Start From The Sword Immortal System/C3 Full Mastery of the Sword
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Start From The Sword Immortal System/C3 Full Mastery of the Sword
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C3 Full Mastery of the Sword

It's not a good place to practice swords.

The training field was a bit noisy, and Lu Ming did not like that kind of environment.

Therefore, he spent a long time visiting the Outer Sect's base before finding a quiet place.

To the north of his residence, he would need to walk for a long distance, and he would need to go up a slope to find a bamboo forest.

It was the beginning of winter, and the temperature was cold at times. However, the bamboo forest was still lush and verdant. If it had been in his previous life, Lu Ming would have been very curious. But now, Lu Ming knew that he could not use the ideology of his previous life to understand the current situation, so he had to get used to it. He had to be calm when dealing with things.

In these two to three days, Lu Ming woke up early and returned late. He went to the bamboo forest to practice his sword.

The Hundred Smelting Technique did not have the support of the Power Point. With his medium aptitude, his progress was very slow, like a turtle crawling. However, it was not that he did not gain anything. At least, his Postnatal Blood Condensation Realm had consolidated.

The next day, early morning.

The morning light followed the gaps between the bamboo leaves and left a mottled shadow on a limestone path.

At the end of this bluestone path, there was an open space that was circled by a bamboo forest. There was a bamboo pavilion at the side of the road, and outside the pavilion, there was a young man in a green robe practicing with his sword.

The young man's sword aura was very strange, and at first, it was like a leaf that was indeterminable. He didn't know where he should land; it was as if he was riding the wind behind him, and his sword force had increased greatly. But it was not even shocking at the last moment! The young man's sword was blown along with a gust of wind, as if it had determined a certain target. His eyes flashed with a brilliant light, and the sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out. The sword light flickered, and like a bolt of lightning, it pierced through a bamboo leaf that was slowly falling.

The magical thing was that this bamboo leaf did not break, nor did it break. It was as if nothing had happened and continued to gently land on the ground.

The youth put away his sword and placed it on his back. He took a deep breath.

This youth was precisely Lu Ming.

[Host has practiced the Leaf Plucking Sword Technique once. Current Proficiency: 1000 / 1000. Breakthrough realm: Dacheng.] 】

[Next realm: Returning to simplicity. Proficiency: 0 / 10,000. 】

Lu Ming said with a slight toothache, "10000 points? Isn't this too much?"

If you want to reap the fruits of your labor, you need to put in the corresponding effort. Host, please continue to work hard.

Lu Ming sighed. "There is still a long way to go. I still need to work hard!"

Dong -

Lu Ming sighed. He wanted to continue to work hard as the system had said, but a long and continuous bell suddenly rang.

Lu Ming immediately realized what was going on, "Today is the day of the morning meeting."

He quickly sheathed his sword and ran to the training field.


The training field was spacious and spacious, enough to accommodate nearly a thousand disciples of the Outer Sect.

Now, there was a huge crowd of people, and it was as if a pot had exploded.

The monthly morning meeting was the time when the Technique Impartation Elder would pass down his knowledge to the disciples of the Outer Sect, and it was also the time that the disciples of the Outer Sect longed for.

However, it was the arrival of five elders this time. The disciples of Outer Sect couldn't help but feel curious and surprised, wondering if something big had happened.

Lu Ming rushed over and stood at the end of the crowd. He stood on his tiptoes and raised his head slightly. He could see Xu Jing in front of the crowd, and a few elders who were in charge of the other matters of Outer Sect. There were three men and two women who were in charge of the Outer Sect's rules, resources, weapons, skill imparting and Book Sea Pavilion respectively.

Xu Jing stood in the middle of the crowd and took a few steps forward. He raised his hand and pressed it down, indicating for his disciple to be quiet.

The group of Outer Sect disciples immediately became silent. It could be seen how powerful Xu Jing was in the Outer Sect.

"There will be an important announcement this time." Xu Jing glanced at all the disciples of the Outer Sect, then he said with a loud voice, "Any disciple who hasn't reached the Acquired Pulse Opening Stage after three years of entering the sect will have to face two choices. First, participate in the Trial of Blood and Fire, and continue to obtain the qualification to stay in the Outer Sect. Second, become a servant disciple."

As expected, when this matter was announced, all the disciples of the Outer Sect panicked. They were all thinking about whether they had reached the Acquired Pulse Opening Stage or not.

