Starting With 87 Million/C10 Fat Pig Suddenly Rushed In!
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Starting With 87 Million/C10 Fat Pig Suddenly Rushed In!
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C10 Fat Pig Suddenly Rushed In!

The proprietor of the Jiang River office tower might not think much of this place.

"I'm in the process of starting my own business, and funding isn't exactly pouring in. If you're not impressed with the surroundings, I'll make sure to choose somewhere nicer next time..."

Zhou Yuvwei's words trailed off as the private room door swung open and the server began to present the dishes.

Faang Cheng shook his head, bewildered by the offerings before him.

A single cherry?

Two slices of meat?

And what appeared to be a sculpted green vegetable?

Having never encountered such fare, Faang Cheng was instantly perplexed.

[Use 500 Shock Points to navigate this situation with ease.]

The system, sensing Faang Cheng's inner turmoil, popped up without delay.

Fresh off earning a hefty sum of Shock Points, Faang Cheng didn't hesitate to deploy this feature.

In a flash, a comprehensive breakdown of each dish materialized, more thorough than any chef's explanation.

Just then, a plump figure breezed past the doorway, only to double back.

The corpulent man peered inside, his chubby face and ears framing his curious gaze.

Faang Cheng caught sight of him immediately, and within a second, so did Zhou Yuvwei.

Before either could utter a word, the rotund man barged into the private room with a swagger.

The server, mid-presentation, furrowed his brow at the interruption.

Yet upon recognizing the newcomer, his objections dissolved as swiftly as water.

Zhou Yuvwei's frown deepened with displeasure.

Faang Cheng understood; this was the reaction to seeing Zhou Yuvwei enter.

"Wei! Didn't your mom say you were studying abroad? What are you doing here with a man?"

The chubby interloper's displeasure was evident as he jabbed a chubby finger towards Faang Cheng's nose, his eyes darting towards Zhou Yuvwei with a mix of barely concealed lust and ire.

"Mr. Zhang, my social engagements are none of your concern. We have no connection whatsoever!"

The man, Mr. Zhang, bristled at her words.

"Wei, I'm not trying to scold you, but we're practically an item. What's the point of this? With me, you should just settle down and be a proper wife. I can overlook you meeting men, but to choose someone with such poor taste!"

The fatty's mouth was a waterfall of saliva, leaving Faang Cheng with the impression that the meal was tainted with grime.

"You should consider settling down soon! Otherwise, your standards might drop so low, you'll end up with a beggar from under a bridge!"

Zhou Yuvwei stood up in a fury, her chest rising and falling with each breath.

The sight nearly made the fat man drool.

"Mr. Zhang? Is your idea of taste to barge in and spray saliva while others are dining?"

Zhou Yuvwei was about to retort when Faang Cheng stepped forward and seized the fat man's accusing finger.

That's when the system's voice chimed in.

[Random Mission: Face-smacking the Zhang family's Young Master, Zhang Zhicheng]

[Mission Details: A beautiful girl hassled by a boorish lout is a sight no one wants to see. Your heart is undoubtedly brimming with valor, so allow me to lend you a hand in putting him in his place!]

[Mission Assistance: During this encounter, any injuries inflicted will vanish, your physical strength will be enhanced, and surveillance will be obscured.]

[Mission Reward: A villa in the prestigious Moonwatch Era Villa complex, fully equipped and ready for you to move in with just your suitcase~]

Hearing the mission prompt, Faang Cheng, who had been hesitant to act, felt his reservations vanish.

He turned to the fat man with a smile that was hard to decipher.

The fat man's hand throbbed with excruciating pain.

Then came the audible crack of his fingers being twisted.

"Ahhh! You hick! Do you have any idea who I am?! You've messed with the wrong person, and you're going to pay for it!"

The fat man hadn't anticipated Faang Cheng's bold move.

Having never met Faang Cheng before and judging by his modest attire, he was shocked by the direct confrontation.

"You mangy cur! You'll regret this!"

Zhang Zhicheng collapsed to the ground in agony, writhing like an overfed maggot.

The scene made Zhou Yuvwei's stomach churn, the urge to vomit creeping up on her.

Yet, seeing Faang Cheng stand up for her brought a rush of gratification.

"Mr. Faang, I apologize for involving you in this mess..."

Ultimately, the Zhang family to which Zhang Zhicheng belonged was slightly more powerful than her own. Zhou Yuvwei, unsure of Faang Cheng's background, cast a worried glance his way. Upon hearing her concern, Faang Cheng stepped up and astonishingly hoisted the hefty pig, tipping the scales at over 200 pounds, off the ground.

"No scamming here. You claim I injured you—got any proof?" Faang Cheng challenged.

The fat man extended the finger that Faang Cheng had supposedly broken, only to recoil in shock, his mouth quivering. The finger, previously twisted, was now perfectly intact, leaving Zhang Zhicheng to question whether he'd been seeing things. Part of him even wished the finger had indeed been broken during their standoff.

"Excessive weight can lead to health issues. You know the drill: sick? Take a pill. I'm sure you're familiar with that advice, Mr. Zhang?" Faang Cheng said with a smirk, stepping closer and prompting Zhang Zhicheng to retreat as if he'd seen a specter.

"To hell with this! I've never been humiliated like this in my life!" Zhang Zhicheng exclaimed, his face contorted with anger. He balled his fist and swung at Faang Cheng.

Their ruckus caught the attention of the other patrons, who turned to watch the drama unfold. The private room's door stood wide open, offering an unobstructed view of the chaos within.

Thanks to a temporary boost from the system, Faang Cheng was in peak physical condition, moving with the grace of a swallow. The fat man's punches were clumsy and erratic, missing their mark and occasionally finding the wall instead.

"Mr. Zhang, you're on camera. Mind your image!" Faang Cheng called out, deftly weaving through the fray with a smile, even finding time to taunt his adversary.

This only fueled Zhang Zhicheng's fury.

"You'll regret this!" he spat, halting his assault to pull out his phone, seemingly ready to make a call.

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