Start From The Sword Immortal System/C8 Attack
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Start From The Sword Immortal System/C8 Attack
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C8 Attack

As Lu Ming went deeper into the forest, the path became narrower and narrower. The vegetation at the entrance also turned from pale green to yellow and withered, losing all signs of life.

The trees on both sides were the same. The trunk was rough and the branches were small. The leaves on the branches were dry and yellow and fell to the ground.

"Could it be because it's winter?" Lu Ming stopped curiously. He looked at the difference between the trees and the trees. This guess was dispelled in his heart.

Because the branches in the forest behind him were thick and thick, the leaves were lush and green, looking full of vitality.

However, the trees in front of him were withered and yellow. Their vitality was weak and could die at any time.

"What's going on?"

Lu Ming continued to walk forward and found that the situation in front of him was even worse. The trees were withered and there were no leaves, and the ground was dry and cracked.

There was the sound of flowing water in front of him.

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment. He quickly walked to the side of the stream and found that the water was clear to the bottom. There were no signs of living creatures living there.

This might not mean anything, but Lu Ming felt that something was not right.

Lu Ming raised his head and looked at the opposite bank. That was the Blood Forest. Every tree was red as if they were soaked in blood. It was very strange. The ground was covered with a layer of red leaves.

Lu Ming stood on the shore. He looked at the withered forest behind him and then looked at the forest on the other side, which was as red as blood but had lush branches and leaves. He had a very special feeling in his heart.

He felt that the Blood Forest was shrinking.

To put it more precisely, the place he was at now might have also been in the Blood Forest's territory in the past.

However, along with the loss of life force, this place lost its function and turned into this land.

If that was the case, what was the purpose of this Blood Forest to absorb life force?

Lu Ming thought of the brief description of the Blood Forest.

The wild beasts in the Blood Forest could not leave the Blood Forest because they would shrivel up and dry up as if their blood had been sucked dry.

Wasn't this situation similar to the scene in this forest?

Lu Ming did not know if the others had noticed this, but he had a feeling that the most dangerous thing in Blood Forest was not those cruel wild beasts, but something unknown.

The unknown always made people respect and curious.

Lu Ming took a deep breath and walked across a thick tree trunk with dried vines hanging from it. He then stepped onto the land of Blood Forest.

Lu Ming tightened his grip on the Overwhelming Profound Sword and said to himself, "I hope it isn't something terrifying. I still need to obtain enough Power Point on this land."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp light pierced through the air and arrived.

Lu Ming focused his eyes and saw that a long spear was actually flying towards him!

He immediately narrowed his eyes. Before he unsheathed his sword, he raised his sword and used the tail of the scabbard to forcefully deflect the long spear.

The long spear deviated from its trajectory and stabbed into the ground beside him.

Suddenly, a human figure dashed out from the grass on the slope in front of him. He held a large saber in his hand and slashed down with great force.

The opponent was very strong, and it was another heavy saber. Lu Ming had just used his strength to deflect the long spear, so it was not good for him to clash head-on with the opponent.

Therefore, Lu Ming stepped on the ground and stepped back. He stepped into the stream and splashed water, wetting his shoes and socks and the corners of his clothes.

This person's saber cut through the air and landed on the ground. The powerful force caused a blade mark the width of a finger to appear on the ground.


Another figure jumped out from the crown of the tree and kicked him.

It was not good for Lu Ming to retreat. The water level behind him would be a little deep, and it would not be good for him to dodge the opponent's attack.

He had to bite the bullet and throw a punch, sending the person flying away. He also took a step back in the stream, and it was under the resistance of the water.

That person landed on the shore and gave a muffled groan. It must have been quite a heavy blow.

The man with the knife helped him up. He staggered a few steps and pulled out the long spear that was inserted into the ground. After that, the two of them stood side by side on the shore and looked at Lu Ming with a hideous smile.

"Yu Lian sent you here?" The water level had already reached Lu Ming's knee. He frowned slightly and held the sword hilt with his right hand. He looked at the two of them and said coldly.

This was easy to guess.

Lee Qing might have a chance, but he didn't participate in the Trial of Blood and knew how cruel the Trial of Blood and Fire was. He had never thought that Lu Ming could survive.

Therefore, there was no need for him to send someone to die.

Yu Lian had suffered a loss at his hands before. With his arrogant personality and the look in his eyes when he looked at ___, he was certain that these two were sent by the Refining Sect.

Liu Gang grinned hideously and said, "So what if it is?"

Guo Chen continued, "Letting you not be a fool is the best kindness we brothers have for you. Now you can go to hell with peace of mind."

Guo Chen stabbed him with his spear.

"That might not be the case!" Lu Ming's eyes flashed. He drew his sword out of its sheath. With a clang, Lu Ming's sword circled around Guo Chen's spear like a snake, then stabbed at Guo Chen's throat.

Guo Chen's expression changed slightly. He did not expect Lu Ming to be so difficult to deal with, so he quickly called Liu Gang.

