Start From The Sword Immortal System/C12 Life Is Full of Choices
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Start From The Sword Immortal System/C12 Life Is Full of Choices
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C12 Life Is Full of Choices

"Bloodfiend Iron Rock?" Lu Ming thought for a while and said uncertainly, "Forge a sword?"

The reason why Lu Ming thought of forging a sword was because Kang Hong liked swords very much, and the most important use of iron ore was to forge weapons.

Kang Hong nodded and said, "My Kang Family is a famous sword-smithing family in Black Tortoise City. It is one of the subordinate families attached to the Taihao Sect, and has forged many weapons for the Taihao Sect."

"I came to Blood Forest to find the Blood Evil Iron Stone, and it is for the coming of age ceremony of the clan."

"This is the rule of our clan. Any disciple who participated in the coming of age ceremony must forge a weapon."

"Those who succeed will inherit the name of the Weapon Master of Kang Family and become a Weapon Master. Those who fail will be in charge of the family's business and will not be allowed to join the name of the Weapon Master of Kang Family. Women will also be used by the family as a tool for marriage."

" I don't want to be a tool. "

Kang Hong said it very seriously and resolutely. She must be a woman with her own thoughts and a bit of power.

Lu Ming also understood why Kang Hong liked swords so much. It was because she had been influenced by the environment since she was young.

He had also heard about the Kang Family. There were even many weapons in the Lu Family that were custom-made in the iron shops of the Kang Family in Cangwu City.

Lu Ming frowned slightly and said, "Why are you telling me this?"

Kang Hong said, "I have something I need your help with."

There really was something! Lu Ming thought about it and said, "Do you think I can help you?"

Kang Hong smiled and said, "How would I know if I don't try?"

Lu Mingchen was silent for a long time. He picked up the unlit branches and plucked the extinguished bonfire, making it burn even more intensely.

He threw the branches in his hands into the fire and said, "I can help you. But!"

"But what?" Kang Hong asked.

"You also know that I know my own limitations." Lu Ming looked into Kang Hong's eyes and said, "If this matter exceeds my ability, I can choose not to help."

Kang Hong had let him accidentally trigger the mortal world experience and obtain a hundred Power Points. He remembered this favor. But when he would return it, it would be up to him.

Furthermore, Kang Hong had also said before that he was a person who knew his own limitations.

She was not wrong about this point. When he did things, it depended on whether he was confident or not. If he was more than 70% sure that he could succeed, then he would decide to do it.

"I have already found the Blood Evil Iron. It is in a cave, but..." Kang Hong slightly knitted her brows and said with some hesitation, "Then there is a Blood Lion that looks at the cave. It is very powerful."

Lu Ming asked, "More powerful than you?"

Kang Hong said seriously, "The three of us combined are not its match."

Lu Ming shook his head decisively and said, "You can consider looking for other helpers."

"You..." Yan Rong looked angry, but she did not know what to say to Lu Ming. After all, Lu Ming had made it clear to her before, but she was angry. In the end, she could only snort coldly and silently curse at him for being a coward.

Yu Feng didn't think as much as Yan Rong. She stood up and pointed at Lu Ming's nose and said angrily, "As a man, how can you be so irresponsible?"

"Men are divided into many categories. I belong to the category of people who know when to yield and when to stretch." Lu Ming didn't mind. He smiled and said, "Besides, I have already told you that there is something beyond my ability. I can choose not to help."

Kang Hong pulled down Yu Feng's hand and pointed at Lu Ming's hand. She looked into Lu Ming's eyes and said, "As long as you draw away the Blood Lion, I won't let you kill it."

"We also escaped from the mouth of the Blood Lion just now. It stopped chasing after us after finding out that we ran a distance away."

Lu Ming said, "There are three of you. You can divide the work. There is no need to find other people."

Kang Hong shook her head and said, "I am not sure if there are other hidden dangers in the cave. It is too dangerous for two people to go in."

Lu Ming looked directly into Kang Hong's eyes and said, "Then do you think it is safe for three people to go in?"

Kang Hong was silent. Yan Rong and Yu Fen did not say anything this time. The light of the fire reflected the shadows of the three of them, sometimes appearing and sometimes appearing.


In the night, the bonfire burning in the forest was very conspicuous, especially to those who were close to them, it was like a lamp pointing the way.

Yu Lian and Wu Yao followed the three of them along the way, looking for the fire. If Lu Ming had not suddenly appeared, Yu Lian would have definitely walked out and had a wonderful encounter with Kang Hong.

They hid in the dark and observed Lu Ming and Kang Hong. The things they were talking about naturally entered their ears in the silent forest.

"So it was not an opportunity, but a Blood Evil Iron Stone!" A look of pity flashed across Yu Lian's eyes. He saw Kang Hong and Lu Ming sitting close to each other. There seemed to be a fire burning in her eyes that wanted to burn Lu Ming to ashes.

Coincidentally, Yu Lian's line of sight also saw the fire first before he saw Lu Ming. When they overlapped, it was as if Lu Ming was burning.

