Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C15 [i Don't Have a Driving License!]!
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Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C15 [i Don't Have a Driving License!]!
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C15 [i Don't Have a Driving License!]!

"Alright!" Gao Chi nodded, pulling out his phone and said to Zhang Lei, "Alipay, right?"

"Speaking of which," Gao Chi turned to Ms. Mi, "you've been shadowing us the whole time. So, if I decide to buy a car, do you expect a cut too? Because if that's the case, I might just reconsider!"

"Hehe," Ms. Mi scoffed, clearly not buying his intent to purchase. "Please, I'm not like some people—I still care about my reputation!"

Zhang Lei's face was a mix of emotions as he eyed Gao Chi, "You're actually going through with it?"

Seventy-two million yuan—it was more money than he could ever dream of earning in ten lifetimes.

Gao Chi simply nodded in confirmation.

Impatiently, Ms. Mi called out to the other sales associates, "Someone, bring me a breath of fresh air and get that QR code over here!"

Normally, both Alipay and banks have daily transaction limits, but Gao Chi's funds were from a system that set his limit to the maximum...

Or rather, there was no limit at all.

Ms. Mi had long been the reigning sales champion here, with managers and even the owner treating her with great respect, which meant the other sales staff seldom crossed her.

At her command, a female sales associate hurried over with the Alipay QR code.

Typically, buying a car involves signing a contract and inspecting the vehicle, but Ms. Mi, skeptical of Gao Chi's ability to afford it, skipped straight to the payment step.

Gao Chi, not in the mood for idle chatter, simply lifted his phone and scanned the code.

The room fell silent. Despite no one believing Gao Chi would actually make the payment, they all instinctively listened in.

After about fifteen seconds, Gao Chi's payment went through, but there was no announcement from the cash register...

"Hehe," Ms. Mi laughed mockingly at Gao Chi, "Not enough in your account? Keep pretending—let's see you continue..."

The crowd began to murmur among themselves.

But before they could get a word in, a digital tone rang out from the bar, "Ding, Alipay has received seventy-two million yuan!"

The room fell silent once more...

The group exchanged bewildered glances, their expressions akin to having seen a ghost. Ms. Mi was like a duck with its neck wrung, the words lodged in her throat, unable to utter another sound. She could only gape at Gao Chi in utter disbelief.

Zhang Lei stood frozen, his tongue twisted in knots, his mind a complete blank. He managed to stammer out, "Thank you... Holy sh*t..."

Gao Chi quirked an eyebrow at him and said, "What are you cursing for? Get a move on and bring me the contract and the invoice. I've got plans later this afternoon. We'll grab a meal together in a couple of days!"

"You..." Zhang Lei gazed at Gao Chi, his mind swirling with questions he couldn't bring himself to ask, too overwhelmed with excitement as he dashed off to the manager's office for the contract.

The four Ferrari salespeople at the door were ghostly pale.

Gao Chi had visited their store first!

But they had turned him away!

They were all in the business of selling cars; there was no way to hide this from their boss.

They could almost hear the echoes of their boss's furious bellowing.

A multimillion-dollar deal, and they had botched it themselves!


It took Ms. Mi a good while to snap out of her daze, her face flushing from green to white. Watching Gao Chi stroll with ease, she was a mix of frustration and fear.

She wanted to apologize to Gao Chi, but her earlier arrogance made it hard to swallow her pride, especially with over a dozen pairs of eyes on her.

Gao Chi, however, paid her no mind and ambled over to the lounge area, sinking into a sofa with casual grace.

A server promptly brought him coffee, her voice warm with hospitality, "Sir, please wait a moment. We'll have your paperwork ready shortly."

"Oh, and sir, could you provide your ID and driver's license, please?"

Gao Chi nodded, reaching for his wallet, then paused, a look of chagrin crossing his face. Damn it, he thought. After gaining the system, he had instantly amassed a fortune of trillions and could earn points through spending—buying houses, hotels, you name it.

He had been bold in his actions, yet he had overlooked one critical detail...

He didn't have a driver's license!

Many of his classmates had secured their driver's licenses by the second semester of freshman year, but Gao Chi had been too preoccupied with working to afford gifts for Lau Shanshan to take the test. It suddenly dawned on him that he didn't have a license!

"Man, I totally spaced out!" Gao Chi cringed. After his sudden windfall, he was all about splurging and had completely overlooked the need for a driver's license.

The saleswoman, noticing his expression change, mistakenly thought he had simply forgotten to bring his license and quickly reassured him, "No worries, sir. You can always bring it by tomorrow!"

Gao Chi awkwardly lifted his head and confessed, "Well, the thing is... I... I don't actually have a license yet! Is it still possible for me to buy a car?"

"Ah?!" The saleswoman was taken aback. No license?

Then what are you doing buying a car?

And seven at that?

I'd love to interview you. Are you just buying them to look at?

Naturally, she kept these thoughts to herself. Regaining her composure, she clarified, "It's fine, really. You can buy the car, but... you won't be able to drive it. However, you could hire a driver to do that for you!"

Gao Chi was at a loss for words. A sedan might be one thing, but a sports car? Was he supposed to ride shotgun? Isn't that where a girl should sit?

Ms. Mi, overhearing their exchange, was internally rolling her eyes. "Seriously, you come in to buy cars without a license? I feel like you're just here to make a fool out of me! But I've got no proof," she thought with a wry smile.

It was clear he was a tycoon with a unique taste in fashion, someone who bought what he liked without a second thought about a license.

Biting her lip, Ms. Mi realized this wasn't the time for pride. She couldn't afford to alienate such a wealthy customer. Without further hesitation, she approached Gao Chi and bowed deeply, "Mr. Gao, my apologies. I misjudged you..."

Gao Chi, caught off guard, looked up and caught an eyeful of something rather revealing.

Oh boy...

He cleared his throat and gestured dismissively, "Let's not judge people through a narrow lens from now on, okay?"

While speaking, he passed his ID card to the young woman beside him, adding, "I think I'll go for my driving test in a couple of days."

"Sure thing, Mr. Gao, just one moment, please!" The young woman glanced awkwardly at Ms. Mi, who was offering apologies from the sidelines. Ms. Mi was notorious for her arrogance, often acting as if she owned the place and berating anyone who rubbed her the wrong way.

But this time, she had met her match!

No sooner had Gao Chi dismissed Ms. Mi than four employees from the adjacent store approached, their faces etched with embarrassment.

Despite the fact that they were all in the business of selling cars, and Gao Chi had already made his purchase, the Maserati staff didn't suspect them of trying to poach a sale.

The four employees stood tentatively before Gao Chi and murmured, "Sir, we're sorry... we were in the wrong earlier..."

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