Spectre's Final Blade/C16 Body Strengthening Elixir
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Spectre's Final Blade/C16 Body Strengthening Elixir
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C16 Body Strengthening Elixir

Su Wei was unaware that his performance in today's three tests had been specially noted by each examiner and had already been delivered to the desk of the sports center director.

"Director, we've identified a few exceptional talents in today's tests. Please have a look!"

"Okay, just leave it there."

With that, the director nonchalantly picked up the stack of documents passed to him by his secretary. On top of the pile was Su Wei's file:

"A one-arm punch strength of 120 kilograms, a hundred-meter dash in 11.2 seconds, and a neural response speed scoring 90 points. This candidate is quite impressive!" Su Wei's scores clearly impressed the director.

Initially, the director thought Su Wei was just getting started, but it turned out to be a highlight!

After glancing over the rest of the students' information, everything else seemed lackluster, like the taste of strawberries after a mouthful of sweetened condensed milk—sour and flavorless by comparison.

After some deliberation, the director set aside the other files and focused on Su Wei's, cross-referencing his ID and student numbers on his computer. He then highlighted the record, gave an excellent overall assessment, and submitted it to the system.


The evening of December 3rd, in the back alley of Moontown High School.

The site, once a chemical factory now undergoing demolition, boasted a vast open area within its walls.

At that moment, beside a heap of discarded plastic barrels, Soong Sanjin and a group of his hastily gathered cronies were idly chatting, each nursing a beer.

"Hey, Brother Soong! You don't think Su Wei got cold feet and won't show, do you? We've been prepping for this for a long time, and there's 30,000 yuan on the line."

"Yeah, Brother Soong, if he doesn't show, wouldn't that mean we've made a wasted trip? It's nearly 9 PM."

"Quiet down! We'll give Su Wei another ten minutes. If he doesn't show, we'll just use the 30,000 yuan to go drinking."


As Soong Sanjin issued his command, the rest of the gang fell silent, though they couldn't hide their excitement. Regardless of the outcome, they wouldn't be at a loss.

To Soong Sanjin, 30,000 yuan might just be the cost of a night out drinking, but for his followers, it meant much more.

It was a fortune! They were incredibly fortunate to be able to earn it just by stepping out!

"Exactly. With so many of us, how could we possibly lose to just him?"

"Crack! Crack!" As the sound of shifting bricks filled the air, Soong Sanjin turned his head alertly. His henchmen quickly caught on and stood up, looking toward the source of the noise.

The light was faint at that moment.

They could barely make out a figure approaching from outside. He wasn't tall, but his stride was steady.

"Soong Sanjin, have you brought the money?"

Hearing Su Wei's voice from a distance, Soong Sanjin's face relaxed, "Crap, I thought it was someone else coming!"

Soong Sanjin then crisply pulled out a wad of cash from his bag and smacked it onto a plastic bucket nearby.

"Su Wei, today's your last day! I'm willing to part with this petty cash. Let's see if you're lucky enough to take it!"

"Brothers! Get him!"

At his command, all five of Soong Sanjin's lackeys charged at Su Wei.

Yet, Su Wei continued to advance calmly.

Within the Sea of Whispers, a place teeming with Spectres, Su Wei had bravely faced off against hundreds of them alone, following Mr. Blade's guidance. He even triumphed over a second-level Spectre. For Su Wei, these ordinary folks, frail and far from being Spectres, were no cause for concern.

Meanwhile, Soong Sanjin stood smugly behind his charging minions, scornfully watching Su Wei and anticipating his downfall.

In this moment, Su Wei chose not to call upon his Horcrux, Mr. Blade.

Relying solely on his keen vision and the strength of his fists, he was ready to measure up against these thugs. The experiences from his adventures in the Sea of Whispers had bolstered his confidence for today's challenge.

Particularly today, unbeknownst to anyone, Su Wei had not been fighting at full strength from the start. After all, flaunting his exceptional abilities among his peers served no purpose; it was better not to draw too much attention.

Nevertheless, Su Wei had inadvertently clinched the top spot in his class and even across Moontown High!

All of this had unfolded beyond Su Wei's sight.


Seizing the moment, Su Wei quickly crouched and dashed forward to the left. He extended his right leg, executing a sweeping kick that sent the thug on Su Wei's far left tumbling to the ground!

Su Wei deftly dodged the punches from the other thugs.

Having taken one opponent down, Su Wei didn't stick around to fight. He spun on his heel and charged at Soong Sanjin, who was still comfortably seated on a plastic bucket.

