Starting With 87 Million/C16 Round Porridge's Real Self
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Starting With 87 Million/C16 Round Porridge's Real Self
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C16 Round Porridge's Real Self

The woman was already simmering with irritation.

Her fury flared even more when she saw Faang Cheng reach out to pull Zhou Yuvwei back. "Do you still remember what I told you?!" Zhou Yuvwei meekly bowed her head. "I will not marry that Zhang Zhicheng from the Zhang family!" The woman, disregarding Faang Cheng's presence, extended her gaunt hands, aiming for Zhou Yuvwei's face. Faang Cheng's brow furrowed. He had suspected Zhou Yuvwei lacked standing within her family, but he hadn't realized her situation was this dire. Was his own mother being too harsh? Zhou Yuvwei instinctively closed her eyes, bracing for the sting of a slap. Instead, her mother's shrill voice pierced the air. "What lowlife do you think you are, daring to touch me?" Faang Cheng heard her and swiftly knocked her hand away. "Good day, ma'am. If I'm considered lowly, does that make you noble?" Yali huffed dismissively, her gaze landing on the Lamborghini. "Zhou Yuvwei! Our family's finances aren't what they used to be, you know that. And yet you dare to bring this car now?!" Faang Cheng chuckled to himself when Yali mistook his car for Zhou Yuvwei's, but his amusement was taken as a taunt. "What's so funny?!" Yali, now seething, raised her hand to strike Faang Cheng as she had Zhou Yuvwei. "Today has certainly been enlightening; so this is how the 'elite' behave." Faang Cheng's expression chilled. He caught her wrist firmly, causing her face to contort in pain. "Consider yourself lucky I don't hit women," he said icily. Yali was about to retort when the roar of an engine interrupted her. A sleek, black stretch vehicle pulled up behind Faang Cheng's car. Zhou Yuvwei's face tensed at the sight. Meanwhile, Yali's fierce demeanor crumbled, and she began to cry pitifully, tears streaming down her face.

"You're not from Sichuan, are you?"

Yali was taken aback.

What about Sichuan?

Faang Cheng raised an eyebrow at her confusion.

"Not from Sichuan, yet you've mastered the art of face-changing so expertly? You must be naturally gifted."

"You! Hmph!"

Yali, sensing the sarcasm in Faang Cheng's tone, was about to retort.

But then, someone got out of the car.

Her furious expression melted into one of pitiful distress in an instant.


Yali whimpered quietly.

Zhou Yuvwei watched the newcomer and averted her gaze.

"Dad, you're home."

This was the patriarch of the Zhou family.

Faang Cheng looked up, locking eyes with Zhou's father.

Zhou's father surveyed the plainly dressed individual before him and then turned to Yali.

"What's all this commotion? We're at the front door of our home; this is no way to behave!"

Zhou's father was about to continue when his eyes caught the bruises on Yali's wrist, deliberately displayed.

"What happened here?"

He approached, his face clouded with anger, his question directed at Yali, but his gaze fixed on Zhou Yuvwei and Faang Cheng.

Tear streaks marred Yali's face.

Zhou's father scrutinized Faang Cheng, certain his daughter would never do such a thing.

After all,

She was someone who could never assert herself at home.

"It's nothing. I understand why Weiwei would reject the arrangement I made. Nowadays, young people champion the idea of free love..."

With that, Yali sighed.

Her eyes flicked to Faang Cheng, who stood expressionless.

"But I never imagined Weiwei would choose someone so unsuitable... and she doesn't even care to help with the family's current troubles..."

Upon hearing this, Zhou's father's gaze shifted back to Yali's injuries, and he rose, seething with rage.

There had been problems cropping up everywhere lately.

The shareholders were already upset over the broken financial chain, and he was frustrated enough as it was.

Now, Zhou Yuvwei had to add to his troubles?

Didn't she realize she was utterly useless?

After twenty-one years,

It was time she proved her worth.

What could possibly be wrong with marrying into the Zhang family?

Now, it seemed the Zhangs were the only ones willing to lend a hand to the Zhou family through such means!

Just as he suspected, his daughter was of no use at all!

"Butler! Escort the young miss to her room for confinement. Cut off her allowance and suspend her school attendance. She needs to reflect on her behavior thoroughly!" Zhou's father commanded without further discussion.

The butler wore a look of resignation.

Though he pitied the young lady, who would dare defy the orders of Zhou's father?

Zhou Yuvwei's gaze was cast downward, yet within her eyes, a fierce fire seemed to blaze.

Faang Cheng had once said that everyone is like a sun, capable of shining brightly, possessing a scorching power.

She had already taken the significant step of renting her own place, and she couldn't let herself be stopped now!

"Miss, please don't make this harder than it has to be. Come with us..." the butler implored as he approached Zhou Yuvwei.

Faang Cheng watched her, head bowed, feeling a sense of helplessness.

He had tried to guide her, but some battles she had to fight on her own.

"Butler, why so soft-spoken? My sister is just ungrateful!" a boy, about fifteen or sixteen, stepped out of the car, his expression sullen and dark.

Neither Yali nor Zhou's father saw anything wrong with his harsh words toward his sister; they even nodded in agreement.

Zhou's father smiled at the boy, affectionately ruffling his hair. "Go on inside, son. You don't need to worry about these outside affairs."

Faang Cheng observed the young man, who scoffed and rolled his eyes at him. As he walked away, he muttered something under his breath.

It wasn't clear to the others, but Faang Cheng, with his system, caught every word.

He perked up immediately.

This kid.

Could he really be that notorious Round Porridge?


Zhou Yuvwei abruptly lifted her head.

"I'm not going in! And I'm not skipping school either! Do whatever you like with the living allowance. You probably don't even realize that I only receive a thousand yuan a month!"

Faang Cheng was taken aback.

Where did Zhou Yuvwei find the money for her rent?

Without his discount, it would be a significant outlay.

"Did you know I've been working and saving diligently since childhood? I've accumulated money for twenty-one years to chase my dreams, not to wrap myself up like a present for someone else!"

Zhou's father was utterly astonished.

"Why didn't you offer that money to help with the family's finances?"

Faang Cheng was at a loss for words.

How could someone be so self-righteous about stealing?

Zhou Yuvwei remained stoic.

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