Spectre's Final Blade/C8 The Second Level Spectre
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Spectre's Final Blade/C8 The Second Level Spectre
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C8 The Second Level Spectre

Su Wei quickly grasped the situation—they had formed a team to search for a water source. Yet, he was unclear about the details. Upon reaching the swamp, they found themselves encircled by a second-level Spectre that had emerged seemingly from nowhere. Despite their efforts to resist, they were unsuccessful and were forced to remain vigilant.

He had never heard of the Golden Sentinel, Liu Jinyi, before.

"Is someone in need of water because they're injured?" Su Wei pondered, recalling that Ma Tufu had made sure everyone was equipped with ample drinking water and food before they departed.

"We can't just wait here any longer! We need to strike first!" With that thought, Su Wei pushed through the thorny brush and stepped forward.

His abrupt movement immediately drew the attention of everyone there, including the second-level Spectre. Liu Shiya's face registered a profound shock at the sight of Su Wei—more so than when she had been encircled by the Spectre or when Soong Sanjin had threatened her with betrayal and death.

Lee Silin, standing next to Liu Shiya, cried out, "Brother! Head back! Don't come this way!"


"There's a second-level Spectre here! It's beyond our ability to handle. Quickly, go back and get the instructor, find Ma Tufu!"

"Have them dispatch someone from the Order Department! Otherwise, we're all doomed!"

Lee Silin was frantic, flailing his limbs and yelling at Su Wei to make haste and get away.

Meanwhile, unnoticed by all, the faint black mist that had been slowly swirling around them shifted its course, a thick stream of it rolling towards Su Wei.

Su Wei was acutely aware of the peril lurking within the mist, emanating a formidable presence characteristic of a second-level Spectre. Inside the thicket, the Spectre's oppressive force had made him so anxious he nearly fled.

But now, facing it head-on, his heart was devoid of fear.

"You little punk, don't think for a second that a change in appearance to a mist will scare me off! Bring it on!"

Su Wei was brazen as he taunted the black mist. The concealed second-level Spectre, seemingly enraged, quickened its pace.

It aimed to slay this insolent youth in one fell swoop, to instill even greater psychological terror in the remaining three!

To send them into a frenzy!

To reduce them to tears!

Fear fueled the Spectre, and these three hapless souls were its ceaseless sustenance, empowering it to grow stronger!

"He's nearly here!"

As Su Wei remained motionless, the Spectre's mind buzzed with anticipation.

The thrill of killing and the sight of blood were intoxicating. It yearned for the imminent spray of blood before its eyes!

"Closer now! Almost there! I'm about to end him!"

The Spectre's excitement surged, but suddenly, Su Wei vanished.


In that instant, the Spectre felt a weapon strike its left side.

But it didn't hurt!

Turning, it saw Su Wei, the very one who had just challenged it!

He had evaded its attack!

The black mist before Su Wei swirled, the cut from the cleaver healed, leaving it unscathed!

Everyone was stunned by this turn of events.

"How do we combat such a foe? Direct attacks don't inflict any damage! And facing his legion of ghost soldiers is futile; they're simply too numerous!"

Liu Shiya's voice emerged from nearby: "Su Wei, the Spectre won't kill us just yet. It thrives on emotional energy for its cultivation. You're fast; go and bring back help!"

Lee Silin, on the other hand, was more straightforward, yelling, "Bro, get out of there! Don't engage it! You're no match for it!"

Then, the voice of the lurking Spectre echoed through the air, "It's been ages since I've met such an intriguing being. Dodge my next attack if you can!"

"If you fail, I'll string you up, flay you, and leave you to dry on a tree for seven days and nights!"

His tone was saturated with cruelty and a twisted excitement.

Su Wei was expected to either cower in fear or flee, which the Spectre had fully anticipated.

It was ready to give chase, but to its surprise, Su Wei was neither afraid nor did he attempt to escape.

Su Wei straightened his spine and once again walked toward the direction from which he had come.

"Is that the best you've got? Just empty threats? Beast!"

"No! You're not even a beast. You don't even have a body!"

In that moment, Su Wei strode forward with confidence, armed with a secret weapon and exuding an aura of invincibility.

The Spectre facing Su Wei let out a mocking laugh and said, "Go ahead, run your mouth. But when I flay and debone you, let's see how you plead for mercy!"

Before the echo of its words had faded, a grayish-black mist surged toward Su Wei with increased velocity.

This time, it was like a breached dam, an unstoppable force!

Su Wei squinted, focusing intently on the Spectre's advance.

Suddenly, he planted his feet, pointed forward with his right hand, and bellowed, "Soul Power Lock!"

The intangible black mist, as if colliding with an unbreakable wall, abruptly halted midair.

"Take this, Rising Dragon of Mount Lushan!"

With a powerful motion, Su Wei brandished his Horcrux—a kitchen knife!

At this moment, Mr. Blade harbored no resentment, for Su Wei had already infused him with ample Soul Power.

He was ready to unleash his soulcraft!

As the knife sliced through the air, Mr. Blade took command.

Hundreds of red threads burst forth from the blade, slicing toward the suspended Spectre.

The spectacle was wildly surreal, the red threads seemingly harmless and the black mist formless, yet both were intent on annihilating each other!

Reality was indeed as bizarre and outlandish as it seemed!

The red threads cut through the grayish-black fog as effortlessly as slicing through tofu, reducing the mist to fragments.

But how could mist have fragments?

In just a moment, the formidable second-level Spectre was completely eradicated from existence.

Witnessing Mr. Blade's display of might, effortlessly dispatching the Spectre, Su Wei's expression softened.

A Shadow Orb, radiating a faint gray essence, dropped to the ground.

Su Wei picked it up; the Shadow Orb of the vanquished second-level Spectre was the greatest prize of the battle.

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