Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C14 [i Only Have Seven Parking Spaces in My House!]
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Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C14 [i Only Have Seven Parking Spaces in My House!]
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C14 [i Only Have Seven Parking Spaces in My House!]

Ms. Mi's eyes widened in surprise as she fixed her gaze on Gao Chi.

Zhang Lei was equally baffled. Buying a car?

They were in a Maserati dealership, where even the entry-level models started at over a million yuan...

Could Gao Chi actually afford it?

But then it clicked for Zhang Lei. Gao Chi was probably just trying to save him from a scolding by concocting this excuse. He quickly agreed, "Exactly, Ms. Mi. My friend is interested in purchasing a car."

He figured he'd play along for now and later have Gao Chi feign dissatisfaction to get out of the purchase.

However, Ms. Mi was no fool. With a mocking laugh, she challenged, "You don't even have five hundred yuan on you. How do you plan to buy a sports car worth millions?"

"Do you think I'm naive, or are you just playing the fool? One minute you're here for a job interview, the next you're buying a car!"

Gao Chi was at a loss for words. What's with this world? Judging by appearances or wealth—damn, it looked like he'd need to pick up some upscale clothes later that afternoon.

Otherwise, the disrespect would continue.

It was so irritating!

"You're Zhang Lei's boss, right?" Gao Chi brushed off her skepticism.

"No," Zhang Lei interjected, "Ms. Mi is our store's top salesperson."

"Oh!" Gao Chi nodded. He had mistaken her confident air for that of a manager or owner, not expecting her to be merely the sales champion.

"She earned the title of top salesperson just by selling a few cars?" Gao Chi, uninterested in her attitude, directed his question to Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei felt anxious but remained silent. Ms. Mi, however, boasted with pride, "Not too many. I made sales of 3.7 million yuan last month, and I'm already at 1.2 million this month. So, what is it? Are you actually here for a job?"

"No, I'm here to buy a car!" Gao Chi asserted, then promptly ignored her and turned to Zhang Lei, "Zhang Lei, show me some cars, will you?"

Zhang Lei was momentarily taken aback, yet he had already devised a plan. He would feign interest in recommending a few cars to Gao Chi, and after Ms. Mi had left, he'd find an excuse for Gao Chi to depart. The worst he could expect was a scolding from Ms. Mi later on.

Quickly rising to his feet, he turned to Gao Chi and said, "Let me show you some cars. I'll explain the details as we go along!"

"Sure!" Gao Chi nodded, following Zhang Lei to the showroom.

Ms. Mi, noticing this, followed behind with a mocking sneer.

Zhang Lei inwardly groaned at the sight of Ms. Mi tailing them, but with her closely watching, he had no choice but to press on, introducing each car to Gao Chi with a stiff resolve.

"This Maserati Quattroporte is a sport sedan, with an overall style that..."

"This Maserati Ghibli..."

"This model..."


He wasn't even thinking about the prices anymore. In his mind, he was just putting on a performance with Gao Chi, but Ms. Mi's constant presence was unnerving. He feared their act would fall apart.

After the introductions, Gao Chi seemed genuinely impressed, which was surprising given that back in school, Zhang Lei was the one who always struggled with memorization.

Now, he was effortlessly spouting off specs and details about these high-end cars.

Gao Chi struggled to contain his laughter.

Catching Gao Chi's amused expression, Zhang Lei shot him a look of exasperation. How could he still find humor in this situation?

Just as he was about to continue, Ms. Mi interjected, "Enough, Zhang Lei. Is this the level of service you provide? I don't have time for these games. Write up a self-critique after work and submit it to the manager. And you," she turned to Gao Chi, "leave immediately. Don't disrupt our workplace."

Gao Chi faced Ms. Mi and retorted, "Actually, I think his service has been excellent. It's your attitude that's disappointing. Isn't the customer supposed to be king?"

Ms. Mi, flustered and amused by his audacity, pointed at Gao Chi and declared, "Fine. If you're serious about buying a car, I'll apologize to both you and Zhang Lei right away! Otherwise... Zhang Lei's fired. We don't need employees like that in our dealership!"

"Hehe!" Gao Chi dismissed her words with a chuckle. He was here with a purpose—to buy cars. Turning to Zhang Lei, he said decisively, "Here's what we'll do: I'll take two sports cars, two sedans, and... hmm, let's add two SUVs to the mix. That makes six..."

While speaking, he stroked his chin, pondering. He had seven parking spots, not counting the extra space in the front yard for parking.

Realizing he was still one car short, he declared, "And throw in the most expensive car you've got in the shop!"

"That should do it for now. I only have seven parking spots at home, after all!"


Zhang Lei was visibly confused.

Dude, we're just role-playing here. Aren't you taking this a bit too seriously?

He stood there, looking utterly dejected.

Ms. Mi, overhearing Gao Chi's request, was convinced he was just showing off.

The most expensive car in the shop?

Hehe, kid, you must not have heard about the MC12—only fifty of them in the whole world!

With a scoff, she said to Zhang Lei, "Are you deaf to the words of God? Get moving and write up the order!"

"Gao Chi... this... it's quite pricey..." Zhang Lei, now genuinely concerned, couldn't keep up the act any longer as he addressed Gao Chi.

"Pricey?" Gao Chi asked with a grin, "How much are we talking?"

Zhang Lei hesitated before replying, "The most expensive car we have is the MC12, with an on-the-road price of 20 million..."

Gao Chi waved off the concern, still smiling, "No problem. Just follow my specs—all high-end! Calculate the total for me. I'll pay in full!"

At that moment, staff from the neighboring Ferrari dealership walked in. The 4S stores in this area all catered to the luxury market, with cars easily costing millions, so it was rare to see many customers around. They were all too bored to pass up such an entertaining spectacle.

Upon hearing Gao Chi's bold statement, they couldn't contain their laughter.

"Goodness, I just did the math. He's asking for seven cars. Even at the lowest price, that's over fifty million yuan."

"Exactly, he's going to be the death of me with laughter..."

"I've never seen anyone with such audacity!"

"He's still putting on a brave face despite everything!"


Ms. Mi's face was a mask of displeasure as she glared icily at Gao Chi and Zhang Lei.

"Ah!" Zhang Lei exhaled deeply, fumbled with his phone, and then quoted Gao Chi, "So... the total comes to 43 million..."

He was cut off by Ms. Mi, "What kind of math is that? Didn't your friend insist on having the best of everything?"

"I did the math too, and with the highest specs for everything, for seven cars, it adds up to 72 million!"


Currently, Gao Chi was the only customer in the store. Including the four onlookers from the neighboring Ferrari dealership, there were barely a dozen people witnessing the scene.

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