Starting With 87 Million/C11 But 55 Billion Yuan!
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Starting With 87 Million/C11 But 55 Billion Yuan!
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C11 But 55 Billion Yuan!

Zhou Yuvwei's smug smile vanished at the sight before her.

"Mr. Faang, perhaps it's best to quit while you're ahead. Who knows who he'll call..."

Faang Cheng seemed to ignore her, simply smiling in anticipation of the phone call.

Zhou Yuvwei wasn't scared of Zhang Zhicheng, but she found him to be a real nuisance, unable to hide her irritation.

"What's the matter? Having trouble with the call?"

Faang Cheng watched with amusement as the other man put down his phone in frustration.

The moment Zhang Zhicheng caught Faang Cheng's grin, he sensed some trickery at play, yet the phone had never left his grasp, untouched by the young man.

"If you dare to leak that video, I'll make sure everyone here pays dearly!"

Zhang Zhicheng intended to confront Faang Cheng directly, but recalling the odd incident with his phone, he hesitated, his brow furrowing before he turned and bellowed at the onlookers.

The Zhang family was one of the top four financial dynasties in Jiang City.

They were not to be trifled with by the patrons outside.

After a moment's thought, everyone lowered their phones.

Just then, as Zhang Zhicheng turned back to approach Faang Cheng, he stumbled as if tripping over thin air.

As Zhang Zhicheng struggled to his feet, his suit, already straining against his girth, ripped audibly.

The next instant, his bright red underwear was on full display to the crowd.

Zhou Yuvwei couldn't contain her laughter.

When misfortune strikes, it seems even drinking water can choke you, she thought, as Zhang Zhicheng's red underpants became the center of attention.

"What kind of trick did you pull, you little scamp?!"

Zhang Zhicheng, now standing, furiously berated Faang Cheng.

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, why would you say that? Didn't you notice my hands outstretched, ready to catch you? It's not my fault you didn't reach for me. Everyone saw you fall on your own—no need to falsely accuse me."

"Come on, with your flashy wealth, who would dare snap a photo of you, huh?" Faang Cheng said, glancing around at the onlookers.

Though no pictures were taken, everyone nodded in agreement.

Zhang Zhicheng, witnessing the scene, suddenly felt like an ant on a hot skillet.

True, his reputation was less than stellar outside, notorious as a spoiled rich kid.

But among the wealthy, he wasn't the worst—many were cut from the same cloth.

Today's debacle, however, was a new low.

Now, people knew not only about his foul temper but also the color of his underwear—a mortifying exposure.

Despite the recent events having no direct link to Faang Cheng.

Zhang Zhicheng's gut screamed that Faang Cheng was somehow involved.

"Zhou Yuvwei, you're utterly shameless. Your family's glory days are over. They'll definitely bind you to me. You won't escape my clutches in this lifetime!"

Zhang Zhicheng's anger had no outlet, so he lashed out at Zhou Yuvwei.

Upon hearing this, Faang Cheng's brow furrowed. He strode over and delivered two sharp slaps to Zhang Zhicheng without a word.

The crowd, disoriented by some system interference, saw only a blur before noticing the vivid red marks on Zhang Zhicheng's face.

Fuming, Zhang Zhicheng was about to hurl insults when he saw Faang Cheng standing nonchalantly at a distance.

"Weren't you the one who just slapped me?!"

Zhang Zhicheng was convinced he was seeing things.

There was no way Faang Cheng could have reached him from where he stood.

Zhou Yuvwei, unaffected by the system, had clearly seen Faang Cheng give Zhang Zhicheng two solid slaps.

"What do you mean by 'having taste'? Seems to me everything you do lacks any semblance of it!" Faang Cheng remarked, taking a step towards Zhou Yuvwei.

"Zhou Yuvwei, get over here!"

Zhang Zhicheng whipped out his phone, aiming it at Zhou Yuvwei's mother's number in his contacts as though threatening Zhou Yuvwei.

"You're probably clueless, but your family's finances are in shambles due to an accident. That's why I need to marry you in a hurry—to use your dowry to plug that gap!"

Upon hearing Zhang Zhicheng's words, Zhou Yuvwei's head snapped up, her eyes wide with disbelief.

The family's capital chain was broken? Impossible. Her family was a financial dynasty; such things didn't just collapse overnight.

Zhang Zhicheng chuckled at her incredulity. "Believe it or not, go home and ask around. I, an outsider, seem to know more than you, a Zhou. Seems like your own family doesn't see you as one of their own."

Zhou Yuvwei felt a pang in her heart at his words, but before she could dwell on the pain, she felt a comforting warmth on her head. Faang Cheng was frowning slightly, his hand gently stroking her hair. "Your life is yours to lead, not a chip to be traded by others. If your family's capital chain is indeed broken, there are surely other ways out. Go back and talk to your family."

Looking into Faang Cheng's earnest face, Zhou Yuvwei's usually placid heart began to stir. For the first time, someone had told her she wasn't just a bargaining chip... All her life, from kindergarten to adulthood, she had been groomed in etiquette and social graces, not to live her own dreams but to be a decorative piece for her family's prestige.

"I didn't take you for someone who cries easily," Faang Cheng said, seeing a tear escape her eye. He awkwardly reached out to wipe it away.

"You country bumpkin, you'd probably drop your jaw at the figure," Zhang Zhicheng sneered, hearing Faang Cheng's comforting words. He flashed his fingers, signaling a number. "5.5 billion!"

At that number, Zhou Yuvwei's knees weakened. Though her family's net worth far exceeded that amount, a shortfall in liquid assets of such magnitude was undoubtedly catastrophic.

The crowd around them buzzed with speculation. "The Wealthy Class really lives up to its name—such vast liquid assets..."

"But what good does it do? Didn't you hear? Their cash flow is cut off! Looks like the miss will have to marry into the Zhang family after all..."

"Actually, it's not the worst outcome. An alliance between two Wealthy Class families, but it's a shame for the young lady to be caught in the middle."

Upon hearing the figure, Faang Cheng let out a soft chuckle.

Zhang Zhicheng mistook Faang Cheng's reaction for fear.

"Now, get on your knees and call me daddy. I'll let bygones be bygones. You're just a country bumpkin—you ought to head back to where you came from. Did you really think a place like this was for everyone?"

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