Spectre's Final Blade/C20 Teaching
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Spectre's Final Blade/C20 Teaching
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C20 Teaching

After putting himself through a series of deliberate tests, Su Wei discovered that his physical recovery speed, overall vitality, nervous reflex speed, and the power of his punches and kicks had all significantly improved.

At the dinner table, Su Wei came clean to his parents about landing a part-time job at school. He explained that he would be assisting a teacher with cleaning equipment after classes, which meant he'd be coming home later each evening. Most importantly, he would be earning a monthly salary of around 2000 yuan. His parents wholeheartedly approved, recognizing the value of such an opportunity for Su Wei, especially as it would contribute to his training.

The following day, as Su Wei returned to school, he was taken aback to find Shi Yutang waiting for him at the entrance of his classroom. Su Wei was momentarily embarrassed. Did Shi Yutang intend to coerce him into keeping him company?

"I still have classes, Shi Yutang. This really isn't appropriate," Su Wei said, a hint of helplessness in his voice as he faced the stoic Shi Yutang. He sensed that Shi Yutang was a man of strong convictions, and his conspicuous presence suggested he had some plans for Su Wei.

Yet, Su Wei needed to attend his classes; skipping them outright was not an option. Unexpectedly, Shi Yutang grabbed him and hauled him straight to the office of the senior year director.

Su Wei gazed at the director, who was seated behind the desk, his eyes pleading for rescue. But Shi Yutang, standing beside him, pointed at Su Wei and declared, "This student, Su Wei, is now under my guidance. He should no longer be assigned any cultural lessons!"

"Shi Yutang, what about..." The director's face showed his dilemma. In this era, national policy mandated that every citizen must complete their high school education before pursuing other professions.

"I mean, don't assign him any additional tasks after his regular classes!" Shi Yutang's face flushed as he realized his mistake and quickly clarified.

"I never said he'd be exempt from daytime classes," Shi Yutang remarked, his expression piercing through the grade director's worries with an additional comment.

To Su Wei, the grade director's face suddenly seemed to light up with the exaggerated grin of a circus clown, transforming the mood entirely.

"No problem at all! It's a minor issue. Do as you please, Shi Yutang. Hahaha, and if there's anything else you need, just let me know!"

With that, the grade director effectively sold Su Wei out, discarding him like a burdensome load.

Su Wei's academic performance had been mediocre at best, and he had all but forgotten his high school knowledge.

The thought of returning to class was daunting; understanding the material was one thing, but the real challenge for Su Wei was staying awake during lectures, which seemed like a feat in itself.

Shi Yutang's current approach was, in Su Wei's eyes, akin to a lifesaver thrown to someone stranded in a blizzard.

Initially, Su Wei had braced himself for Shi Yutang to be authoritarian, but to his surprise, the teacher was reasonable and arranged things without resorting to force. Suddenly, Shi Yutang seemed much more agreeable to him.

By the time Su Wei made his way back to the classroom, the bell signaling the start of class had already rung.

He returned to his seat nonchalantly, indifferent to the curious stares of his classmates. Only his deskmate, Ann Muxi, shot him an inquisitive look.

"It's nothing! Shi Yutang just wanted to discuss a few things with me."


That afternoon, when Su Wei revisited the department of soul's office, he noticed a new addition to the hall—a blackboard.

"Come sit down, and I'll explain the Guidance Technique to you," Shi Yutang offered.

"What exactly is the Guidance Technique?" Su Wei asked, puzzled.

"It's an essential guidance method that every Soul Master must employ at the beginning of their training, and throughout their entire cultivation journey," Shi Yutang explained.

"A Soul Master's cultivation primarily involves drawing the free-floating energy from the world into their body, directing it to where it's needed, and storing it appropriately."

"Since you haven't yet started a formal energy cultivation method, today's Guidance Technique lesson is designed to provide a solid foundation for your future training. It's crucial to understand the significance of the wisdom handed down by our predecessors!"

As is widely known, when the human body absorbs the free-floating energy of the universe, it must enter a meditative state.

In this meditative state, the cultivator achieves a selfless, forgetful state, entering into a realm of clarity.