Liu Gang shouted loudly. He raised the Nine Ring Blade on his shoulder, stepped into the stream, and attacked Lu Ming from the side.

Lu Ming had no choice but to kick away Guo Chen's long spear, and thrust his sword at Liu Gang.

Liu Gang snorted coldly, and his large blade kept moving forward, slashing at Lu Ming's sword.

Lu Ming could only feel a huge force flowing along the Profound Yi Sword into his palm and arm, and he almost couldn't hold the sword.

Lu Ming gritted his teeth and grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands. He tried his best to push Liu Gang's broadsword open. Suddenly, he felt a sharp needle piercing towards him. He suddenly took a step back and dodged Guo Yu's long spear.

Liu Gang was a bit fat, and he had a fat face. Now that he was underwater, he was pushed hard by Lu Ming, and almost couldn't stand. Therefore, he missed such a good opportunity to block Lu Ming's attack.

Liu Gang was slightly angry, and he swung his knife at Liu Gang.

Guo Chen also revealed a cold smile, and thrust his long spear towards Lu Ming.

Lu Ming's expression was solemn, and he cautiously responded to their attacks.

For a moment, the three of them were engaged in a fierce fight in the stream. Water splashed in all directions, and the sound of water was endless. More importantly, Lu Ming was on the defensive, and had always been on the defensive.

This was also something that couldn't be helped. It was two against one. Liu Gang and Guo Chen were both Houtian Blood Condensation martial artists, and were at the same level as Lu Ming. It was already good that they hadn't been killed by the two of them in the beginning.

However, there was one thing that could be considered a good thing.

The Nine Ring Blade in Liu Gang's hand should be very heavy, and he was also quite fat. It would definitely take more effort to move the blade in the stream than on land.

Now, Lu Ming could block Liu Gang's blade with one hand.

Therefore, he still needed to buy some time for Liu Gang to use all his strength.

Guo Chen's strength was slightly weaker than Liu Gang's, and his spear technique was also very impure and immature. It was likely that he was not proficient in a spear technique.

Hence, as long as Lu Ming weakened Liu Gang now, he would have a slim chance.

However, Lu Ming also needed to preserve some strength and stamina. Otherwise, he would collapse before Liu Gang could be defeated.

Obviously, Liu Gang had also thought of this point, and an anxious expression emerged on his face.

How many moves had it been? He had not taken ___ down yet. If he were to drag ___ down...

Liu Gang's brows knitted into a deep frown as he anxiously shouted, "Guo Chen, we can't drag this on any longer. Let's use martial skills to kill him together!"

Guo Chen came to a realization. A nervous and angry expression flashed across his face as he shouted, "Alright!"

Lu Ming's expression changed slightly. He did not expect Liu Gang to have such keen sense of smell to actually detect his thoughts.

"Since that's the case, we can only bite the bullet and attack!" Lu Ming's face was serious and serious. He slightly bent his body and the Xuan Yi Sword in his hand flashed with a cold light.

"Spirit Snake Spear Technique!"

Guo Chen held the long spear in his hand, and stepped on the stream under his feet. He forcefully stabbed out the long spear, and it was swift and fierce like a poisonous snake preying on its prey. However, its imposing manner was lacking.

"Gale Slash!"

Liu Gang raised the Nine Ring Blade high up. The breeze that blew in the air gathered on the blade of the blade. It lit up with a dark green light. As he slashed down, it broke through the stream and attacked Lu Ming.

"Leaves fall one after another!"

Lu Ming held his sword and rotated it. The layers of sword shadows formed a circular sword wheel in front of him to block the attack.

"Young Master Yu has ordered us to pay attention to this move. You won't get away with it." Guo Chen's eyes suddenly lit up. He suddenly turned his spear and stabbed to the side, but it was empty. He was suddenly stunned.

Liu Gang's blade light collided with the sword wheel. There was a dull sound, which made his pupils shrink.

"Real and fake, both real and fake!" Lu Ming's figure disappeared from the sword wheel and appeared in front of the two men. Although his hand that was holding the sword was slightly trembling, it was still a piece of cake for him to kill them.

"Flying flowers, plucking leaves!"

The sword light was like a bolt of lightning that flashed past the throats of the two of them decisively and swiftly.

Liu Gang and Guo Chen only felt a chill at their throats, and then they felt nothing.

Lu Ming saw the two of them pour water into the stream, and blood stained the red stream flowing down.

This was the first time he had killed someone.

His face was a bit pale, but he didn't feel dizzy from vomiting.

His right hand was trembling slightly, and he took a deep breath. He held his sword with his right hand and soaked it in the stream. It was like the cool water in the stream stopped the trembling, and he also washed the blood on the blade.

"I can't stay here for long. I don't know if Yu Lian will suddenly come out or if he is worried that these two are on their way here. I don't have the confidence to take his attack now. "

He walked out of the stream and entered the blood-colored dense forest.


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