and the garden teemed with elderly gentlemen engaged in their morning exercises and grandmothers joyfully square dancing.

Just then, an old man who had finished his exercises walked past Su Wei. Noting Su Wei's labored steps toward a park bench, he approached and inquired, "Young man, what seems to be the trouble?" His tone was courteous.

"It's nothing, sir. I'm just a bit tired," Su Wei responded, his voice lacking strength.

The old man sighed, "These days, young people don't know moderation. Remember, just because you're young doesn't mean you can do as you please."

"When you get to my age, you'll understand the value of good health. Any little injury sends me straight to the hospital, and that's not even mentioning when your strength fails you!"

As the old man shared his seasoned advice on the importance of self-restraint, Su Wei sensed a misunderstanding but struggled to pinpoint the exact issue to articulate his feelings.

So, he listened in frustration, wishing the gentleman would soon depart. The atmosphere was decidedly awkward.

Su Wei sat on the bench, the old man having departed, while the sounds of other seniors energetically swinging their sticks in the forest reached his ears. The whooshing noise was so intense that, without witnessing it firsthand, Su Wei might have mistaken it for the movements of a 20-year-old martial artist in training. Each action was executed with a powerful, crisp precision.

Seeing is believing, and the truth of the world was right before his eyes! Su Wei was now acutely aware of the extraordinary physical enhancement that came with the awakening of a martial soul in a society where everyone had undergone such a transformation. The elders, still adept with sabers and spears, were considered quite youthful. Meanwhile, at the nearby pavilion, a group of chess-playing seniors, nearly bald, still had a sparkle in their eyes. Unbeknownst to Su Wei, a casual inquiry revealed that they were all centenarians!

He was astounded. In times past, wasn't a 100-year-old person confined to bed? Yet here they were, able to stroll downstairs for a game of chess. If not for the changed times, Su Wei would have marveled at this as a miracle of life.

Nearby, a group of middle-aged women danced with exaggerated movements in the square. Their physical agility rivaled that of 20-year-old ballet dancers, with deep bends and splits. "Sorry, sorry! Excuse the interruption!" Su Wei muttered to himself, feeling outclassed by their prowess. He quickly left the domain of these skilled seniors.

Moving on, Su Wei encountered a vast lake, spanning hundreds of square kilometers—a significant artificial body of water within the city. The frozen lake had been deliberately broken to create a long channel, and on the far side, a group of people were seen holding banners. From a distance, Su Wei could make out individuals stripping down and limbering up, clearly gearing up for a winter swim.

It appeared that a ceremony was also planned at the pavilion in the center of the lake, judging by the activity inside. With numerous participants and an enthusiastic audience, the event promised to be both a personal challenge and a source of entertainment for all.

As Su Wei stood there, a figure with a steady, long breath sprinted past him. He turned to see a young man roughly his own size, clad in the uniform of Fourth High School.

The young man's morning run was clearly a well-practiced routine. His pace and breathing were impressively rhythmic.

Su Wei had assumed the runner was just out for a few laps of exercise, but to his surprise, after passing by, the young man came to a halt at a small gazebo. At that moment, a middle-aged man approached and handed him a bottle of water.

"Little Tian, feeling confident about this year?"

"We should prioritize becoming a Soul Master above all else. Academic grades aren't that important now. What's crucial is getting your body in top shape!"

"I have no concerns about your nervous reflex speed. It's your physical endurance and strength that need serious training. How many laps have you done this morning?"

"Dad, I've run back and forth around this hill 50 times already."

"Oh, that's pretty good. Come on, let's move on to the next spot and work on building your arm strength."

"Okay, Dad, I got it. I'll be right there."

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