Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C11 The Young Master of the Zeng Family
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Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C11 The Young Master of the Zeng Family
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C11 The Young Master of the Zeng Family

The scion of the Zeng family.

Laulau immediately regretted sending the private message. She imagined that anyone generous enough to tip a live streamer ten million yuan was likely a sleazy middle-aged man, similar to her previous top donor, Little Diamond Wind. She had seen his social profile: a chubby, greasy man with big ears.

But after Gao Chi left his generous tip, he promptly exited Cat Tooth and carelessly tossed his phone onto the sofa before heading off for a shower.

Anxiously, Laulau waited in front of her computer for over thirty minutes, but her inbox remained empty, and her Wechat silent. Just as she began to feel puzzled, her phone chimed with a Wechat notification. Her heart leapt. "Finally, an add!"

She eagerly checked her phone, only to be greeted by a name that turned her stomach: Little Diamond Wind. She had reluctantly re-added him out of desperation, and now he had accepted her request.

Feeling deflated, Laulau considered blocking Little Diamond Wind once more, but it seemed petty since she had been the one to reach out. Deciding against it, she chose to ignore him instead.

Another "Ding dong!" signaled a new message.

Little Diamond Wind: "Laulau, changed your mind?"

Laulau's disgust intensified as she read the message. She replied tersely, "Sorry, wrong person!"

Little Diamond Wind retorted, "What the hell? Playing games again? You added the wrong person? Don't waste my time, just name your price. 500 for a quick meet, 3000 for the whole night..."

"Scram!" Laulau didn't hesitate this time, sending a single dismissive word before blocking Little Diamond Wind once again.


Meanwhile, Gao Chi lay in the opulent bathtub of his villa, eyes half-closed in bliss. It was quite some time before he emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a bathrobe, and retrieved his phone from the sofa to retreat to his room.

Now that his hands were no longer aching, he was ready to dive back into his phone.

However, Gao Chi didn't go back to streaming on Cat Tooth, as he finally remembered his original intention to find a real estate agent.

Unbeknownst to him, his recent splurge in the live broadcast room had stirred up quite a buzz online, even making it onto the trending searches, albeit not at the top.

He lounged comfortably in the rocking chair on the spacious balcony outside his room, browsing through Jingzhou City real estate agency listings.

"I can't make heads or tails of this!" After a long search, Gao Chi found that much of the online real estate information required real-name registration to access.

Too lazy to deal with the hassle of registering, and more importantly, to avoid the inevitable deluge of marketing calls and spam texts, he decided to visit a real estate agency in person the next afternoon.

Oh right, he also needed to buy a car and a hotel tomorrow!

Ugh, damn it, why is having money still so exhausting!

So frustrating!

With a sigh, Gao Chi snapped a few photos of Jingzhou City's night view and his villa room, sharing them on his WeChat Moments.

Then he plugged in his phone to charge and promptly fell asleep.

Although his physical condition was superior to the average person, his mental energy was somewhat lacking.

But no matter, after purchasing the hotel tomorrow and shelling out over ten billion yuan, he'd rack up more than a hundred points, enough to upgrade to a superman!

The night passed quietly.

By the time Gao Chi opened his eyes, it was already past ten in the morning.

Having taken a week off from school, he wasn't in a rush and took his time getting out of bed and freshening up.

By 10:30, after attending to his personal hygiene, he was ready to head out, timing his arrival at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel perfectly for lunch.


Gao Chi was quite pleased with his time management.

As he left the villa complex, the security guard at the gate was puzzled. Why didn't the villa's owner drive? It had been two days, and he had taken a taxi every time he went out. It was truly baffling.

Upon Gao Chi's arrival at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel, a waiter warmly greeted him and offered his services.

Zhang Wei hurried over as soon as he got the news, and the two met in Gao Chi's reserved room.

"Mr. Gao, Director Zeng will be here any minute!" Zhang Wei said with a grin, "He made a special trip from Beijing this morning."

"No worries!" Gao Chi dismissed with a wave of his hand, "Let's hold off on ordering. We'll decide once Director Zeng arrives."

"Of course!" Zhang Wei nodded eagerly. He was unfamiliar with Gao Chi's tastes and was anxious not to say the wrong thing and upset his potential future boss. His heart was racing with nerves.

Ten minutes later, a knock at the door brought relief to Zhang Wei, who had just been informed of Director Zeng's arrival.

He quickly went to open the door.

Gao Chi rose to his feet and was greeted by a man in his thirties with a beaming smile, followed by a similarly aged woman dressed in sharp business attire, her face set in a professional smile as she entered.

With utmost respect, Zhang Wei greeted, "Director Zeng, please come inside!"

Zeng Huan nodded and strode towards Gao Chi, chuckling, "You must be Mr. Gao Chi, right? Impressive, so young and accomplished!"

"Hello, Director Zeng!" Gao Chi replied, a bit stiffly. But remembering his own billion-yuan fortune—likely many times that of Director Zeng's—he relaxed and said, "We haven't ordered yet. I was concerned about any dietary preferences you might have."

"Oh, I'm easy to please!" Zeng Huan replied, then instructed Zhang Wei, "Please bring out that bottle of wine I've been saving." Turning to Gao Chi, she introduced, "This is Lin Jing, the legal director of my company."

"Pleased to meet you, Director Lin!" Gao Chi said with a welcoming smile, then addressed Zhang Wei, "Brother Zhang, would you mind serving the dishes? Feel free to arrange the meal. This one's on me!"

"Sure thing!" Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. These two were something else...

He was well aware of the wine Zeng Huan mentioned. Zeng Huan had once traveled all the way to France to bid on that bottle—worth over three hundred thousand yuan and one of only two hundred bottles worldwide.

Gao Chi certainly didn't hold back, casually telling them to bring out the dishes.

But this was the Bright Moon Grand Hotel, where the starting price for a meal was over ten thousand yuan. Casually ordering dishes here could easily run up a tab of a million!

Once Zhang Wei had departed, Zeng Huan, Gao Chi, and Lin Jing each found their seats.

Zeng Huan burst into laughter, "Mr. Gao, you're acting like the owner before you've even bought the place!"

"Does that mean Director Zeng is reluctant to sell to me?" Gao Chi replied with a smile, "When it comes to the price, just name it. I won't haggle with you."

"That's the spirit!" Zeng Huan exclaimed. "Honestly, the construction of this hotel alone cost eighty billion yuan. With the decor and equipment, the total comes to one hundred and ten billion, not a yuan less."

He continued with a chuckle, "However, I see something in you, Mr. Gao. So, let's do this: I previously quoted one hundred and thirty billion, but since we're becoming friends today, let's settle on one hundred and ten billion. What do you say?"

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