Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C2 Ten Million Yuan to be a Member.
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Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C2 Ten Million Yuan to be a Member.
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C2 Ten Million Yuan to be a Member.

After clarifying things with Wang Ding, Gao Chi headed off campus for a meal. He was usually frugal, but today he had his sights set on Jingzhou City's most opulent five-star establishment, the Bright Moon Grand Hotel.

The Bright Moon Grand Hotel boasted an enviable location on the southern beachfront of Jingzhou City. Towering at sixty-eight stories, a view from the tenth floor or above offered a stunning seascape.

The hotel's rates were equally impressive, reputedly the highest in Jingzhou City, with the minimum cost for a meal starting at 10,000 yuan. Gao Chi was ready to splurge there, having thoroughly researched the Godly Rich System and eager to put it to the test.

Once he stepped off school grounds, Gao Chi hailed a taxi, gave the driver the hotel's name, and pulled out his phone to do some last-minute research. He'd never been to the Bright Moon Grand Hotel and wanted to avoid any embarrassment when ordering.

The taxi driver gave Gao Chi a curious glance, noting his simple attire and assuming he was probably heading to the hotel for a part-time job.

Today, by chance, the Bright Moon Grand Hotel was hosting a charity event for the entertainment industry.

"He's a good-looking kid; probably going to wait tables," the driver mused to himself.

A little over half an hour later, the taxi pulled up to the grand entrance of the Bright Moon Grand Hotel. Gao Chi paid the fare and strode confidently into the hotel.

The Bright Moon Grand Hotel lived up to its five-star reputation with a sprawling plaza out front, complete with a massive fountain and a nearly ten-meter-tall artificial mountain, proudly bearing the hotel's name.

Gao Chi passed by without a second glance at the array of luxury cars parked outside. It was, after all, no surprise for such vehicles to grace the entrance of a hotel of this caliber.

Unbeknownst to him, the hotel was the venue for a star-studded charity event that day. Rumor had it that seven or eight A-list celebrities were in attendance, with whispers that even the pop diva Meng Qiyue might make an appearance.

The charity soirée would naturally attract more than just celebrities; many corporate heavyweights were also expected to attend.

Gao Chi, who was often preoccupied with his part-time job, hadn't kept up with recent news and was unaware of the grand charity event.

As he entered the square, a security guard quickly approached and halted his progress.

"Good evening, sir. How may I assist you?"

Caught off guard, Gao Chi thought, 'People come to a hotel to dine or stay overnight, not to play games, right?'

Perplexed, he replied, "I'm here to have a meal."

The guard gave Gao Chi a skeptical once-over. Could someone dressed in an outfit worth less than two hundred yuan really be dining at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel?

You must be joking.

I saw with my own eyes that you arrived in a taxi!

Despite their doubts, the guards at Bright Moon Grand Hotel maintained their professionalism and courteously explained, "I apologize, sir, but our hotel is hosting a charity event today. We're only serving members and are closed to the general public."

"Is that so?" Gao Chi questioned, wondering if the guard was pulling his leg. But the guard nodded earnestly and pointed to the banner outside the hotel lobby, saying, "Take a look!"

Following the guard's direction, Gao Chi saw the banner proclaiming, "A little love lights up the world - Charity Gala."

"Seriously? What are the odds?" He felt a twinge of frustration, having made the trip specifically to dine, only to discover the hotel was not serving the public that day.

After the guard explained the situation and apologized once more, he gestured for Gao Chi to leave.

Slightly dismayed but nonchalant, Gao Chi waved off the concern, "No problem. You mentioned it's members only, right? I'll just sign up for a membership then!"


The guard was momentarily flustered, unable to find fault in Gao Chi's logic.

Before he could gather his thoughts, Gao Chi strode confidently into the lobby.

The interior of the Bright Moon Grand Hotel was nothing short of opulent and impressive.

Determined not to attract any disdainful glances, Gao Chi resisted the urge to gawk and made a beeline for the expansive service desk. He addressed the attractive receptionist, "I'd like to sign up for a membership, please!"

"Huh?" The group of young ladies behind the bar were taken aback. Today's charity event meant the customer turnout was low, and those who did show up headed straight for the charity gala on the top floor.

Noticing their bewilderment, Gao Chi tapped gently on the marble countertop and repeated himself.

The lovely lady behind the counter quickly regained her composure and offered a warm smile. "Of course, sir. May I see your ID, please?"

Gao Chi passed his ID to her.

She continued, "Welcome, Mr. Gao. We operate on an annual membership basis. To become a member, you'll need to pay the yearly fee."

"Sure, how much?" Gao Chi, armed with his Godly Rich System, wasn't fazed by the cost.

The young ladies were momentarily dumbstruck by his nonchalance. As receptionists at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel, they were accustomed to dealing with the wealthy and influential, and they could tell at a glance that Gao Chi was no ordinary patron.

One of them patiently broke it down for him, "Well, Mr. Gao, our memberships are tiered. A one-star membership is 300,000 yuan annually, not including additional expenses..."

Gao Chi inhaled sharply as she finished her rundown.

It was outrageously expensive.

A one-star membership was 300,000 yuan a year, not counting other expenses.

Two-star was 500,000 yuan a year.

Three-star was a million yuan a year.

Four-star was three million a year.

Five-star was a whopping ten million a year.

Just an hour earlier, Gao Chi wouldn't have been able to afford even a one-star membership after a decade of work.

But now, with the system at his disposal, he casually said, "Then sign me up for the five-star membership!"

If he was going to do it, he might as well go for the best. Gao Chi even felt a twinge of annoyance.

After all, to earn points with the Godly Rich System, one needed to spend at least a hundred million.

The young ladies gaped at Gao Chi, incredulous, and one asked earnestly, "Mr. Gao, are you certain you want to proceed with the five-star membership? It requires an annual fee of ten million yuan."

"Sure, how should I pay?"

Gao Chi, not in the mood for small talk, pulled out his phone and asked, "Is scanning a code alright?"

"Ye... yes... of course!" The young lady hastily offered the payment device.

"Beep... transaction of ten million yuan complete..." As Gao Chi scanned, the device emitted a synthetic electronic tone.

The group of young ladies at the front desk collectively inhaled sharply. Looks can be deceiving indeed; the man in a 200-yuan outfit had just effortlessly signed up for a five-star membership.

Seeing their astonished expressions, Gao Chi chuckled and teased, "You're all contributing to global warming, you know!"

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