Spectre's Final Blade/C18 A Terrifying Arena
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Spectre's Final Blade/C18 A Terrifying Arena
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C18 A Terrifying Arena

"It's already evening. Join me for special training tonight; I've informed your family," Shi Yutang announced, catching Su Wei off guard with his opening statement.

"I wish to take you on as my disciple! However, you must first pass my official test," the white-haired teacher declared, standing before Su Wei with a serious demeanor.

In contemporary society, only very powerful Soul Masters were in a position to take on disciples. Those with lesser abilities would typically only mentor students.

"Are you deceiving me?" Su Wei inquired.

"Deceive you? What would I gain from that?" Shi Yutang retorted.

Su Wei pondered for a moment, considering his family background, his aspirations, and the trajectory his growth would take if he accepted.

"Alright!" Su Wei ultimately decided.

"Good. Finish your meal on the table first, then accompany me this evening," Shi Yutang instructed.

Though not a man of many words, Su Wei saw no hint of malice in Shi Yutang's eyes, only clarity and sincerity.

The ability to render him unconscious for two hours with a single move spoke volumes of Shi Yutang's immeasurable strength.

In the small office within the activity room, Shi Yutang gazed at his hands in disbelief, murmuring, "Has my strength really waned to such an extent? A simple palm strike only rendering ordinary people unconscious for two hours?"

"That can't be right. I can still feel my energy intact. Is there something unusual about this young man?"

"Or is this truly fate?" His eyes suddenly welled up with emotion, as if a realization had struck him.

"No matter, I'll take him out tonight for a test. True or false, we'll find out soon enough!"

"A horse or a mule, it's time to take him out for a stroll!" he declared, spinning around as if to cement his resolve.

At 7:10 PM, Shi Yutang summoned Su Wei, and they set out together.

Su Wei had expected they might travel to some significant location, and with Shi Yutang's status, surely they would go by car. After all, the perks of being an official Soul Master were reputed to be quite favorable.

And for someone like Shi Yutang, head of the department at a school, a private vehicle seemed a given.

Even if it meant catching a lesser ride, like a bus or, if push came to shove, a bicycle, Su Wei wouldn't have minded. But what he didn't see coming was the outcome that awaited him...

"Kid Su, if you can't keep up with me, then today's beating will have been for nothing!" Shi Yutang warned. "And don't bother coming after me later. If you do, it'll be one visit, one beating."

Was this his way of saying that Su Wei was about to lose his apprentice status?

After his declaration, Shi Yutang turned on his heel and sprinted off without a backward glance, moving with astonishing speed.

"This is just low!" Su Wei exclaimed.

Though not keen on the idea of getting beaten, Su Wei was eager to grasp this chance to alter his destiny. If he could officially become a disciple of Shi Yutang, it would undoubtedly be a massive boon for his future!

Su Wei gave chase, but it wasn't long before he sensed something amiss. No matter how hard he tried, regardless of the speed he mustered, he always remained a fixed 50 meters behind Shi Yutang.

Even after rounding a bend, Su Wei could easily spot Shi Yutang's figure in the distance.

Meanwhile, Shi Yutang wasn't merely running; he was covertly assessing Su Wei, gauging his adaptability, agility, and the responsiveness of his nerves and physical capabilities.

Simultaneously, Shi Yutang dialed a number and began talking through his Bluetooth headset.

"Beep... Beep... Beep..."

"Click!" The call connected instantly.

"Xuehai! Xuehai! It's your old pal, Shi Yutang!"

"Senior Brother... why are you calling at this hour? Have you finally come around?" came a commanding yet puzzled voice from the other end.

"Are you looking to get involved in that old affair again?"

"What old affair? What are you on about?" Shi Yutang sounded genuinely confused.

"What? You're not aware?" The surprise was evident in the caller's voice.

"Cut the crap. I'm not interested in knowing. Just help me test someone later! I'm bringing him over soon! That's it, I'm hanging up."

"What nonsense!"

When Su Wei finally caught up to Shi Yutang, he was gasping for air and drenched in sweat.

He didn't want to move another inch, but sheer willpower kept Su Wei's spirit from collapsing, and he remained standing, refusing to sit down.


Before Su Wei had a chance to respond, Shi Yutang had already grabbed him and ushered him inside.

The hall resembled a gym, filled with groups of muscular men engaged in intense training.

A middle-aged man in his forties sat on a sofa in the hall. He turned his head and spotted a familiar figure, who was pulling along someone who resembled a high school student.

