Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C13 [actually, I Am Here to Buy a Car!]
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Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C13 [actually, I Am Here to Buy a Car!]
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C13 [actually, I Am Here to Buy a Car!]

After their meal, Zeng Huan and Gao Chi exchanged contact details before Gao Chi had to hurry back to Jingdou. Gao Chi was also intent on finding a nearby real estate agent to kick off his house-buying venture.

"Uh, Manager Zhang, what's up?" Gao Chi asked, noticing Zhang Wei trailing him cautiously, looking as though he had something to say but was holding back.

Zhang Wei felt a twinge of nervousness, even though they were just outside the hotel. Gathering his courage, he addressed Gao Chi, "Director Gao, I was wondering if you have any feedback or suggestions for our hotel?"

"Suggestions?" Gao Chi stroked his chin, pondering. He didn't actually have any, but he decided to play along. After a brief pause, he declared, "Actually, there is something!"

Zhang Wei tensed up in anticipation.

"As the new owner, I should make my mark," Gao Chi announced. "Starting this month, let's give all hotel staff a 20% raise!"

Zhang Wei exhaled deeply, his relief washing away the scare. He had feared that with the change in ownership, his job might be on the line. But the news of a salary increase brought him unexpected joy.

With all matters settled, Gao Chi left the Bright Moon Hotel. His next task was to buy a car, as getting around without one was proving to be a hassle.


Gao Chi hailed a cab to Grand Plaza, where all the renowned 4S car dealerships were located. Traffic was a nightmare, and he soon discovered it was due to the annual car show—no wonder the streets were packed!

Upon arrival, the car show was in full swing. Driven by curiosity, Gao Chi wove through the crowd and spotted a model showcasing a new, pink Ferrari 488. It was the epitome of girlish charm. Surely, gifting such a car to a girlfriend would be irresistible.

Taking note of the dealership name on the car's plate, Gao Chi decided to pay the store a visit.

This was a Ferrari dealership, and it was no surprise that every model on display was stunning. The spotlight was on the 488, with a pink one perched on the stage and a deep blue one showcased in the lobby.

Gao Chi couldn't resist; he gently caressed the sleek surface.

Since he had walked in, the sales team hadn't given him a second glance. They occasionally shot him curious looks, but none approached to offer assistance.

Gao Chi wasn't bothered. Hadn't he received the same indifferent treatment when purchasing his villa?

The car exuded elegance and style, and thankfully, it spared him the hassle of applying decals. But what about the feel?

He was about to pull open the door and climb in for a proper experience when, unexpectedly,


A salesperson clacked over in high heels, her impatience evident.

"You can look, but don't touch or open the doors. Do you have any idea how much this costs? If you scratch it, could you even afford the damages?"

Her colleague chimed in, "Exactly. Why don't you take a good look at yourself? Do you even know where you are?"

"Hey! Sister Juan, he might be a live streamer or here to shoot a video. There's no need for harsh words."

"Oh, Fangfang, you're still young and unmarried. You don't understand how deceitful men can be these days. They may look polished on the outside, but inside, they're empty shells, not worth a dime, and they use their slick talk to deceive girls!"

Gao Chi ignored the remarks. If they didn't want him touching the cars, he wouldn't buy one. After all, Jingzhou City wasn't limited to just this dealership.

Stepping out of the Ferrari showroom, he headed next door to a Maserati dealership, another haven for sports car enthusiasts.

Upon entering, a young man in a suit greeted him with a beaming smile. However, as he drew closer to Gao Chi, his smile transformed into a look of surprise, which quickly morphed into excitement.

"Gao Chi, is that really you?" he exclaimed.

The voice jogged Gao Chi's memory, and he recognized the enthusiastic salesman as his high school classmate, Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei hadn't made it into college, so after graduation, he entered the workforce and unexpectedly ended up selling cars in Jingzhou City.

"Zhang Lei!" Gao Chi was genuinely thrilled to run into an old friend, his face breaking into a wide grin as he greeted him.

Dropping his professional facade, Zhang Lei threw an arm around Gao Chi's shoulder and asked, "Aren't you supposed to be in college? Is it a holiday today? Wait, it's not even Sunday!"

Gao Chi chuckled, "I just had no classes today, so I thought I'd take a walk and get ready to..."

He was cut off as Zhang Lei grinned and interjected, "Got it, you're working your way through school!"

Having been classmates with Gao Chi for three years, Zhang Lei was familiar with his family's situation. He assured him, "Don't worry, I've got this. I'll talk to the supervisor, and from now on, I'll show you the ropes."


Gao Chi touched his nose, feeling a bit embarrassed, but before he could speak, a heavily made-up woman approached. She gave Gao Chi a dismissive once-over, quickly deducing that he wasn't there to buy a car.

Considering Gao Chi's outfit didn't look like it cost more than five hundred yuan, she turned to Zhang Lei and said, "It's working hours, Zhang Lei..." She glanced at Gao Chi with a look of disdain and added, "If you want to chat, do it after hours."

Zhang Lei's face flushed with discomfort as he turned to Gao Chi, then tried to explain to the woman, "Ms. Mi, I was just..."

"Don't bother explaining!" Ms. Mi cut him off sharply. "Stop making excuses for your failures. Take a good look at yourself!" She pointed to a wall and continued, "Three months in a row, your sales have been the lowest. Don't you think it's time to step it up?"

Zhang Lei's mouth hung open, his expression sheepish.

The other salespeople watched the scene unfold with a mix of trepidation and schadenfreude, some feeling sorry for Zhang Lei. Yet, they all kept their distance, not daring to stir up any trouble, merely observing from afar.

After addressing Zhang Lei, Ms. Mi turned to Gao Chi and began, "I'm sorry, sir, but we're on the clock. Could you please..."

"Ms. Mi, my friend... he's here for a job interview!" Zhang Lei blurted out, desperate to save face as Ms. Mi was about to send Gao Chi away.

At that moment, Gao Chi found himself in an awkward spot. He touched his nose, about to speak, when he noticed several employees from the Ferrari dealership standing outside the shop's floor-to-ceiling window, watching them with amused expressions.

Ms. Mi spoke with a sneer, "Zhang Lei, Sister Juan just messaged me saying he makes short videos. And now you're trying to tell me..."

"That..." Gao Chi cut in, instantly grasping the situation. At a loss for words, he rose to his feet, interrupting Ms. Mi, "Actually, I came here to buy a car!"

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