Spectre's Final Blade/C9 The Attention of the World
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Spectre's Final Blade/C9 The Attention of the World
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C9 The Attention of the World

Su Wei tucked the second-level Shadow Orb back into his waist pouch and approached the trio, taking note of the dust and blood stains on their clothes.

"How are you guys doing? Are any of your injuries serious?" Su Wei directed his concern primarily at Lee Silin, given his strained relations with the other two—one felt out of his league, and the other was simply not close to him.

He was not one for pleasantries, and now it felt even more awkward to start a conversation.

Seeing Lee Silin's dazed and confused expression, Su Wei couldn't help but think how adorably clueless his friend was.

"Hey, no way! Su Wei! When did you get so strong?"

"Killing a second-level Spectre is as easy as slaughtering a dog now?"

With a modest smile, Su Wei played the part of a seasoned master.

"Hey, what are you talking about? My strength is beyond the reach of ordinary folks."

"Remember how I promised to be your rock someday?"

"Well, here it is!"

"Cut it out, man. Who's supporting whom here?"

"Who can say for sure?" Lee Silin retorted, his eyes wide with astonishment. He was struggling to come to terms with the dramatic transformation in Su Wei's abilities.

They had once made a pact that if one finished last, the other would take his turn to be last next time. Yet today, Su Wei had completely turned the tables—first teasing the butcher at school, and now slaying a second-level Spectre in the Sea of Whispers.

"Could he be possessed by some mighty Spectre?"

"Su Wei, have you been possessed by a Spectre? What's with the sudden change?"

Lee Silin was never one to conceal his feelings, especially not from a close friend.

Su Wei glanced at Lee Silin, taken aback.

Oh no, did he suspect something?

It was unthinkable that anyone could guess that I'm a transmigrator!

But seeing Lee Silin's look of disbelief, Su Wei realized that his friend was probably just making wild guesses, just as fanciful as he had been back in high school.

"Classic four eyes!"

"Are you seriously struggling to admit that I'm doing well? Can't you accept that I've always had a knack for things, and that today's events are just par for the course?"

"I don't buy it for a second. You used to dive under the covers watching horror movies, and now you're telling me you've got nerves of steel?"

Lee Silin rolled his eyes dismissively, his skepticism confirmed.

He was still the same great buddy as before.

If he couldn't make sense of it, he wouldn't dwell on it. That was just Lee Silin's way, and becoming stronger certainly wasn't a bad thing.

Meanwhile, Soong Sanjin, standing nearby, watched as Su Wei slipped the second-level Shadow Orb back into his waist pouch and noticed how full it appeared.

Could it be... those were all Spectre fragments?

He was green with envy!

Liu Shiya, who had previously been as unremarkable as a dried fish, had today made a shockingly strong showing, leaving her utterly astonished by the stark contrast.

Lee Silin was the first to snap out of it, addressing Soong Sanjin and Liu Shiya, "We should head back. I'm worried about Ann Muxi's condition!"

"Yeah, let's hurry! Ann Muxi was seriously injured!"

As expected!

Su Wei had anticipated this outcome.

They had only ventured about 2000 meters before quickly regrouping with the Moontown High team, which numbered around seventy to eighty people, with the remaining twenty or so forming other groups.

Upon Soong Sanjin's return, his followers quickly gathered around him.

"Soong, Soong, how are you? Did you get hurt?"

"Hey, Soong, is there anything we can do for you?"


While Soong Sanjin was aware that their attentiveness stemmed from his influence, he couldn't help but bask in their concern.

He was still fixated on the contents of Su Wei's waist pouch. Exactly how many Spectre fragments and Shadow Orbs were inside?

As he observed his eager followers, an idea began to take shape in his mind.

As soon as Liu Shiya got back to camp, a throng of her female classmates rushed to check on her.

"Shiya, Shiya, did you manage to find water?"

"Sister Shiya, are you alright?"


With a radiant smile, Liu Shiya reassured her concerned friends, "I'm not hurt, but I didn't find a water source either!"

She shyly lowered her head.

"Instead, we ran into other Spectres and had to circle back after taking a detour."


For reasons unknown, both Soong Sanjin and Liu Shiya remained silent about the incident where Su Wei had rescued them.

Meanwhile, Soong Sanjin summoned his underlings to form a circle around him and demanded, "Quick! Hand over all your evil soul fragments!"

One underling hesitated, "But... Soong, we can't just go half a day without any evil soul fragments!"

Another chimed in, "If we go home empty-handed, our families will have our heads!"

Soong Sanjin had hoped to get the fragments for free, but seeing his underlings' reluctance, he hastily reassured them, "Are you seriously worried about that?"

"If you call me 'brother' today, I won't let you down!"

"Hand over all your evil soul fragments! I'll buy each one for 100 yuan!"

"After we get back to school, I'll transfer the money to you. Now, give me your bank account numbers!"

Realizing that his underlings were unwilling to part with their evil soul fragments for free, Soong Sanjin gritted his teeth and decided to offer them money.

Suddenly, his underlings saw the light, "Soong! What are you saying?"

"Is that what we're worried about? You've always been righteous, Soong. Of course, we'll help!"

"Exactly. Soong, you've been so good to us. How could we ever be ungrateful? If you want them, they're yours!"

The underlings thought to themselves, thrilled at the prospect of making a quick buck.

Watching his underlings change their tune after he mentioned the price, Soong Sanjin inwardly sneered at their opportunism.

Though they agreed, they insisted that Soong Sanjin secure his bank account before collecting their Spectre fragments.

"Nothing but a bunch of money-grubbers," he thought.

"I'll see how to deal with you back home! Trying to make a profit off me at such a critical time!"

This time, the underlings surrounding Soong Sanjin all deposited their Spectre fragments into his waist pouch.

With contributions of more than ten fragments each, Soong Sanjin's pouch quickly filled up.

Seeing that his evil soul fragment was finally comparable to Su Wei's, Soong Sanjin stood up and gave Su Wei a challenging look. He swaggered past Su Wei, ostentatiously shaking the waist pouch at his side. His gaze seemed to taunt, "I'm every bit as good as you!"

"Heh, if you're so capable, go fight for it yourself. Who are you trying to impress here?" Su Wei retorted, refusing to be outdone or let Soong Sanjin's brazen attitude go unchecked.

"We'll see who comes out on top when we tally up the numbers! First place is going to be mine, no doubt about it!" Soong Sanjin declared before heading back to the midst of his numerous followers.

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