Spectre's Final Blade/C7 The Evil of Human Nature
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Spectre's Final Blade/C7 The Evil of Human Nature
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C7 The Evil of Human Nature

Su Wei stood before a vast expanse of grayish-black swamp, fighting off the foul odor that assaulted his nostrils as he took in the scene before him.

Soong Sanjin, Liu Shiya, and Lee Silin were positioned at the swamp's center, forming a strategic triangle. Each clutched their newly awakened Horcrux, their eyes darting about as they stood guard.

Hovering above their heads was a golden halo, from which delicate runes emerged and drifted downward, exuding an aura of sanctity. Lee Silin's Horcrux, a golden book, was a sight to behold. It served as a shield against malevolent forces, ensuring the safety of those within its glow and preserving a tranquil state of mind.

Lee Silin had come into an auxiliary Horcrux, a boon for Soul Masters like him, endowed with abilities that did not require a soul mark.

The trio was confined to the swamp's heart, with limited ground to maneuver, leaving them to pace restlessly in place.

Soong Sanjin's expression was dark, his gaze sharp and unforgiving. "This is all because of you two incompetents!" he spat out bitterly. "Had we not foolishly gone looking for water for those people, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

Liu Shiya's eyes were wide with indignation. "Soong Sanjin, I can't believe you're this kind of person. Our classmates are struggling, and you don't feel any responsibility as someone with strength?"

His anger mounting, Soong Sanjin sneered back at her. "Oh, so you're the capable one now? Then why don't you go out there instead of standing here with us?"

"If not for you, would we be in this predicament?"

"Hmph, you think I want to stand next to someone like you? The instructor said the most important thing for the strong is their conviction. And you? What do you stand for?"

"You! What kind of man are you, anyway?"

"Don't act so high and mighty. Who knows what you're really thinking?"

Lee Silin, what's your take?"

Amidst the tension, Lee Silin remained vigilant, pouring his energy into sustaining his Horcrux, his gaze never straying from the encroaching dangers of the swamp.

Beneath his seemingly serene facade, a storm raged within his heart.

"Brother, don't come any closer!"

"If something happens to me, please... take care of my parents."

Lee Silin's thoughts raced as the Horcrux in his grasp shone even brighter, the halo above his head casting forth an array of golden runes.

Su Wei was just about to step out and join the trio.

Near Soong Sanjin, Liu Shiya, and Lee Silin, the subtle black mist hovering over the swamp began to stir.

The trio at the center of the mist started to circle around it.

"What's this?"

Su Wei's gaze sharpened as his psychic force detected something concealed within the swirling black mist.

"Could there be a Spectre hidden in this mist?"

Su Wei had no recollection of such things. Weren't all Spectres in human form?

What was unfolding before him?

As the circling sped up, the three at the heart of it seemed to witness an incredible sight, brandishing their weapons at the empty air.

Liu Shiya's fingers were pale with strain, yet her gaze remained steadfast as she gripped her whip.

"But there's clearly nothing there!"

The sounds of battle were merely Liu Shiya, Soong Sanjin, and Lee Silin striking at the air!

"Could this be a rare illusionary Spectre?"

"This Spectre's ability appears to be quite unique. It could fetch a handsome price from collectors if I were to sell it."

Su Wei mused with a peculiar look on his face.

In that instant, the situation took a sudden turn. Soong Sanjin extended his hand and produced a vial of blue potion from his bosom.

"It's come to this, so let's make your deaths worthwhile. Buy me some time to escape!"

With those words, Soong Sanjin distanced himself from Liu Shiya and Lee Silin, each standing apart.

Liu Shiya turned to see what Soong Sanjin held. "Soong Sanjin! What are you up to? You're actually..."

"Heh, indeed, you've got some insight!"

"Once I inject this enhancer, I'll survive!" Soong Sanjin's demeanor was frenzied, his eyes threaded with red.

"Soong Sanjin, do you really dare?"

"If you manage to escape today, I'll ensure your name is plastered on the Public Security Bureau's wanted list!"

"Heh, you think you can stop me, little girl?" A voice laced with scorn rang out.

Liu Shiya gazed at Soong Sanjin, her eyes brimming with compassion.

"Perhaps I'm not up to the task, but my father certainly is! His name might not ring a bell for you, but the Golden Sentinel surely does!"

"What? The Golden Sentinel, Liu Jinyi?"

"He's your father? Impossible!"

"If you're the Golden Sentinel's daughter, how could you possibly be threatened by a second-level Spectre?"

"Who are you kidding?" Soong Sanjin had finally convinced himself, his voice growing increasingly assertive.

The haughty air of a spoiled young master once again surfaced.

"Go ahead and try!" Liu Shiya stood her ground, instilling a seed of doubt in Soong Sanjin.

Could she be telling the truth?

He was profoundly shaken. There were whispers that the Golden Sentinel had an heir, yet their whereabouts remained a mystery.

The word on the street was that the Golden Sentinel was without family.

In that moment, Liu Shiya's hand slowly moved toward her chest.

"I have a token from the Golden Sentinel. Would you like to see it?"

Soong Sanjin's eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of a peculiar glow shining through the fabric of Liu Shiya's garment.

"That's the Golden Seal, the Golden Sentinel's signature item! You really are his daughter!"

Astonishment saturated Soong Sanjin's voice.

With his back to Su Wei, Soong Sanjin's face was hidden, but Su Wei could imagine the spectacle it must be.

"Hehehe, what of it? Do you have enough Soul Power left to wield your Horcrux?"

"If I make my escape, this second-level Spectre will simply slaughter you all. What concern is that of mine?"

In that instant, Soong Sanjin sensed a sliver of opportunity.

"Try, then!" Liu Shiya retorted, offering no further explanation. Despite her pallor and seemingly drained strength, she clutched the object in her embrace firmly.

Lee Silin, standing to the side, silently channeled his Horcrux book, unbeknownst to others that his Horcrux was not merely a shield for life.

It possessed an inherent ability to temporarily capture the variations in light and shadow within its vicinity over the course of a day!

Much like a flowerpot Horcrux that is naturally suited to grow flowers, a sword or saber Horcrux could still serve as a sharp weapon even without the infusion of Soul Power.

His book Horcrux had the unique capability to document all events occurring around him within a single day!

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