Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C19 [i Don't Feel like There Is a Need for a Ceremony.]
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Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C19 [i Don't Feel like There Is a Need for a Ceremony.]
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C19 [i Don't Feel like There Is a Need for a Ceremony.]

"No problem!" Gao Chi dismissed with a wave of his hand. Was he worried about the other party hiking up the price? That was the least of his concerns!

"How much are they asking for?"

Hee Meng replied, "An extra thousand yuan per square meter..."

She didn't get to finish before Gao Chi cut in, "Just tell me the total amount, that's all I need to know!"

"Oh, right!" Hee Meng, noticing Gao Chi's unflappable demeanor and apparent confidence, felt her anticipation grow. She hurriedly pulled out the documents to start calculating the price.

"Mr. Gao, I've got it. The grand total is 2.93 billion, 307,800 yuan..."

After quickly crunching the numbers and verifying them twice, Hee Meng confidently presented the figure.

Gao Chi nodded in approval. "Okay, let's proceed with the contract!"

"What about the rent for the shops that have already been leased out?"

Hee Meng paused, surprised. "We're signing just like that?"

"This is a deal worth billions. Are we really going to be this hasty?"

But despite her astonishment, she quickly responded, "The rent will certainly go to Mr. Gao!" With that statement, she all but confirmed her belief that Gao Chi was serious about purchasing an entire street.

Gao Chi nodded again. "Let's get the contract signed. It's already after seven, and I have other matters to attend to."

"Right here... now?" Hee Meng's expression was as astonished as her name suggested, her eyes wide and face a picture of bewilderment. She was truly adorable.

"Mengmeng, you can't seriously believe him, can you?" Liu Teng chimed in, unable to resist commenting on her reaction.

Before Hee Meng could respond, Gao Chi pressed, "What's the matter? Don't have the contract with you?"

"Ah? No, that's not it. The contract template is on my laptop, which is... in my car!" Hee Meng explained, then added, "But, we need the Finance Department to confirm the payment!"

"Has your Finance Department left for the day?" Gao Chi inquired further.

Hee Meng glanced at her phone, still a bit dazed, and said, "It's just after ten past seven. They haven't left yet. We close at eight."

"That's settled then!" Gao Chi pulled out his phone and said to Hee Meng, "Have your finance team send over a payment QR code, or just add me on WeChat. I'll transfer the funds right now and wait for her to confirm the transaction online."

"This... This doesn't seem right!" Hee Meng was taken aback by the lavishness of the customer she had encountered on her shift. He was ready to wire three billion yuan on the spot!

Gao Chi, puzzled, asked, "Why not?"

"No... It's not that!" Hee Meng's composure was slipping. Despite having graduated only a year ago and priding herself on her cool demeanor, she found herself repeatedly thrown off balance by Gao Chi today. She quickly added, "I just think that for such a large transaction, to just sign it off like this... it lacks a sense of occasion..."

Gao Chi was at a loss for words!

A sense of occasion...

I haven't even finished my meal yet, and I'm eager to get home and do more work.

He dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand, "No need for that. Let's proceed this way! Get in touch with your finance department. Once the payment is confirmed, please also issue the invoice for me."

"Well... Okay then!" Hee Meng couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from the deal. A transaction worth billions, completed so hastily, didn't feel quite right.


Curse this obsessive-compulsive perfectionism!

Hee Meng lamented silently to herself, but Liu Teng's look of urgency prompted her to quickly dial the company's finance department.

The other tenants, Ma Hao included, wore peculiar looks on their faces.

They fell silent, realizing they weren't fools; the call to the finance department signaled genuine financial strength...

This youngster would be their big-ticket tenant from now on.

They each reflected on whether they had said anything out of line earlier.

Ma Hao's face turned sour; he had been the most offensive in trying to ingratiate himself with Liu Teng.

Meanwhile, Liu Teng hadn't yet grasped the situation, suspecting Gao Chi had ulterior motives, and Ma Hao was too unnerved to offer any advice, simply standing by, at a loss.

Shortly after, Hee Meng got through to the finance department and hung up. Turning to Gao Chi, she relayed, "Mr. Gao, Ms. Qin would like you to add her on WeChat." She then provided Gao Chi with a series of numbers.

Gao Chi pulled out his phone and added the company's financial officer, Ms. Qin, on WeChat. He double-checked with Hee Meng before Ms. Qin swiftly sent over a payment QR code. Gao Chi scanned the code and completed the transfer.

Handing his phone to Hee Meng, he suggested, "Take a look for yourself. Once everything checks out, we can sign the contract."

Hee Meng, seemingly in a trance, accepted Gao Chi's phone and began to tally the figures...

"One, ten... billion, ten billion... Wow, it's actually twenty-nine billion, three hundred and seven million, eight thousand yuan." As she verified the sum, a video call request popped up on Gao Chi's WeChat.

It was from Ms. Qin of the financial department.

Instinctively, Hee Meng answered the call.

The surrounding onlookers, who had just overheard Hee Meng confirm the transfer, were visibly stunned, their gazes turning to Gao Chi in amazement.

Gao Chi hadn't bothered to change out of his modest attire, still donning street market clothes valued at no more than three hundred yuan. Yet, in that moment, he towered like a colossus in the eyes of the crowd.

Liu Teng and Ma Hao were ashen-faced. They had pegged him for an amateur, only to discover he was a champion...

Oblivious to the others' reactions, Hee Meng focused on the video call. Seeing Ms. Qin on the screen, she inquired, "Ms. Qin, the transfer is complete. Have you received it?"

The video showed a middle-aged woman, still in her forties and exuding charm, her face etched with residual astonishment. She nodded, confirming, "Received. Twenty-nine billion, three hundred and seven million, eight thousand yuan. I'll expect you back at the office to pick up the invoice."

Ms. Qin's video call was primarily to confirm with Gao Chi and Hee Meng that the funds had arrived.

Though the volume of the video was low, to the bystanders, it struck like a bolt of lightning.

Three billion, just vanished...

If I had three billion yuan, I wouldn't be buying a commercial street; I'd be living the high life...

After ending the video call, Hee Meng clutched Gao Chi's phone tightly, feeling as though she was still in a dream.

A year post-graduation, she had worked as a real estate agent for over half a year. Though she had brokered more than ten deals, most were rentals, with just two or three sales, each of small properties worth a mere one or two million yuan.

This time, she had actually landed a deal worth several billion.

Was the title of this year's sales champion now within her grasp?

Noticing her daze, Gao Chi couldn't resist a reminder, "Manager Hee, that's my phone. Also, are we ready to sign the contract now?"

"Ah? Oh!" Hee Meng snapped out of it and quickly nodded, saying, "Absolutely! Let's head back to the office and sign the contract right away!"

Gao Chi pondered for a moment. Since he needed to pick up the invoice anyway, he agreed with a nod.

With the crowd on the commercial street watching in astonishment, Gao Chi and Hee Meng drove back to the headquarters of He Jiaquan Real Estate Agency.

Upon receiving the payment, Sister Qin wasted no time dashing into the general manager's office to report the news.

Therefore, as Gao Chi and Hee Meng entered the company, the entire staff of He Jiaquan Real Estate Agency lined up at the entrance to greet them with a warm welcome.

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