The strategy was clear: take down the leader first!

Su Wei was no fool!

Sure, he could probably take on five guys, but the cost would be steep. Drained of strength, he'd be easy prey for Soong Sanjin.

Better to knock out Soong Sanjin first, then use him to command respect from the underlings. Who among them would dare to challenge him then?

Su Wei's quick response took the gang by surprise. They scrambled to follow, but due to their initial positioning, they lagged two steps behind Su Wei.

Not bothering to conceal his intentions, Su Wei grabbed a beer bottle off the ground as he ran. Upon reaching Soong Sanjin, he smashed the bottle with force!

He then pressed the jagged remnants against Soong Sanjin's belly and jabbed!

The stomach isn't particularly vulnerable; there's no spot that would be instantly fatal.

Su Wei was precise, only piercing the surface layer of skin with the bottle's neck. In a flash, Soong Sanjin was writhing on the ground like an overcooked shrimp, clutching his abdomen as warmth spread from the wound.

"Blood! Blood! It's blood!"

Soong Sanjin's eyes widened with terror at the sight of Su Wei and the dripping glass shard.

"Su Wei! You! You actually dared to strike me?"

"Enough. Call off your goons, or I won't hesitate to give you another wound like this one!"

Su Wei coolly met Soong Sanjin's gaze, noting the fear in his eyes. It was clear to him that street thugs like this were only tough when they had the upper hand.

"Don't get cocky! I'll have my family's bodyguard deal with you when I get back!"

Before Soong Sanjin could utter another threat, Su Wei dragged the sharp edge of the bottle across his back, leaving a 20-centimeter gash.

"Don't move—the item's still with me!"

As he spoke, Su Wei grabbed the 30,000 yuan from the plastic bucket behind him and swiftly stuffed it into his backpack. Meanwhile, Soong Sanjin's four lackeys, who had been menacing moments before, were now paralyzed with fear. One of them, particularly faint-hearted, even wet himself.

The foul stench of urine wafted through the air, but no one seemed to notice, their eyes fixed on Su Wei with a mixture of terror and disbelief.

They couldn't fathom why Su Wei, who had been as unremarkable as a dead fish for the past two years, was now displaying such ferocity.

What they didn't realize was that Su Wei had undergone a profound change; his soul was no longer the same.

They had only ever played at being tough, using intimidation tactics, but never truly risking a real fight.

Su Wei had them completely fooled.

In reality, Su Wei had merely nicked Soong Sanjin's skin, and the wounds were mostly concealed beneath his clothing. Unless he foolishly exposed them, no one would be the wiser about his injuries.

With his backpack slung over his shoulder, Su Wei left the derelict chemical plant. Stepping out from the dimly lit street, he passed a small snack bar. The owner called out to him cheerfully, but Su Wei just waved him off and continued on his way.

Just then, a police officer in a blue uniform zoomed by on a motorcycle, siren blaring. He sped past without a pause and vanished around a corner at the intersection.

Later that evening, after dinner at home, Su Wei lay alone in his room. His brother attended a boarding school and wouldn't be home during the week, so Su Wei had the place to himself. He spent the time catching up on the latest news, broadening his horizons.

His parents hadn't come home yet, and the thirty thousand yuan was still in his possession. He was contemplating how to explain the money to his parents when Mr. Blade's mocking laughter echoed in his mind.

"Heh, do you really plan to just hand over the money to your parents?"

"Mr. Blade, what are you implying?"

"Remember, the conservation of energy applies to everything. You've grown stronger, but not without cause!"

"I'm certain your body's cells are desperately craving sustenance. If you don't replenish them soon, you might just drop dead on the street before you know it!"

"When the time comes, forget about being dutiful to your parents, you'll have ascended to a Rank 1 Soul Master. You might not even survive!"

"Also, have you noticed that you occasionally feel a sudden burst of energy, only to become completely drained soon after?"

"Ah, that's exactly what's been happening. Is that a common experience?" Su Wei was taken aback.


"Use this money to purchase these potions. Think of it as investing in your future. You need to stay alive and get stronger before anything else is possible!"

Su Wei stared at the shopping cart on the screen. "Physical Strengthening Elixir, $3,000 a bottle. A Quasi Soul Master is advised to take three bottles a week."

He couldn't help but smirk at the thought!

The old saying 'a poor scholar and a wealthy warrior' really hit the mark!

Biting the bullet, Su Wei resolved, "Tomorrow, I'll spend all 30,000 yuan on the Physical Strengthening Elixir!"

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