Star-source Legend/C3 Zhang Fann (part III)
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Star-source Legend/C3 Zhang Fann (part III)
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C3 Zhang Fann (part III)

"Yeah, hundreds of millions of years have passed since we first left the Milky Way. With the guidance of our teachers, the three of us have also stepped into the Ancestral Realm."

"However, even after so many years, our strength, including our teachers, has not increased at all."

"Even if it was Star Origin, it could only deepen one's knowledge comprehension of the universe origin laws."

"Furthermore, the selfishness of humanity has led to the other powers desiring to become to first Star Lord. Because of this, every Star Fragment is regarded as a supreme treasure that would not be easily revealed."

"Undoubtedly, gather all of the fragments would be extremely difficult."

Upon hearing this, another man who looked akin to a war good with his golden armour spoke up.

"Actually seniors, there is no need for us to rush."

"Everything is destined to be!"

Immediately after, those gathered in the palace heard the gentle and benevolent voice of a female.

"Heh heh, Nuwa, you're still the most optimistic. Although you two are much stronger than junior sister, in terms of mentality, you are still lacking."

"I've always told you that the universe operates following a certain pattern."

"To put it more simply, it can be called 'fate'."

"Perhaps, in the near future, a change will occur. All we need to do is wait."

"In the meantime, let's go and continue smelting that treasure. With this treasure, the position of the Divine Firmament Dao Sect will become much more stable."

Seemingly agreeing with her, a kind looking old man with a goatee and adorned a cyan robe spoke.

"Yes, Teacher."

They nodded in agreement upon hearing the old man's words. Then, they quickly exited the large hall.

"Based on my calculations, a variable might appear on the Ancestral Star. Unfortunately, the Ancestral Star is already surrounded by a chaotic black hole that only allows things to exit but not enter."

"I really hope everything goes well!"

After the disciples left, the old man seemed to be deep in thought in the hall alone. He was gazing in a certain direction with a profound gaze as he muttered quietly to himself.

Not long after, he also exited the hall once again.


At the same time, Zhang Fann and Hu Zhi were just about to arrive at their residential area.


Just as the two of them were about to enter the residential complex, a loud roar suddenly reverberated in all directions. The sheer volume of the roar was enough to alert the entire Star City.

Those in the streets, including Zhang Fann and Hu Zhi, immediately knelt to the ground while trembling in fear.

Shortly after the roar, a huge shadow loomed in the sky directly above the city. At this moment, the shadow was charging straight towards Star City from top to bottom.

The sight of the terrying shadow deeply shocked them.

"F-Fann, what is that? I can't believe a single roar actually has that much terrifying power."

Hu Zhi was also sprawled on the ground, and he did not attempt to conceal his fear. His face was filled with terror, and his body was shaking uncontrollably as he whispered to Zhang Fann.

"I'm not too sure. But it can display that much might with a single roar. I'm afraid that it's one of the legendary beast kings."

Zhang Fann's usually calm expression had already contorted into one of fear.

They could only watch helplessly as the gigantic black figure was about to collide with them at full force. The two had already braced themselves for the impact. Just then, a gigantic blue light barrier formed in the skies above the city.


The enormous black shadow collided at full force with the blue light barrier, emitted a loud band. Upon the sheer impact, the blue light barrier shook lightly.

Much to everyone's relief, the light barrier didn't shatter under the pressure.

"Heavens, is that actually a Wing Dragon King?"

Given the proximity, the unidentifiable black shadow became visible. The people could clearly see the appearance of the monster. At the sight of the monster, they cried out in surprise.

"No wonder it is so terrifying! It's actually the invincible king of the sky, Wing Dragon King! It must go crazy to actively attack Star City. "

Only then could Zhang Fann see the appearance of the Wing Dragon King for himself.

His face morphed into a mixture of surprise and fear at the sight.

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