The Trial of Blood and Fire was a trial of death in the Outer Sect.

"Quiet." At this moment, in the noisy environment, Xu Jing furrowed his brows and shouted with a deep voice. A majestic aura was emitted from his body, and it was as if a huge mountain was crushing down on all the disciples of the Outer Sect.

All the disciples of Outer Sect immediately quieted down.

Lu Ming clearly remembered the feeling of suffocation just now. He thought that Innate Cultivator's Qi alone was enough to suppress nearly a thousand disciples of the Outer Sect. Was this the power of Innate Cultivator?

Acquired body refinement was called a warrior. It was called the Qi Refinement of the Xiantian realm. It was called a warrior.

The difference between the two identities was like the difference between heaven and earth.

"When you entered the sect, I had records everywhere. I've also made a list." Xu Jing took out a piece of white paper with his name written all over it from his wide sleeve and said, "Therefore, the disciples who received their names will gather at the Sect Law Palace after the meeting ends."

Xu Jing threw the white paper out and pointed his right finger at it. The white paper instantly shattered into countless long strips that flew towards a certain someone among the disciples of Outer Sect.

Lu Ming also received the strip of paper, but he wasn't surprised. Xu Jing had told him about this matter three days ago.

Those disciples of Outer Sect who didn't receive the long strip of paper heaved a sigh of relief. Then, they looked at those disciples who received the long strip of paper with pity, gloating over their misfortune.

"Some disciples don't need to be so lucky. When the year comes, it will be your turn." Xu Jing said in a flat tone.

Immediately, those disciples of Outer Sect who were gloating over ___'s misfortune trembled and began to worry.

After finishing all of this, Xu Jing nodded at the Technique Impartation Elder, Hong Jue, and turned around to leave.

There were three other elders who left with him.

Hong Jiezhou had a tall stature, and he was wearing a grey robe. He looked to be in his sixties. His sideburns were a little white, and he was full of energy. He walked to the front of the group of Outer Sect disciples, which was where Xu Jing had just stood. His bright eyes swept across them and said, "Elder Zong Lu has made it clear just now, so I don't think I need to say it again."

"No need." The disciples of Outer Sect replied in a somewhat dejected tone.

Hong Jue frowned and said sternly, "Although the Trial of Blood and Fire is cruel, there is a great fortune in it. All disciples who can come out alive will become inner sect disciples and important figures in the sect in the future. So what you are thinking is not death or depression, but how to walk out of the Trial of Blood and Fire alive. "

Hong Yan's words had a pretty good effect, it had ignited the hope of all the disciples of the Outer Sect.

Lu Ming's blood was boiling, but it only lasted for a moment.

Because he was very sure why he had participated in the Trial of Blood and Fire.

Perhaps it was because of the Trial of Blood and Fire, but this time it would be much worse than before. Perhaps the enthusiasm of the Outer Sect disciples had been diluted by the Trial of Blood and Fire.

Hong Xu didn't say anything to raise the morale of the disciples. No matter how much he said, it was better for him to think it through.

Therefore, he dismissed the meeting early and let the disciples cultivate by themselves.

Lu Ming also turned around and headed to the Hall of Sect Techniques the moment Hong Ji said the word dismissed.

What was the reason for the crazy sword practice and the Hundred Smelting Technique that he had been practicing for the past three days?

It was to increase one's strength, to survive in the Trial of Blood, and then to obtain the Power Point.

Only by possessing the Power Point would one be able to increase one's strength even more quickly, and not be bullied or threatened by others.


Lu Ming was the first disciple to arrive at the Sect Law Palace.

At this moment, he was standing on the highest floor of the stone steps with his back facing the Law Palace. He looked down at the four two-story towers on the left and right of the stone steps, which were opposite each other. In the middle of the towers, there was a pavilion called Book Sea Pavilion. He wanted to wait until the Trial of Blood and Fire was over. He should be able to reach the Acquired Pulse Opening Stage, and at that time, he would be able to enter the Book Sea Pavilion to choose a higher level sword technique to cultivate.


Lu Ming saw a familiar face, and a flattering expression appeared on his face as he spoke to a young man with an arrogant expression.

"I never thought that you would participate in this Trial of Blood and Fire. What a coincidence!" Lu Ming's eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


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