Starting With 87 Million/C14 Reviving Not Walking the Normal Path
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Starting With 87 Million/C14 Reviving Not Walking the Normal Path
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C14 Reviving Not Walking the Normal Path

The room erupted into a commotion.

Reluctance was the common sentiment.

They were mostly mothers and grandmothers who had finally found a job close to home, a place where they could even bring their children to work.

How could the company just declare bankruptcy?

Amidst the grumbling, the bald uncle was at a loss for words.

At that moment, the young woman tallying up accounts in the finance office's eyes went wide.

What was going on?

Was she seeing things, or was the computer glitching?

She was about to clear all the sales data for the Pineapple brand phones when everything froze.

"Holy smokes! This is huge!"

The moment she hit refresh, the monthly sales for the Pineapple phone skyrocketed with tens of thousands of new orders!

"We're not going under like this!"

The young woman, suddenly recalling the factory manager's meeting about layoffs, felt a surge of adrenaline and dashed over on her metaphorical wheels.

She arrived just in time to see everyone trudging out, heads down in defeat.

"Nobody leave!"

She cried out.

The factory manager, who had just been preparing the employees for the worst, nearly collapsed.

"Little Fang, what are you on about? If they don't leave, who's going to pay their wages?"

Everyone paused in their tracks.

Little Fang quickly pulled up the screen on her phone.

"For some reason, our orders have spiked! Not only do we not have to leave, but we might also need to start working overtime!"

"That's amazing!!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, while the bald factory manager, skeptical, squinted at the screen for a second look.

He promptly plopped down on the floor.

"Hey, are you okay, boss?"

Xiao Fang asked, her brow furrowed in concern.

The bald factory manager clutched his chest, his face a picture of bewilderment.

"Have I arrived in heaven? This joy is so unexpected!"

The employees quickly helped him to his feet.

"Come on, let's get back to work!"

Seeing the excitement in everyone's eyes, the bald factory manager felt his long-dormant blood boiling with life.

"Little Sister Xiao Fang, go buy some good eats. We're working overtime tonight, and we're going to treat everyone to a feast!"

Xiao Fang accepted the task with glee, her eyes curving into crescents with her smile.

And this miraculous turn of events was something Faang Cheng and the rest were completely unaware of.

Faang Cheng couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed as he watched the swarm of internet celebrities and media personalities descend upon the restaurant.

It wouldn't have been an issue if he were by himself.

But Zhou Yuvwei, standing next to him, seemed a bit upset by Zhang Zhicheng's remarks.

Moreover, Faang Cheng was fairly confident that the patrons of this upscale establishment wouldn't gossip so carelessly.

After all, spreading rumors would only serve to tarnish the reputation of their elite social circle, making them a spectacle for the masses.

They would much prefer to keep the chatter within their own ranks than to let the general public in on their secrets.

"Did you catch that, Faang Cheng? If you did, hit me with a 666!"

"Guys, did you see the trending topic?"

"Big shoutout to the bro who sent the Cloud Piercing Arrow! Straight through the clouds, he's got a place in my heart!"

The clamor of the influencers filled the space, but this was no ordinary venue.

The security here was top-notch, ensuring the crowd could only make noise from the entrance without gaining access.

This stand-off, however, was short-lived.

Eager for the spotlight, some prominent streamers and influencers began inquiring about membership fees.

The waitstaff, maintaining stoic faces, were secretly delighted; their sales were soaring!

Just as the influencers were about to surge in with their new memberships, a man sporting a lobby manager's badge and a crisply tailored suit approached.

"Excuse me, Mr. Faang, may we escort you out of here for a moment?"

Faang Cheng shot the manager a look that nearly rolled his eyes.

Was he only stepping in after noticing that the card-carrying crowd was nearly through?

"Let's get out of here. I'd rather not interact with them."

Zhou Yuvwei, frowning, instinctively took Faang Cheng's hand, her touch soft and reassuring.

Faang Cheng nodded in agreement.

The manager caught the cue and discreetly signaled the nearby servers.

They quickly formed a barrier, shielding Faang Cheng from the throng.

Then, the manager led Faang Cheng and Zhou Yuvwei through a side door and into the staircase reserved for staff, just as the newly carded influencers, with their keen eyes, realized Faang Cheng had slipped away and promptly gave chase.

"Faang Cheng took the employee exit! Quick, block him off!"

It was unclear who had yelled out the command.

The influencers who were on the fence about signing up for cards scattered in an instant, as if adrenaline had suddenly surged through their veins.

Inside, those who had already secured their cards gaped in surprise.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please note that these cards are non-refundable."

The waitstaff exchanged knowing glances with the cardholders, understanding the unspoken disappointment.

With that announcement, there was little the crowd could argue—they were still broadcasting live, after all.

Had the streams been off, they might have raised a ruckus for days on end!

But at the moment, the pursuit of Faang Cheng took precedence over any refund concerns.

One broadcaster, whose viewership had skyrocketed after capturing Faang Cheng's retreat, dashed out the door with determination and slipped into the employee corridor through a side passage.

"They're catching up to us."

This building had only one such passageway, and the sounds of pursuit were unmistakably clear.

Zhou Yuvwei felt a twinge of anxiety.

Faang Cheng was gripping her hand as they hurried along, with their pursuers not far behind.

The situation felt bizarrely like an elopement.

Shaking off the thought, Zhou Yuvwei misstepped on the stairs and tumbled to the ground.

"Are you alright? Can you stand?"

Faang Cheng spun around at the sound of Zhou Yuvwei's pained cry.

He saw her struggling to rise and, hearing the closing footsteps, quickly made a decision.

"Back or bridal style—pick one."

Zhou Yuvwei blushed deeply; she had never been so close to a boy before.

"Forget choosing—if we wait, they'll catch us. I'll carry you on my back!"

Without waiting for a response, Faang Cheng bent down for her.

Zhou Yuvwei didn't hesitate, draping her delicate arms around his neck.

"I might be a bit heavy..."

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, unseen by Faang Cheng, who felt a surge of energy as she clung to him.

Fortunately, Faang Cheng couldn't see.

The moment Zhou Yuvwei's entire body pressed against him, Faang Cheng felt a sudden jolt of alertness.


Damn, damn.

What's that scent? It's so fragrant.

As he hoisted Zhou Yuvwei onto his back, Faang Cheng muttered to himself.

With each step, he immediately became aware of Zhou Yuvwei's voluptuous form quivering against him.

Zhou Yuvwei sensed the stiffness in Faang Cheng's body and instinctively shifted slightly away.

Faang Cheng felt a stirring in his body and quickly shook his head, steering them down a path.

"How are you planning to get out of here?! Won't you be spotted if you leave like this?"

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