Starting With 87 Million/C1 Heroic Act of Helping a Greeneyed White Dragon!
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Starting With 87 Million/C1 Heroic Act of Helping a Greeneyed White Dragon!
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C1 Heroic Act of Helping a Greeneyed White Dragon!

A short video skyrocketed to fame on Douyin.

A young man on a bus apprehended a pickpocket.

Unfazed by the thief's threats, he responded with a commanding clapback.

His cool and assertive demeanor won over legions of fans.

"Amazing! We need more people like him!"

"Bro, you're so cool! I want to have your babies!"

"Folks, I need this guy's full dossier in one hour!"

"No need for an hour. His backstory's already been unearthed: an orphan, a college senior, got into university through his own hard work..."

"My brother is so incredible!"

"Fan clubs, back off!"


Regardless of the online frenzy, the star of the video, Faang Cheng, was sound asleep in his modest rental.

"Ding! Shock System activated!"


Faang Cheng jolted awake.

"Was that a noise just now?"

"Shock System activated."

The voice echoed once more, and Faang Cheng realized he'd hit the jackpot.

A seasoned bookworm, he was well aware of what a System entailed.

Unable to contain his excitement, Faang Cheng inquired, "System, what features do you offer?"

"With the Shock System, you can earn shock points by surprising others."

"These shock points can be redeemed for lottery opportunities within the System."

"The System will also issue various missions, rewarding you handsomely upon completion."


Faang Cheng scratched his head.

As a regular guy grinding through a 9-9-6 routine, he doubted he had anything shock-worthy.

But none of that mattered now. With the System in hand, his chance to soar had arrived!

"System Mission: Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Mission Details: Host, please attend today's auction and secure the Blue-Eyes White Dragon Gold Card with a bid of 78 million.

Mission Reward: Unknown."


The abrupt mission left Faang Cheng, already puzzled, even more bewildered.

"78 million? System, I don't even have 780 bucks, let alone 78 million!"

"Bidding without the funds can land you in serious trouble!"

"The System Mission has been released. All other matters are beyond the System's scope. Please proceed on your own initiative."

"Damn it!"

Faang Cheng pounded his fist onto the bed in frustration.

"Why did I get stuck with such an unreliable system?"

He hastily grabbed his notebook to look up the details of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card the system had mentioned.

"Gold card, limited edition, worth roughly between $10,000 and $100,000."

"Bidding at $7.8 million, and that's not even addressing the issue of whether I'm being a sucker here. How am I supposed to handle the payment afterward?"

"Ah, to hell with it, I'm all in! If I'm going down, I'm going down fighting. With this system, I can't pass up the chance to turn my life around!"

"I refuse to believe the system would set me up with a mission I can't complete!"

Faang Cheng signed up, and the auction was set to begin at noon.

Checking his phone, he realized it was already 10 a.m. and his rental was quite a distance from the auction house.

He quickly changed and dashed off to the auction.

Stepping out the door, he ran into his landlord, Aunt Zhao.

"Faang Cheng! Where do you think you're going? Pay this month's rent now, or you'll be sleeping on the street!"

But Faang Cheng was too pressed for time to deal with her demands.

He sidestepped her and bolted down the stairs.

"Hey! That little jerk, ignoring me! I'll just wait for him right here at the door! Let's see how long he can avoid me!"

Upon reaching the auction house, the event was just about to commence.

Faang Cheng grabbed a bidding paddle and took his seat.

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon card, a highlight of the auction, was not the finale but was still featured prominently towards the end.

After a lengthy wait, it was finally time for the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

"The Blue-Eyes White Dragon limited edition gold card, starting bid: 80!"

The auctioneer had barely finished speaking when the bids began to fly.





The price quickly escalated to $200,000, and the crowd of bidders thinned.

Faang Cheng sensed his moment had come.

"One million!"

All eyes turned to Faang Cheng.

But upon seeing his attire, they quickly lost interest and looked away, unimpressed.

"How can he have the nerve to bid a million when the whole thing isn't even worth five hundred?"

"Does he even know what a million looks like?"

"Ha, I can't wait to see how he's going to leave the auction with his tail between his legs!"

At that moment, a staff member approached Faang Cheng, requesting proof of his assets.

Trying to maintain his composure, Faang Cheng reassured, "Relax. The money will be yours after the auction ends."


The staff member was visibly uncertain.

Then, a message crackled through his earpiece, prompting a surprised glance at Faang Cheng before he walked away.

Upstairs, a woman observed Faang Cheng: "A young man with such a strong sense of justice isn't here to cause trouble. I trust you won't let me down."

The auction carried on, and the auctioneer surveyed the crowd, "This gentleman has just bid one million yuan! Do we have any higher offers?"

"One million and fifty thousand!"

A young, slightly chubby man paused before he clenched his teeth and raised his bid.

"One million one hundred thousand!"

"One million one hundred fifty thousand!"

The bids began to fly as if a switch had been flipped, though the number of bidders had thinned.

Soon, the price soared to two million, and the pace of the bidding slowed, each bid met with prolonged hesitation.

Faang Cheng then shocked the room with his second bid: "Ten million!"

The auction hall erupted in astonishment.

Eyes wide with shock and skepticism, they all fixed their gaze on Faang Cheng.

"This has got to be a spiteful bid, right?"

"It's barely worth two million because someone's got a fancy for it. Ten million is just ludicrous!"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"All I want to see is how this kid is going to dig himself out of this one."

"But it looks like he's dead set on getting that card. Maybe we should lend him a hand?"

"How so?"

"Whether it's ten million or a hundred million, jail's the same. If he wants to put on a show, let's make it a big one!"

With that, the man raised his hand, "Twenty million!"

His neighbor quickly tugged at his sleeve, "Whoa, hold on, don't screw this up. What if he doesn't bid?"

But Faang Cheng didn't disappoint: "Thirty million!"

"Forty million!"

"Eighty-seven million!"

Faang Cheng put forth his final offer without hesitation.

Internally, he was anxiously hoping the other bidder wouldn't raise the price again.

It seemed the competitor had noticed the precision of Faang Cheng's bid, likely hitting his limit, and thus refrained from bidding further.

Meanwhile, the auctioneer on stage was going wild; he had never witnessed an auction like this before.

"Isn't it time to bring down the hammer?"

Faang Cheng, positioned below the stage, noticed the auctioneer's momentary stupor and called out to prompt him.

"Oh, right! Eighty-seven million, going once; eighty-seven million, going twice; eighty-seven million, sold!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Fang for acquiring the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card!"

"Phew, it looks like the mission is accomplished."

Faang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

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