Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C21 [shake Your Body and Become a Boss]
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Start By Delivering A Hundred Trillion/C21 [shake Your Body and Become a Boss]
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C21 [shake Your Body and Become a Boss]

Hee Meng and Sister Xin paused for a moment, their gazes shifting toward the source of the voice.

A shadow fell across Hee Meng's face as she recognized the man approaching. It was Wang Yuan, the persistent suitor from Wang's Group in Jingzhou City, and the eldest son of the Wang family.

Just last month, someone had been interested in leasing a shop, and it was Wang Yuan, accompanied by his friends, who had come to inquire. Hee Meng had been the one to assist them. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he had been relentless in seeking out her contact details.

Since that day, Hee Meng's life had been anything but peaceful, with a constant barrage of flowers and dinner invitations. No explanation seemed to deter him.

The situation had taken a toll on Hee Meng's daily life, leaving her distracted at work. It wasn't long before Hee Xin, her sister, caught wind of the trouble.

Hee Meng, who had dropped out of school for personal reasons, was under the care of Hee Xin. Her sister had not only given her a job but also imparted valuable lessons on navigating the workplace and social interactions.

It was Hee Xin who had stepped in to handle the situation with Wang Yuan, though what she said to him remained a mystery. Whatever it was, it had worked—Wang Yuan had ceased his pursuit, at least until today.

Hee Xin gave Hee Meng's shoulder a reassuring pat and murmured, "Don't worry, everything's going to be alright. I've got your back."

With a smile, Hee Xin approached Wang Yuan.

"Well, if it isn't Young Master Wang! What are the odds of running into you here? It must be fate," she greeted him cheerfully.

Wang Yuan returned the smile.

"I'm just here for a meal with some friends and saw you, so I thought I'd come over to say hello," he explained, then casually strolled in and took a seat.

His attention was soon drawn to Gao Chi, sitting not too far away.

"And who might this be?" Wang Yuan asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. The man appeared to be in his twenties, yet he was dining in such esteemed company, suggesting a status far from ordinary.

"Oh, this is our esteemed client, Mr. Gao," Hee Xin introduced.

Big client? The thought lingered in Wang Yuan's mind, but he didn't dwell on it. Hee Xin's demeanor made it clear that Mr. Gao was someone of significance. Why else would she bring a group out for a meal like this?

With a smile still playing on his lips, Wang Yuan raised his glass for a sip.

"Hello, Mr. Gao! My name is Wang Yuan! Here's a toast to you. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Gao Chi didn't decline; he took a sip from his glass and appraised the man named Wang Yuan. The man exuded an air of elegance, truly befitting the heir of the Wang family.

"Please, carry on. I have some friends waiting. Let's grab dinner sometime, Sister Xin!"


Hee Xin offered a warm smile as she saw Wang Yuan off.

Once the door shut, Wang Yuan couldn't shake his thoughts. Hee Xin was known for her strength of character, and her respect and warmth towards Gao Chi piqued Wang Yuan's curiosity about him.

Returning to the private room.

"Wang Yuan, where did you disappear to? We've been searching for you forever! Come on, you owe us three drinks!"

The room was bustling with Wang Yuan's close friends, all wealthy heirs enjoying their leisure time. They hadn't anticipated running into Hee Xin and her company, which led to the earlier encounter.

Wang Yuan chuckled.

"Just ran into an old friend and stopped for a quick drink!"

As Wang Yuan thought about Gao Chi, he wanted to bring him up but hesitated, feeling he didn't know enough about him to speak up.

Gao Chi, feeling slightly dazed from the drinks with Hee Xin and her group, decided he needed to sober up.

He excused himself, claiming he needed the restroom, and settled in the lobby to clear his head. That's when, to his surprise, a familiar figure entered.

"Come on, hurry up! Don't you realize how late it is?"

Lau Shanshan grumbled, giving Huang Shanyang a look of reproach.

"Huh? Is that Gao Chi? Am I seeing things?"

She finished her sentence and playfully rubbed her eyes as if to confirm her sight.

"Hey! Maybe the kid's working here, taking it easy on the couch now that he's off duty."

Lau Shanshan approached.

"Gao Chi, what brings you here?"

Gao Chi gave Lau Shanshan a brief look and chose to ignore her, but she only seemed to grow more animated. "Who would've thought that after leaving me, you'd end up in such a sorry state. How pitiful!"

Just then, a group of people approached, their conversation filled with laughter and chatter.

"Nobody compete with me today—I'm picking up the tab!"

The voice belonged to Wang Yuan.

Upon hearing him, Huang Shanyang quickly made his way over.

"Mr. Wang, you're dining here too? What a coincidence!"

"And you are?"

Wang Yuan was slightly taken aback by the unexpected interruption. He racked his brain, trying to place where he might have seen this person before.

"It's me, Huang Shanyang! You might not recognize me, but I certainly recognize you!"

"Oh, is there something you need?"

Wang Yuan was somewhat impatient and not particularly interested in Huang Shanyang's chatter, but politeness prevailed, and he managed to hide his irritation.

"Actually, it's my birthday today, so I'm here celebrating. If you're free, Mr. Wang, why not join us for a drink?"

That explained why Lau Shanshan had been making such a fuss earlier—it was Huang Shanyang's birthday.

Wang Yuan gave Huang Shanyang a once-over. Despite having had a few drinks, he was lucid enough to be certain he didn't know Huang Shanyang. He offered a polite smile and declined, "I appreciate the offer, but I've already got plans with friends."

Huang Shanyang's face flushed with embarrassment. Accustomed to adulation at school, he wasn't used to outright rejection, especially not from someone like Wang Yuan, whose status was beyond reproach.

The friends accompanying Huang Shanyang, including Lau Shanshan, initially felt a surge of pride at being associated with the Wang family's scion. Lau Shanshan even congratulated herself on her foresight for aligning with Huang Shanyang, believing it had elevated their social standing.

The pride, however, quickly turned to awkwardness. They were all Jingzhou University students, no fools, and it was clear that Wang Yuan didn't actually recognize Huang Shanyang.

The air was thick with embarrassment.

In the midst of this, Gao Chi caught Wang Yuan's eye and gestured for him to come over.

"Young Master Wang, that was quick!"

Turning towards the sofa, Gao Chi was engrossed in his phone. Several wealthy heirs were puzzled. Since when did Young Master Wang befriend a waiter?

Wang Yuan just chuckled in response.

"Indeed! Mr. Gao, what brings you to sitting here?"

"Ah, I was feeling a bit out of sorts, needed some fresh air!"

At that moment, Zhang Wei entered the lobby.

"Manager Zhang, Young Master Wang's table is on the house!"

"Got it, boss!"

Suddenly, the affluent young men around were dumbfounded, and even Wang Yuan was momentarily taken aback.

What's going on?

On the house?

The boss?

Turns out the man they mistook for a waiter was actually the owner! The rich kids gave Gao Chi another once-over.

"What are you saying? He's the boss?" Huang Shanyang, who was nearby, couldn't contain himself. "Manager Zhang, could there be some mistake?"

Zhang Wei shot Huang Shanyang a look, finding his comment odd. "I'm the manager of this establishment. As for who the boss is, are you suggesting you know better than I do?"

Huang Shanyang's face turned a sickly shade, as if he were a duck whose neck had been wrung, cycling between pale and flushed.

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