Wu Yao's back was facing Yu Lian. He took out an ancient and worn-out blueprint from his shirt and carefully opened it. He narrowed his eyes and looked for something with great effort.

This blueprint was something Wu Yao accidentally found in his room two years ago.

At that time, he had felt that the bed was not well-proportioned. He had not expected to see it when he saw it. It was a piece of paper that had been placed in a corner.

He curiously picked it up and opened it, and the current scene appeared.

After Wu Yao adapted to the darkness, the drawings on the blueprint were no longer very blurry.

Yu Lian withdrew his gaze from Lu Ming and Kang Hong and looked at Wu Yao. He asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

Wu Yao turned around and placed the drawings on the ground. He pointed at the place where the red cross was drawn and said softly, "Young Master Yu, I feel that this place is similar to the place Senior Sister Kang Hong found."

Yu Lian had given up the idea of finding Kang Hong to work with him. After all, Lu Ming was there. Wu Yao could not die in Lu Ming's hands now. When he heard what Wu Yao said, he frowned and said, "Really?"

Wu Yao nodded and shook his head. He said, "I'm not sure either."

Yu Lian pondered for a moment. He knew very well that he would rather kill a thousand people than let any one of them go. He said, "Then we can only go and take a look."

Wu Yao was worried. "But Lu Ming is there..."

Yu Lian sneered and said, "Don't worry. With me here, he won't dare to do anything to you."

"Follow me out!"

Yu Lian took the lead and walked towards the four people beside the bonfire.

Wu Yao quickly packed up the formation and followed Yu Lian.

Yu Lian walked out of the bushes and appeared in front of Lu Ming, Kang Hong, and the other two.

Kang Hong and the two female disciples stood up. Lu Ming sat there calmly, but his right hand was holding the sword hilt.

"I am not here to fight." He looked at Lu Ming coldly, then said to Kang Hong with a smile, "Junior Kang Hong, he is not willing to help you. I will help you."

Kang Hong's face slightly changed and said angrily, "You have been eavesdropping?"

Yan Rong and Yu Feng also pulled out their weapons and were ready to fight at any time.

Wu Yao hid behind Yu Lian and stuck out his head and said, "Senior Sister Kang Hong, Senior Brother Yu Lian and I just happened to pass by here and found that there was a fire here. That's why we came over to take a look. Don't worry, we only heard a little... "

"Do you think I will believe you?" Kang Hong coldly looked into Yu Lian's eyes and said, "In the past, I thought you were arrogant and arrogant, but now I want to add a little more, shameless villain!"

Yu Lian was furious and pointed at Kang Hong. "You!" He seemed to have thought of something and was so angry that he laughed instead. He narrowed his eyes. He said to Kang Hong, "During the Kang Family's coming of age ceremony, if you don't succeed in forging the sword, what will the consequences be? You said it clearly just now... "

Kang Hong pulled out her thin sword. The body of the slender sword was very soft. It twisted like a poisonous snake flicking its tongue, ready to strike. It flashed with a cold light.

Kang Hong said coldly, "Yu Lian, what do you want?"

Yu Lian looked at the sword with some fear and said, "I don't want to do anything. I just said that I am here to help you."

Kang Hong sneered and said, "Why are you so kind?"

Yu Lian smiled and said, "For you, of course I would be so kind."

"Disgusting!" Kang Hong twisted her sword and stabbed, but Yan Rong suddenly grabbed her hand and stood in front of her. She shook her head and said seriously, "Senior Sister Kang Hong, the bigger picture is more important!"

"I happened to meet that Blood Lion too. It is very powerful. Its aura is fierce, comparable to a peak Acquired Pulse Opening Stage martial artist. Even if Ye Qingyi came, I don't think we can clean it up." Yu Lian smiled complacently and said, "But if you and I work together, we will have the four of them to help us. We will definitely be able to kill this fierce tiger!"

"I didn't say that I would need your help." Kang Hong's expression was somewhat ugly as she sheathed her sword.

However, what Yu Lian said was indeed a good idea.

The two of them were both Acquired Pulse Opening Stage warriors, and they were stalling the blood tiger. With Lu Ming and the other three attacking, they could even grind the blood tiger to death.


Kang Hong glanced at Lu Ming, and then she remembered her own situation, and she hesitated.

Lu Ming had been silent since the beginning. Even when he saw the person he wanted to kill was right in front of him, his eyes did not show any change.

However, Kang Hong's glance just now had touched him a little. He sighed lightly, thinking that he did not like to make a choice either.

Yan Rong suddenly leaned close to Kang Hong's ear and whispered, "Miss, bear with it for once. When the Blood Evil Iron is in our hands, we will find a hidden and safe place and wait until the end of the trial."

"No, doing this is pushing Lu Ming into a fire pit. It's not like you don't know about the grudge between him and Yu Lian." Kang Hong frowned and said in a low voice.

Yan Rong became anxious and said, "Miss, now is the time to consider yourself. If you don't get the Blood Evil Iron, then... The forging technique on the family's coming of age ceremony will most likely end in failure. How will the patriarch arrange it for you? You know it very well! "

Kang Hong was silent.

In the end, she still helplessly said a good word.




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