Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C20 [i Have Raised the Price too Much!]
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Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C20 [i Have Raised the Price too Much!]
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C20 [i Have Raised the Price too Much!]

Did I set the price too high?

Gao Chi was taken aback to find that the general manager of the He Family Joy Real Estate Agency was a strikingly beautiful woman in her twenties. She greeted him with a beaming smile and a handshake as soon as he entered. Hee Meng was quick to introduce them, "Mr. Gao, meet our company's general manager, Hee Xin."

"Nice to meet you, Director Hee!" Gao Chi said cheerfully, eager to grab the invoice and make a quick exit.

"Mr. Gao, welcome!" Hee Xin responded warmly. "Let's discuss this in the meeting room, shall we?" Turning to the receptionist, she instructed, "Little Zhang, please prepare a cup of coffee for Mr. Gao—the special blend from my office."

"Right away!" The receptionist sprang into action.

With Hee Xin's enthusiasm, Gao Chi felt compelled to accept the invitation. Hee Xin dismissed the other employees, leaving only the finance manager, Qin Sis, and Hee Meng to join them in the meeting room.

Qin Sis promptly handed over the invoice and payment receipts to Gao Chi, who gave them a cursory glance before tucking them away in his bag.

Then Hee Xin began, "Mr. Gao, congratulations on your purchase of the Framed Bridge Commercial Street."

"Thank you, and the same to you!" Gao Chi, still a student, resorted to the polite exchanges he'd seen on television. "What can I do for you, Director Hee? Please, be straightforward."

Hee Xin, amused by his directness, decided to get to the point. "Mr. Gao, with four hundred parking spots and nearly two hundred storefronts, what's your plan for managing Framed Bridge Commercial Street?"

Gao Chi, puzzled, replied, "What else? Rent them out, of course!"

Hee Xin revealed, "Our company isn't just a real estate agency; we also run a property management firm. If you trust us, you could entrust the property management and leasing to our team."

"Our company..." Despite being only in her late twenties, Hee Xin was a seasoned veteran, quickly cutting to the chase.

Meanwhile, Gao Chi's mind was elsewhere—he was looking forward to dining at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel and then spending more. Today's expenditures had been substantial: 13 billion yuan on the hotel and nearly 3 billion on the street, not to mention his recent spending spree, which had surprisingly racked up a total of 160 points.

This time around...

He had raked in a hefty profit.

So, without letting Hee Xin finish her sentence, Gao Chi cut in with a chuckle, "Okay, I'd rather not deal with the hassle, so I'll leave it in your hands. How much do I owe?"


Hee Xin was taken aback. The finance manager had mentioned this tycoon's easygoing nature, but she hadn't expected him to be this agreeable.

Negotiating, huh? Being this generous could put you at a disadvantage.

But she quickly recovered with a smile, "Mr. Gao, there's been a misunderstanding. You don't have to pay us; we're the ones paying you!"

"In essence, we're investing to take over the management of Fragrant Bridge Commercial Street!"

Once she explained, Gao Chi got it immediately and, without a second thought, nodded and said, "No problem!"

Hee Xin thought this magnate was the toughest negotiator she'd ever encountered, so she proactively broached the subject, "As for the fee, we can offer about one and a half million yuan per year..."

"Fine!" Was Gao Chi short on cash?

Not at all!

So, he wasn't concerned about how much Fragrant Bridge Commercial Street could earn him. Hee Xin's proposal was appealing because it was a time-saver and hassle-free, prompting his swift agreement.

Oh dear...

Hee Xin was thrown off her game, at a loss for words.

Did I set the price too high?

It feels like I could have settled for five hundred thousand yuan.

But there was no turning back now, so she quickly instructed Ms. Qin to draft the contract.

The contract was signed to the satisfaction of both parties.

"Mr. Gao, to celebrate our new partnership, I insist on treating you today!" Hee Xin was ecstatic, as today's deal had surpassed the entire previous year's performance. She gestured to Hee Meng, "Mengmeng, call the Bright Moon Grand Hotel and reserve a business suite!"

"Right away!" Hee Meng promptly pulled out her phone.

Gao Chi hesitated for a moment. He had been inclined to decline Hee Xin's offer, but the mention of the Bright Moon Grand Hotel changed his mind, and he accepted with a smile.

He had already planned to dine at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel. Rejecting her now would only lead to an awkward encounter later on!

Hee Meng quickly secured a private room for us.

Gao Chi, Hee Meng, Hee Xin, and Ms. Qin headed out together.

At that moment, Gao Chi felt a bit awkward.

Three women, each with her own car, and there he was, the only one standing outside the real estate agency.

Hee Xin looked at him quizzically, "Mr. Gao, didn't you drive over?"

Gao Chi cleared his throat awkwardly, "I... uh, haven't gotten my driver's license yet."

Oh boy...

Without missing a beat, Hee Meng opened the passenger door and invited Gao Chi, "Mr. Gao, please ride with me!"

"Sure, thanks!" Gao Chi had ridden with Hee Meng earlier that afternoon, so this time it wasn't as awkward.

The group of four arrived at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel in three cars.

Parking their vehicles, Hee Xin took the lead, walking shoulder to shoulder with Gao Chi into the hotel, with Sister Qin and Hee Meng trailing a few steps behind.

As they entered the lobby, a receptionist's eyes sparkled with recognition. She hurried over and addressed Gao Chi, "Director Gao, Lawyer Lin left some documents for you at the front desk this afternoon."

Gao Chi then remembered that after purchasing the hotel at noon, Lin Jing had gone to handle the transfer formalities. The documents at the front desk were likely the hotel's transfer papers.

He was inwardly annoyed at himself for forgetting.

Nevertheless, he maintained his composure, nodded, and replied, "Leave them at the front desk for now. I'll pick them up after dinner!"

"Of course, Director Gao!" The receptionist, now realizing that Gao Chi was accompanied by three women, seemed a bit puzzled and inquired, "Will you be dining in your usual private room today, Director Gao?"

"Not today," Gao Chi said, glancing at Hee Xin. "Director Hee is hosting us!"

"Oh, understood!" The receptionist gave Hee Xin a quick look and then excused herself.

Watching the exchange, Hee Xin was slightly bemused and asked, "Mr. Gao, do you dine here often at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel?"

Gao Chi nodded affirmatively, "Yes, I have all three meals here daily!"


Upon hearing that, Hee Xin couldn't help but think that the minimum spend at Bright Moon Grand Hotel was over ten thousand yuan. This guy must be loaded!

She also deduced a few things from his comment. For instance, Gao Chi wasn't from Jingzhou City. Otherwise, why wouldn't he just eat at home?

He was likely staying at the Bright Moon Grand Hotel as well.

None of this really concerned Hee Xin. She didn't bother with a waiter to show the way and confidently led Gao Chi to the private room Hee Meng had reserved.

After confirming that Gao Chi had no food allergies or preferences, she instructed Sister Qin to go ahead and place the order.

Shortly after, Sister Qin came back to the room with the order placed. As she was about to close the door, it was abruptly blocked by someone. Sister Qin's brow furrowed as a slick-haired, overly made-up young man sauntered in with a grin. He greeted Hee Meng cheerily, "Mengmeng, so you're dining here too... Oh, and Sister Xin, you're here as well!"

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