Spectre's Final Blade/C3 Mysterious Horcrux
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Spectre's Final Blade/C3 Mysterious Horcrux
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C3 Mysterious Horcrux

Three soul marks?

The absolute worst?

Su Wei stared at the kitchen knife in his hands, utterly baffled.

So I've crossed over, but why have I turned into a complete dud?

From what he could recall, Su Wei knew that the lowest number of soul marks on a Horcrux was three. Each soul mark could absorb a single Spectre skill, meaning his Horcrux could only hold a maximum of three skills.

In contrast, Soong Sanjin's longbow boasted seven soul marks, enabling it to absorb seven Spectre skills!

Three skills versus seven.

The superiority of one over the other was crystal clear.

Meanwhile, the students in the audience were in an uproar.

They had just witnessed a top-tier failure, and now another disappointment?

The dramatic turn of events was quite intense!

"A kitchen knife? Ahaha! Good for chopping monsters as well as vegetables—a must-have for the home or travel!"

"You're not wrong! I think being a chef isn't too shabby!"

"Using a Horcrux for cooking? Su Wei certainly isn't the first."

"Be content! A kitchen knife is still better than a toilet brush."

The students, determined to side with Soong Sanjin, knowing his rivalry with Su Wei, spared no effort in their ridicule.

Lee Silin, seeing Su Wei descend from the stage with the kitchen knife, hurried to offer words of comfort, "Old Su... don't lose heart! Three soul marks really aren't the end of the world. There are renowned Soul Masters out there with only three soul marks."

"It's okay! Three soul marks it is! I refuse to believe that fewer soul marks mean no future!" Su Wei snapped back to reality and dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand.

As someone who had transmigrated, he wasn't deeply invested in the advantages of soul marks, so he didn't dwell on it.

But before he could even finish, a mocking voice came from behind.

"Of course you have a future! It's bound to be spectacular!" Soong Sanjin, clutching his Horcrux longbow, sneered provocatively, surrounded by students eager to curry favor with him.

Seeing Soong Sanjin's smug demeanor, Su Wei seethed with anger.


He snorted coldly and shot back, "Soong Sanjin, isn't it a bit early for you to come threatening me? Why don't you wait until you've mastered all the skills of your Horcrux before you try to intimidate me?"

Currently, no one's Horcrux had absorbed the skills of a Spectre, leaving their soul marks blank. The true difference in strength had yet to manifest, so Su Wei wasn't worried about Soong Sanjin causing him any trouble for now.

Besides, there's truth to the saying: no matter how skilled you are in martial arts, you'd still fear a kitchen knife!

With a kitchen knife in my hand, should I be scared of your random shots?

"You..." Soong Sanjin, seeing Su Wei's unbothered demeanor, turned livid with rage and spat out, "Fine! We'll see about that!"

Time ticked away by the second.

Half an hour later, the awakening of Class 2's Horcruxes was finally complete.

The class had awakened a total of seven Horcruxes, one with three soul marks, and the rest with four to six.

Soong Sanjin's lead and Su Wei's position at the bottom remained unchanged.

"Alright! All of your Horcruxes have been awakened! Whether you choose to become a Battle Master who defends humanity or pursue a common profession is now up to you. However, in my view, being a noble Battle Master, with its status and income, is beyond comparison to an ordinary person..."

Liu Zheng stood on the stage, delivering an extensive speech, then suddenly shifted gears, "One last question, what do you all think is the most important for a Soul Master?"

What's most important?

Is that even a question?

"Obviously, it's the number of soul marks on the Horcrux!" Soong Sanjin, feeling like the central figure of Class 2, was the first to stand up and answer.

But no sooner had he spoken than he was proven wrong.

"Wrong! The most important thing for a Soul Master is belief!" Liu Zheng said with a slight smile, imparting wisdom, "The belief in battle! The belief in defending our homeland! The belief in protecting humanity!"

"Without a noble belief, the finest Horcrux with numerous soul marks is still worthless to humans and might even prove to be a disaster!"

Soong Sanjin, previously beaming with pride, saw his complexion turn ashen as he absorbed Liu Zheng's unyielding 'warning'.

Yet, amidst his brewing frustration, he caught wind of some encouraging news.

Adhering to the principle of mixing stern discipline with a hint of encouragement, Liu Zheng imparted a lesson with great conviction before suddenly proposing a challenge: "Today, I will test your convictions! A new Shadowfell has emerged in the eastern suburbs of Moontown. Who among you is brave enough to join me in exploring it? Step forward if you dare!"

The term 'Shadowfell' refers to the birthplace of Spectres, a mystery yet to be unraveled. To humans, these Spectre-infested lands are akin to death traps, brimming with lethal perils.

"Face the Spectres now? I'm not prepared for that!"

"Exactly! We've only just awakened our Horcruxes and still don't even know how to wield them."

"I'll leave the heroics to you."

"I'm not about to throw my life away..."

The students, upon hearing they were headed to the Shadowfell, were visibly shaken.

Many instinctively stepped back.

Even Lee Silin, the owner of a five-soul-mark Horcrux, began to have second thoughts and whispered to Su Wei, "Old Su, let's not get involved in this..."

Before he could finish, an unexpected scene unfolded.

"I'll go."

Su Wei stepped forward with a nonchalant air.

The crowd gasped as Su Wei, the student with the least impressive Horcrux in the class, volunteered to venture into the Shadowfell first. Some classmates looked on with deep respect for his conviction, while many others harbored skepticism and scorn.

"Damn! You're trying to steal the spotlight with just a three-mark Horcrux?"

"He's showing true conviction! You have five marks; would you dare to go?"

"Pfft! I bet it's because his Horcrux is so pathetic that he's desperate to prove himself!"

"He's really got some nerve!"

The students were abuzz with mixed opinions.

What they didn't realize, however, was that at that very moment, Su Wei was experiencing an intense emotional upheaval like never before!

Because, just as Liu Zheng had encouraged the students to volunteer for a journey to the Shadowfell, a mysterious voice had suddenly echoed in Su Wei's mind!

"Step forward! If you want to take control of your destiny, then venture into the Shadowfell!"

Startled by the voice of unknown origin, Su Wei was taken aback.

Yet, he didn't let on.

Sensing that he had stumbled upon something extraordinary, he boldly inquired within his own mind, "Who are you?"

"I am in your hands."

The eerie voice responded.

In my hands?

Su Wei glanced down and instantly recognized the source of the voice.

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