Starting With 87 Million/C15 He Was so Aggressive That He Went to Meet His Parents?
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Starting With 87 Million/C15 He Was so Aggressive That He Went to Meet His Parents?
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C15 He Was so Aggressive That He Went to Meet His Parents?

Faang Cheng shook his head.

"There's a saying that the most dangerous place can be the safest," he mused.

Zhou Yuvwei couldn't bring herself to agree with that notion, not with the way things were at the moment.

But Faang Cheng didn't hesitate; he pushed the door open and strode toward the elevator.

They were now on the 28th floor, having left the restaurant on the 30th just moments ago.

Zhou Yuvwei had expected a crowd upon opening the door, but to her surprise, the elevator area was deserted.

"They're bound to realize we've left," she said.

Faang Cheng shook his head once more.

"You've got to be daring!"

As they approached, Zhou Yuvwei was taken aback to find the elevator conveniently waiting on their floor.

"Could your luck get any better?" she exclaimed.

With a secretive smile, Faang Cheng kept to himself that the elevator's timely arrival was part of a plan suggested by the system.

Inside the elevator, they were alone. The enclosed space amplified Zhou Yuvwei's breathing, making it sound louder in her own ears.

Feeling the softness against his back, Faang Cheng couldn't help but reflect.

There's something about young girls...

His thoughts drifted to Su Qingya.

Now that he had the means...

Su Qingya, wait for me...

Unaware that Faang Cheng's mind was on another, Zhou Yuvwei felt the elevator ride drag on interminably.

Why were they still on the 15th floor after such a long wait?

"Cough, cough, no one's chasing us anymore. You can put me down," she said, her voice tinged with embarrassment.

But Faang Cheng was quick to refuse.

"I caught a glimpse earlier; your ankle's swollen. You can't walk on it, not unless you fancy a month in bed."

With no choice but to accept her predicament, Zhou Yuvwei stayed perched on Faang Cheng's back.

"Am I... am I heavy?" she ventured.

The question nearly drew a laugh from Faang Cheng.

"You're as light as a feather!"

Zhou Yuvwei managed an awkward chuckle at his jest.

As she was about to speak again, the elevator chimed, signaling their arrival at the underground parking level.

"Good thing we didn't leave the car outside; they're definitely blocking the entrance."

Faang Cheng expressed his relief as he carried Zhou Yuvwei toward the vehicle.

As the car drew nearer, Zhou Yuvwei found herself gazing at Faang Cheng's broad shoulders, feeling unexpectedly reluctant to part ways.

Why was she feeling this way?

There was also this peculiar yet pleasant scent coming from Faang Cheng.

"Seeing as you can't walk, is there someone who can pick you up from home?"

Faang Cheng immediately shook his head after posing the question.

"Judging by what Zhang Zhicheng said today, you're not exactly the favorite at home, are you? No one's going to come for you. Let me take you back."

Zhou Yuvwei felt a twinge of discomfort at his blunt words.

But it was Faang Cheng speaking, and that discomfort quickly dissipated.

Perhaps this is just his straightforward nature.

"Alright, you can take me back. I've racked up enough favors today; one more won't make a difference."

Zhou Yuvwei agreed without hesitation. Faang Cheng nodded, started the car, and they sped away from the area.

Following Zhou Yuvwei's directions, they quickly approached her home.

"We're nearly there."

Faang Cheng spoke gently, patting the dozing Zhou Yuvwei.

Roused from her slumber, Zhou Yuvwei let out a soft, kitten-like sound before opening her eyes.

"To be honest, I really don't want to go back."

She recognized the increasingly familiar streets.

Zhou Yuvwei murmured to herself.

"You need to realize that you are your own person. If you confine yourself to the script others have written for you, you'll never break free. Life is much like wandering through a maze. If you step outside and look in, you'll see things much more clearly."

Faang Cheng's words left Zhou Yuvwei momentarily speechless.

"But I still don't get it. Why are you helping me?"

"I simply can't stand to see a perfectly good person turn into a wooden, emotionless tool. You've rented the entire 17th floor, haven't you? With all that space, there must be something you want to do. While you're young, go ahead and do it."

Zhou Yuvwei listened and pursed her lips thoughtfully.

She seemed on the verge of saying something but was clearly struggling, ultimately choosing to keep her thoughts to herself.

"Has no one ever spoken such words to you throughout your childhood?"

The car rounded a bend.

Only two miles to go.

Watching Zhou Yuvwei silently nod, a smile flickered across Faang Cheng's face.

"People say those in the city long to get out, while those outside yearn to get in. There's truth in that saying."

"When I was at the orphanage, we were taught from a young age to rely solely on ourselves. I'll never forget the words our old dean shared with us before he passed away."

"Can you guess what he told us?"

Zhou Yuvwei hadn't realized that Faang Cheng came from an orphanage.

She was taken aback.

And yet, her respect for him grew.

Here was someone who had nothing, yet now he possessed more than she did!

"I won't guess. Just tell me."

Zhou Yuvwei's silence didn't bother Faang Cheng.

They were nearly there.

Guessing would only waste time.

"On his deathbed, he told us that even though we were abandoned, we were still like the sun, with immense strength. Each of us had the potential to shine and find our worth in the future."

Zhou Yuvwei paused, slightly dazed by his words.

"For some reason, I suddenly find myself envying orphans like you..."

The words slipped out before she could stop them, and she quickly covered her mouth.

"That's not what I meant!"

Seeing Zhou Yuvwei's endearingly guilty expression, Faang Cheng couldn't help but chuckle.

"To be honest, I don't think I could handle living in your home. The time I spent in the orphanage was the happiest. So no, you haven't offended me."

As he finished speaking, the car came to a halt.

Zhou Yuvwei gazed at the familiar sign of her family home and let out a sigh.

Stepping out meant facing reality.

She needed to see for herself whether what Zhang Zhicheng had said was true.

"It looks like there's no time for your sighs now."

Faang Cheng's attention was fixed on an angry-looking woman approaching them. He frowned and spoke to Zhou Yuvwei.


Zhou Yuvwei was still catching up.

Confused, she followed Faang Cheng's gaze and her expression shifted dramatically.

Her mouth hung open, yet no sound emerged.

Clad in a fiery red gown, the woman's high heels clacked assertively against the ground as she strode toward Zhou Yuvwei.

Zhou Yuvwei, catching sight of her, hastily opened the car door and stood up, disregarding the pain in her feet.

The pain nearly sent her tumbling to the ground.

"Thank you!"

Expecting to hit the pavement, Zhou Yuvwei was instead steadied by a firm hand.

Faang Cheng's brow furrowed as he regarded the woman who had approached them.

Clearly, this was the individual Zhang Zhicheng had mentioned.

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