Hou Xuehai, the head of the Apex League's Moontown branch, approached them like any ordinary person.

"Old Shi, you've finally arrived! And who might this be?" Hou Xuehai asked, puzzled.

"You've got a full set of equipment here. Find someone to test this guy's limits," Shi Yutang requested.

The man glanced at Su Wei in surprise before leading Shi Yutang and Su Wei into an office. Inside, a slender figure in a grey sweatshirt stood waiting.

Upon entering, Hou Xuehai instructed the figure, "Xie Rui, spar with him and test his limits!"

"Yes, Headmaster."

With that, Xie Rui gestured towards the side, and Su Wei followed.

Back in the office, Hou Xuehai continued to eye Shi Yutang skeptically. "Were you deceiving me earlier? You really don't know?"

"Teacher has emerged from seclusion. His first words were that he missed you. Stop being stubborn, Senior Brother, and go back to see Master," Shi Yutang said calmly.

The words shook Shi Yutang to his core, as if triggering a sudden realization. He paused, his eyes growing dim, and sighed, "Ah!"

"What's the matter? You're still reluctant?" Headmaster Hou Xuehai pressed.

Shi Yutang, sitting on the sofa, simply pulled out a cigarette and remained silent.


The man in the grey sweatshirt led Su Wei to the edge of the arena.

"Come on!" Xie Rui was a man of few words. Despite his limp left leg, his gaze was piercingly sharp.

Standing on the arena, his demeanor was serene and unflappable. Su Wei walked around him twice, yet couldn't find an opening to attack. To Su Wei, Xie Rui seemed almost untouchable.

No matter the angle from which he attacked, Coach Xie Rui would unleash a fierce counter, one that could potentially threaten Su Wei's life.

Yet, as Su Wei continued to maneuver around him, the atmosphere grew increasingly dense.

It was as though the air around Su Wei was gaining weight with every drop in altitude, sinking towards the ocean floor.

No, I can't wait any longer!

Su Wei made the first move, attacking from behind Xie Rui.

But in that same instant, Xie Rui caught on, as if he had teleported.

He spun around to face Su Wei, his gaze sharpening suddenly, like a target locked in the sights of a firearm. Su Wei's internal alarms were screaming.

He punched.

Xie Rui's fist seemed slow, yet it left Su Wei with an eerie sense that evasion was impossible.

"Move! Move! Move now!"

This frantic plea echoed in Su Wei's mind, but inexplicably, his body was unresponsive, as if it were filled with lead.

If this punch landed, it could be fatal!

No, that can't happen!

This was Su Wei's vehement instinct!

The blood vessels in Su Wei's eyes were rapidly expanding.

His blood pressure soared, his brain working in overdrive as blood surged through his veins.

Su Wei's focus intensified, sharpening to a pinpoint...

Yet, he remained paralyzed!

At last, when Xie Rui's fist was a mere five centimeters from his face,

Su Wei felt as if time had slowed down, Xie Rui's punch decelerating. It was impossible—unless Su Wei's reaction time had quickened!

Su Wei regained control over his body!

Without hesitation, he darted to the right, narrowly evading the strike.

He had dodged it!

In that moment, Su Wei was like a person gasping for air after nearly drowning, desperately gulping down breaths.

Dizziness washed over him, his vision flickering with bursts of white light.

The figure of the man in gray blurred before him, and suddenly, everything vanished from Su Wei's sight.

Across from him, Coach Xie Rui in his gray sweatshirt observed Su Wei's response, sensing that something was amiss.

I had him pegged as a tough one! He quickly closed the distance in two strides and checked Su Wei's pulse and breathing.

He gasped in shock. The guy was just an average Joe!

"Quick, medical team, we need help!" Xie Rui bellowed.

A flurry of activity ensued around the arena as people scrambled to carry Su Wei to the medical room.


The silence in Hou Xuehai's office was shattered by the ringing phone.

"Director, you need to come down here. This young man is nothing but a regular person!"

"He even managed to dodge Xie Rui's move. The guy's got guts!"

"Cut the chatter. What's the situation? He's passed out. You should come down and see for yourself!"

Amidst the chaotic din on the other end, the call abruptly ended. Hou Xuehai turned to Shi Yutang with a questioning gaze.

"The guy you brought in, isn't he your apprentice?"

Shi Yutang was taken aback. "When did I ever claim he was my apprentice?"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

Sensing trouble, both men swore in unison and dashed out the door.

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