It is then that the cultivator resonates with the universe's free energy, calling upon it with a cellular instinct akin to hunger, and begins to absorb it from the air.

However, if you simply absorb energy without employing the Guidance Technique, it's like binge eating; it may appear intense, but in reality, very little is absorbed.

The role of the Guidance Technique is to create a special pathway in your stomach, transforming the absorbed energy directly into the body's ultimate energy product.

This final product can integrate with the stomach, enhancing its capacity to absorb energy.

Simultaneously, it can increase the stomach's volume through a positive feedback loop.

This energy is also distributed to every corner of the body via the meridians, similar to blood flow, and is stored as a more extensive reserve of energy.

If an ordinary person's meal is considered one unit of energy, then the amount absorbed using the Guidance Technique can be three to five times greater!

And with an even more advanced Guidance Technique, combined with a gifted Soul Master, this factor can increase to six to eight times.


On December 15th, following the theoretical knowledge session, Shi Yutang summoned Su Wei for a hands-on training exercise.

Having knocked Su Wei down with a single punch at their first meeting, and after a thorough physical examination, Shi Yutang was intimately familiar with Su Wei's physical condition and areas in need of improvement.

Now, on the training field, Shi Yutang pointed to the track and instructed, "Go! Run ten laps to warm up!"

"Is that all? Ten laps? Are you underestimating me?" Su Wei thought, feeling slighted.

Lap one, two, three...

After completing ten laps, Su Wei wasn't even out of breath!

Shi Yutang watched as if witnessing Su Wei's progress for the first time.

"Come on! Come and spar with me!" he called out.

Su Wei suddenly felt an urge to evade.

The first time I met Shi Yutang, he knocked himself out with a punch, leaving a lasting impression. Now, to my surprise, he was challenging me to a sparring match.

Was it possible that Shi Yutang had been given a hard time by his wife yesterday, and now he was in a foul mood, looking to take it out on me?

I watched as Shi Yutang grabbed Su Wei and threw a right hook towards his midsection.

Unable to dodge, Su Wei focused intently on Shi Yutang's movements. Despite feeling a bit frantic, he managed to stay calm and attempted to evade.

Su Wei's gaze was locked on Shi Yutang's hands!


He dodged it!

After sidestepping Shi Yutang's right-handed strike, Su Wei felt a surge of relief.

But before Su Wei could revel in his success, the world spun around him, and when his vision cleared, he found himself lying on the field.

"War is deceit, young man! Care to try again?" Shi Yutang's eyes twinkled with a hint of challenge.

"Ouch! Damn!" Su Wei's temper flared, and he quickly got to his feet and charged at Shi Yutang.


Su Wei was knocked to the ground once more.




The field at Moontown High was deserted at dusk, yet the sounds of heavy falls echoed through the air.

Outside the school walls, a little girl passing by burst into tears and ran to a middle-aged woman nearby upon hearing the noises.

"Wuwuwuwu! Mommy! Mommy! There's a fight going on inside!"

While crying, the little girl pointed towards the inside of the wall.

"Oh, sweetheart, don't cry! Don't cry. They're not fighting; the boys are just training!" The auntie was well aware that in December, high schools had conducted the awakening ritual, and many gifted individuals were selected by teachers for special training.

"I wonder which family's young man it is this time?"

Half an hour later, having endured Shi Yutang's brutal training, Su Wei was completely drained of all strength.

"Hehe, young man, you're not quite there yet. Let's go again," Shi Yutang said, his tone as provoking as ever.

As Su Wei lay on the ground, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Today's sparring session was nothing like the previous one in Shi Yutang's office. He barely felt any pain, yet Shi Yutang had a knack for tossing him to the floor in a variety of odd positions. Just falling to the ground!

A jolt went through Su Wei's heart, as if a bolt of lightning had suddenly illuminated his thoughts, making him aware of something crucial. He quickly replayed the afternoon's sparring session in his head, focusing on the techniques Shi Yutang had employed against him. There was a certain depth to Shi Yutang's hand-to-hand combat skills that intrigued him. The more Su Wei pondered, the more fascinated he became.

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